Was everyone banded post-op?

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Was everyone banded post-op?

#1 Post by iristurquoise »

My first post..

I am approaching my surgery date quickly ( wednesday ) but I am a little unsure as to whether or not I should expect to have elastics holding my mouth shut or more techinically, my jaws in place. When I asked my surgeon, he was not very clear but gave me the distinct idea I would not have to go throught that ( I was surprised at this ). He told me that if I was able to eat steak the next day, I should eat steak. On the flip side, the nurse at my hospital consultation made me believe that I would definitely be banded. And should I really be expected to be banded for 6 weeks? ( I am having both my jaws moved and my wisdom teeth removed )


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#2 Post by iheartmypanda »

steak the next day???!!!
Oh my goodness.. your jaw won't even be healed...
are you sure?? This is the first time I've heard this!

uhm...as for the elastcs.. they might not happen right after surgey but they'll happen soon after as your new bite needs to be guided into place.

Be prepared to not chew for a while. You won't be able to open your mouth much at all!

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#3 Post by TheUnk311 »

oh wow steak the next day? I could only dream! My OS wants me on liquid-only for 6 weeks, but I've already cheated and had some over-cooked mac and cheese and mashed potatoes =p I figure if I don't have to chew it's ok

I wasn't banded until I saw my ortho, he put 2 on but from the sounds of it they are only to move my teeth tighter together, not to align or keep my jaw in place.

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#4 Post by Gem »

I was banded immediately. The os showed me how to change them and instructed me to change them twice a day for eating and cleaning. Now that I am past the 5 week mark I only use them for sleeping and those bands are lighter. Ortho said it is physical therapy and the nighttime bands are to keep the jaws from wandering.

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#5 Post by iristurquoise »

I was surprised at this too. I think he was simply trying to get the point across that if I shouldn't sit around feeling sorry for myself. Rather that I should try my best to get back to normal. His theory is the sooner I do normal things, the sooner I'll feel better. The reason I wondered if I would be banded is the only elastics he said I would have would be the regular elastics you get at the orthodontist. He said otherwise no but I'm really wondering if he meant it. As well, I'm not on a liquid diet at all. I'm just supposed to eat what I can. His exact words were "you won't do any damage by eating solid foods, you'll just be in pain"

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#6 Post by ohmyjaw »

Everyone's surgeon seems to go about this differently... I was wired shut for 10 days. I never had any rubber bands, either before surgery or after. After the surgeon took my wires off, I was instructed to eat soft foods. My next appointment was about a week after that, and at that point I was told to start eating normally but don't attempt anything that caused pain. I don't eat steak - am veggie - but don't think that would have been possible until maybe... three or four weeks after surgery?

Hope your surgery goes well and let us know when you're able to chow down on that steak!

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#7 Post by nvcarissa »

And then there was me...

Wired shut for a week. Strong elastics front and back (box) for four weeks. Four more weeks of elastics just in the front.

I was on liquids for a week, no chew for five weeks more. I didn't get to go to soft chew until six weeks post op. And this was because my surgeon told me that it takes the bone 3 months to get back to 90% strength.

Steak the next day? Yikes! Your surgeon cannot possibly be serious.

Braced 5/11/05, BSSO with advancement 6/21/06, Debanded: 8/1/07. Click on www for my braces story.

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#8 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

And then there was my surgeon LOL...no wires, no bands, no splint, no nothing. Open mouthed immediately post surgery. I'm on fork smash diet. Anything I can smash with a fork and get down, absolutely no chewing for 6 weeks though. So mostly I'm doing liquid/blended diet, and very soft soft foods that require absolutely no chewing.

At 6 days post op I could open my jaw 23mm, today, 8 days post op, I know it is farther. Not sure exactly how much, but I cn yawn now, and talking has been a lot easier. Swelling inside my mouth has come down a lot. Up until today I couldn't really close my teeth, as the swelling wouldn't allow it, but this evening things have improved and closing is becoming do-able without any forcing.

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#9 Post by iristurquoise »

Thank you so much for all of your posts! I'm guessing I won't have much choice but to play it by ear and see how things turn out. It looks as if it is a little bit different for each case. I would really be thrilled if I was like you, brandyleigh35, open mouth. That was the impression I was given by my doctor. But we've all had our consulations with our surgeons and they are certainly not the most clear and precise people to talk to. They did put hooks on my braces already, but I don't always get the feeling the communication is that great between the surgeon and my orthodontic office. I figure it is just policy, atleast I hope! I'll try to keep you guys updated because this forum has given me more information than I could imagine. I'm actually excited for the surgery date to finally come which is somewhere I never imagined I'd be.

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#10 Post by ohmyjaw »

I don't know if I had splints... but I didn't have hooks. My surgeon just wrapped the wires around my braces. One thing I did have that I have not seen elsewhere - I had acrylic glue across some of my teeth. It looks kind of like you have a lot of orthodontic wax on your teeth, except it is solid and didn't come off until about three weeks post-op when my surgeon ground it off (along with bits of my ceramic braces!)

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#11 Post by ohmyjaw »

Its job was just to hold everything in place until it healed a bit. It's probably similar to what a splint does (but a lot easier to deal with!)

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#12 Post by Eeegsy »

Banded tight for 6 weeks, Slack for 2 weeks! Looking back it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

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#13 Post by iristurquoise »

I talked to a friend of mine who seemed to have a worse underbite and the same surgeon. She said she was banded front and back for one week and for then the back stayed on for another week. That would be very easy to handle. I hope I'm in the same boat!

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#14 Post by vgmessenger »

Hey I think each OS does things different. I will have a splint after the surgery. My hooks will put on the day before. The hooks are for banding during the surgery. He told me that I would not be banded or wired when I wake up. Yee haw for me!!! Victoria

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