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Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 6:53 am
by crazybeautiful
Hi :D

I'm no expert as I'm a newbie myself, but my surgeon really just said that my nose, mainly nostrils will widen slightly (but if you're like me and have 'slits' for nosrils, as my surgeon so kindly put it, a little widening wouldn't hurt :wink: ) and the tip may upturn slightly also.

Now that's me and I don't know if the same can apply to you, but I don't think there will be any major change.

However, as I said, I'm not very knowlegable at all (why bother posting, right? :roll: ), but most regulars here are fonts of knowledge and will help you out I'm sure :wink:

Good luck with the surgery :D

nose changes

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 7:39 am
by kate0310
Hi There,
From what I can tell from my upper/lower surgery, there is a very very slight change in my nose- the tip is every so slightly tipped up more and my nostrils have widened a tiny bit.

I dont think the movement in my upper jaw was very drastic, so perhaps more change would occur if it was moved around more.

Basically, if you are looking for a new nose through the won't get it...but if you are worried about your nose changing, don't worry it is hardly noticable.

On a finaly note- I personally think that my nose looks better because of the changes in my lower jaw. Not because it has changed shape but because my face is more balanced looking, so my nose does not stand out as much because my lower jaw looks better.

Hope that helps!

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 8:19 am
by crazybeautiful
I know this isn't accurate, but in regards to change in nostrils, if you put two fingers under your top lip and push upwards, you will see how it moves your nose out slightly. Again, this isn't accurate :roll: , but a basic indicator as to how much, or should I say how little, the changes will be :wink:

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 8:23 pm
by kate0310

that shows the change, keeping in mind the swelling may come down not really sure.

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 3:53 am
by smile2006
I had upper and lower and genio with widening of the upper jaw at the same time. I would say my nose looks slighly wider as well but so does my face in general. I think my face looke wider because I was treated for an open bite and in reducing the vertical length of the upper jaw my face did in fact become shorter, making it appear wider. I also think that widening the upper jaw and bringing the teeth in wide arches impacts how both the nose and overall face looks. Oral surgeons are concerned with aesthetics as well as the bite so he/she will do you right!!!!