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Splint Out

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 8:03 am
by vgmessenger
Hello all my BSSO was June 19th. I had my appt with ortho on Tuesday July the 3rd. The tech took my splint out and let me brush. Wow that was great!! Then my doc came and checked out the results he decided to leave the splint out. Wow I can talk almost normal again. Eating is still weird but alot easier with that out of my mouth. I can still see my stiches and I know have to wear elastics from the 4th tooth on the top to the 5th on the bottom and the 5th on top to the 6th on bottom. both sides!! You guys kow how much I hate these elastics!! I am guessing he is tweaking my bite still. No pain meds in 2 days but I do have a bit of head ache. i think maybe i will take some motrin. i can still see my stiches I wonder how long they take to dissolve? Well i am out for now.
