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sore throat

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 5:42 pm
by victoriaaa18
help guys!
i've only got 2 weeks to go for surgery but my throat's starting to hurt REALLY bad, I'm soo thirsty (first sign to me of a throat problem) I've drank 4 litres of water today & I'm still thirsty. I'm getting worried as my pre-op's on wednesday & if I have a sore throat I know the surgery will be cancelled..right? I'm prone to throat infections last november I had tonsillitis, glandular fever & an abscess in my right tonsil all at the same time
can anyone give me advice of how to prevent this? I've been taking vit c supplements as well... ugh this is so typical!
thanks victoria x

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 9:25 pm
by nvcarissa
If it were me, I'd get myself to a doctor as fast as I could and see if I need antibiotics.

sore throat

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 8:15 pm
by kate0310
ok my combo for killing the sore throat if its viral:
Echannacia + Goldenseal
OIL OF OREGANO (miracle worker)
Vitamin C
Zinc Lozenges

youve got the Vit C already, so go to a healthfood store for the rest. This should kill it. Good Luck!!!

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 3:24 pm
by Delag
...but make sure you check with your OS before you take ANYTHING. My OS has a laundry list of things to avoid before surgery, including asprin and fish oil.