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gum graft

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 5:19 pm
by oceanblue
After I got my braces on I had to have a gum graft. It went across my bottom two front teeth. I think it looks fairly ugly to have a piece of the roof of my mouth attached to my gum line! Anyone else have to have a gum graft before/during/after ortho treatment?

gum graft

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 7:40 pm
by kate0310
YUP! I had to have mine done before braces, and I agree....they are UGLY.

I found the surgery quite traumatizing actually, having to be awake and aware of things going on for 1.5 hours while they are completely cutting you apart...not cool at all. If I ever have to have another, they will have to give me a general because i have some bad memories from it.

But atleast having ours on the bottom, you can't really see it unless you pull down your lip. I think getting the top done would be more noticable with a smile.

Is yours slightly discoloured too?

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 10:11 pm
by oceanblue
Hi Kate. Yeah, I agree with you - I wouldn't want to have another one. Pretty crazy knowing they are cutting off a piece of the roof of your mouth!! Mine looks very obvious. It is darker in color than the rest of my gums and it also has the texture of the roof of my mouth. Gross! But, you're right, no one knows unless you pull down your lower lip!

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 1:24 pm

how long did you have wait until you got your gum graft post op?


Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 8:03 pm
by cashmoney21
I have to get a gum graft as well on my bottom two teeth, but I am scheduled for my jaw surgery in December. My ortho didn't say if I had to get it before surgery and I don't see him again for a week. Do you think they will still do the surgery on time, where I can get the gum graft afterwards?

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 1:55 am
I would say it would be after jaw surgery, I ve had the resession which is noticeable for about a year, it has,nt got any worse due to my dental hygene, it will prob be the same for you, if your doing all the right things, flossing, clean etc<whick you prob will be> it will be fine until after your surgery.

A peridontist will not touch your gums unless you have the hygene part under control.

Has no-one had a gum graft? I would like if it has worked out, also can you have more than one gum graft in the same area, to pack the tooth up to where it would have been years ago?

any help would be most appreicated.

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 7:33 am
by cashmoney21
Thanks PCP, I think so too. I was told by my ortho that a gum graft will prevent your gums from receding more, but the procedure won't be able to put your teeth and gums in that area back to looking how they used to. The graft just prevents it from getting worst.

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 9:03 am
I had gum grafts over 3 teeth on the top prior to braces. I tend to brush my teeth to frequently and to rough so I caused gum resession on the top.

The gas they gave me made me very naseated so they had to turn it off before they started the procedure. So they did the surgery with local anesthesia only. :shock: Although it was not painful it was quiet disturbing.
Fotunatly it does eventually flatten and start to fade. Although mine is on the top they are not noteciable.