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Questions re Z'n'S products for those who have used them

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 11:12 am
by Genevieve
Hi there,

I'm going to be going in for my BSSO and Le Fort I in the next few weeks and am starting to get prepared. I'm considering buying some of the Zip-n-Squeeze products, but wanted to see how those of you who used them rated them. I'm particularly interested in:

- the Bags - I've seen some posts about customised versions, but would value opinions as to whether they are worth the money. I'd also like to know if the Hospital Pack is worth it, or would reusing one bag be as good?

- the Cool Jaw Wrap - is it better than the ones usually given in hospitals? I know the answer probably depends on what the hospital has given you, but for those who bought one, was it more comfortable? And was it worth the money, considering the length of time you need a cool wrap for before switching to heat?

I'm asking because I'm British and will get them sent over to me via an american friend, but don't want to put her to a whole heap of trouble, if they aren't worth it.

Thanks in avance for your help,


Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 11:49 am
by WhiteLurcher
Hi Genevieve

I got the hospital pack, the jaw wrap and the book. I only used the regular bags as I could eat with a teaspoon straight after surgery (both jaws same as you) they were very handy for water and juice, just wash and reuse. I didn't use the wrap but it is comfortable, the book is very helpful and has loads of recipes!

Hope this helps!

All the best!

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 6:32 pm
by phil

I am just home from the hospital, after my Leforte I and BSSO. Even as I type, I have the Zip n Squeeze jaw wrap on. It is infinitely more comfortable than the ice packs I received in the hospital.


Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 7:27 pm
by ohmyjaw
I did not get the wrap, but I got the bags and they were very good. Will you be banded or wired shut at all? If yes, I would say definitely get the bags, and get more than one because you will not want to re-use them too many times (for hygenic reasons). I think Zip-N-Squeeze recommends using a bag for about two or three days and then throwing it out.

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 12:44 am
by Genevieve
Thanks to all of you for your replies. It sounds like I should definitely be investing in the bags, the wrap and maybe even the book. I will be banded shut after the op, so anything that can make life simpler and more comfortable has to be a plus!

Best wishes to all.


Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 8:40 am
by vgmessenger
I am 9 days out from my BSSO and I ordered the Office pack ZNS and the cool jaw wrap. I loved them both and used them both at the hospital.

I did however start using the hospital ice packs becuase they were constantly cold whereas my cool jaw wrap was not because I could only keep my packs in ice and not in there freezer. When I got home I put all my packs straight in the freezer and starting using them again once they were frozen.

As for the ZNS they really work well for right after surgery when you need to consume a good bit of liquid.

Hope this helps

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 9:56 am
by phil
I am looking forward to when I can actually use zip n squeeze!

I am on day 4 from my LeForte I and BSSO, and can still only open about 2mm. So, everything I'm consuming right now is basically liquid, and I am using syringes from the hospital.

When I can open just a little bit wider, there will be a whole lot of things i can eat right away. For now, it's just soups and smoothies.

I would recommend these products to anyone going through this. It's a great way to get enough food into you to help your body to heal!

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 7:05 pm
by phil
Hello, Meryaten!

What a trip I'm on right now!

My problem right now is that no particle larger than 1 mm can get down my blasted gullet, because that is all the wider I can open with these super tight elastics. I guess I should go ahead and drink liquids from zip n squeeze, but I learned how to use the syringe at the hospital, and it just seemed easier than messing with one more thing right now. If I could actually put that darn tube in between my teeth right now, it would open up many more culinary worlds to me! I did discover the joys of mashed potato soup for dinner tonight, though, and I haven't managed to drop any weight yet!

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 11:11 am
by phil

I think if you can get the tube in your mouth, it's fine. The issue with me is that my teeth are so tightly banded together that nothing fits in between them except for liquid. If I can get to the point where I can actually open a little, I'd be in heaven! For now, I'm blending and straining everything. Hopefully, it won't be like this for too long.

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 1:07 pm
by phil
Hey seriously!

I don't know if my surgeon is conservative, or this is standard for a case like mine. There was a lot of movement involved in both arches--a total of 12 mm! I really cannot open my jaws very wide at all.

I'm just thrilled that I've gotten this far, and will do whatever I need to in order to see it through. I'll probably have about a year of ortho after this, but that's fine with me.

So, for now, it's more pureed potatoes and strained soup!

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 4:22 pm
by ohmyjaw
Hi Phil,
Hang in there! I was wired shut for 10 days so I know what you're going through. I used the ZipNSqueeze while wired and it worked pretty good. I suggest putting the tube in along side your teeth, as far back as you can get it. That way less liquid spills out... and some of it gets in behind your molars at the back. I know it's really tough to eat. Mashed potato soup sounds good; I never tried that one.

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 5:40 pm
by phil
Hey, ohmyjaw!

Today I turned a corner, and I feel much better. My swelling went down a lot, and I have actually regained a lot of feeling in my face. In fact, the only part of my face where I have NO feeling is my chin and lower lip. The rest I at least have the "tingling" feeling, and some sensation when I touch it with my finger.

Thanks for the suggestion on the zip n squeeze. I've been doing basically the same thing with the syringe from the hospital. I guess I could at least get the same food down easier with the zip n squeeze.

For the mashed potatoes, I just boiled them to death, and mixed them with a hand mixer. Then I added butter, salt, pepper, whole milk and chicken broth, until it was pretty thin. I ran it through the sieve a couple times, and it was good to go!

To flavor it, i took a can of chili beans, blended them with my Kitchenaid Immersion Blender until they were absolutely pureed, then ran them through the seive a couple of times. A little bit of that with the potatoes was yummy! I also made a thin cheese sauce with flour, butter, salt, pepper, whole milk and chicken broth. So now I have a few options on hand in the fridge!

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 6:25 pm
by phil
hey, seriously!

Chef? Hardly. Foodie? Sort of.

Actually, I have quite a problem. My meds are about to eat my stomach alive. I've been suffering from serious indigestion all day. And really, it's all that liquid Ibuprofen that I think is doing me in. If I could do without pain meds...ah, but that's another matter right now.

So, maybe the chili beans weren't such a hot idea for today. But they tasted like real food to me, and when everything is the same consistency, one longs for a hint of variety in the flavor!

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 4:08 pm
by phil
Hey Meryaten!

It's a very tiny spot back there. Used to be bigger, until the surgeon moved my mandible back!

Any hints on what I can take for my lousy stomach? I'm trying yogurt to build back up the flora.

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 4:55 pm
by phil
Hey Meryaten!

That kefir sounds like it packs a wallop! Wow. I'm going to see if I can find it at the health food store.

For now, I may try to find some Dannon probiotic at the neighborhood store. Actually, it would do me good to take a little stroll!

BTW, I'm in a very good mood, because the feeling is starting to come back to my lower lip tonight. That seems really soon, but it is. The only parts of my face that still have NO feeling at all are my chin, and the patch below my lower lip down to the chin. I think I'm coming along pretty well!