Tomorrow is the big day!!!

This forum is for discussions relating to oral surgery for orthodontics.

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Tomorrow is the big day!!!

#1 Post by AndyH »

It has finally arrived. I'm having BSSO and Genio tomorrow. I'm going through phases of excitement and anxiety at the moment. By tomorrow morning I'm sure the excitement will probably have disappeared. Have to check into Hospital at 10am so I'm assuming it'll be an early afternoon operation.

Any last minute tips or advice?

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#2 Post by iBorg »

Good luck! I'll keep you in my thoughts. Since I'm waiting for appointments I have no good advice except be secure in that others have made it.

I wore braces (this time) for 1294 days or 3 years, 6 months and 17 days.
But who's counting?
Jaw Surgery June 1, 2009
Thanks for praying for me and thinking happy thoughts.


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#3 Post by dubnobass »

Good luck Andy, hope it all goes smoothly.

I'd be very interested in hearing about your experiences in surgery and afterwards, if you'd like to post them. I have surgery (in the UK also) looming myself and would like to know how it all goes - most accounts posted on here are from the US/Canada, so I'm always eager to read a British account.

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#4 Post by dubnobass »

Sorry, duplicate!

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#5 Post by freerideuk »

try not be such a woman :P

hahah ko am sure you will be fine :P

and i suggest you get yer arse home and get yer web cam soo when yer back from hospital a can see how attractive you are :P

you better doo it

and good luck am sure everything will stuff fine and telll everyone you need liquid food while yer staying at hospital soo they don't try give you solids as av herd has happened to people :|:|:|

good luck lolz xxx

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#6 Post by HighandLo »


As far as the anxiety part, what works for me is to keep busy and go for walks for the tension. It really helps to do something physical. Just think, in just over a day you won't be anxious about the surgery any more! 8)

My turn is in 5 days and I am already having trouble sleeping!

Best wishes to you tomorrow. We'll be thinking of you.


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#7 Post by phil »

Hey Andy! You have a surgery buddy--ME! Mine is scheduled for 7:30, but I think with the time difference, you'll be in the OR before I will.

I'm having a LeForte I and BSSO. We'll compare notes on the other side. Best of luck to you, mate!


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#8 Post by sillikitti »

Best of luck on your surgeries Andy and Phil :)
Hope everything goes smoothly!
Try not to worry..the worst is the waiting but before you know it's all over with and you can just concentrate on healing

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#9 Post by jjames »

So by the time I get up tomorrow morning and go to work, you'll have already been in surgery a couple of hours, and it'll be over before you know it. We're all rooting for you - best of luck!

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#10 Post by vgmessenger »

Good Luck to All and Pee Pee before they take you back!!!

Victoria (Elastic Hater)

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#11 Post by Happysmiler »

Hi AndyH,

Just wanted to wish you all the best for your Op tomorrwow - this is a huge event and I hope it all goes really well tomorrow.

Keep us informed on your progress.

Best Wishes



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#12 Post by freerideuk »


omg you will just be getting ready to go down for surgery as am writting this :P

a bet yer not soo laid back about it now haha bet you took the drugs too relax you that you thought you wouldn't need

any way i hope everything goes really well and i hope your swelling is minimal and am sure you will be back out at the pubs in nooo time :P


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#13 Post by WhiteLurcher »

More belated bestest wishes, your probably in recovery now! Hope it goes well :thumbsup:


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