ears popping/flying question

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ears popping/flying question

#1 Post by massey1873 »

A few weeks ago, my family and I went up into the mountains. My ears were killing me. I would stick my finger in my ear and press hard and it would feel better. My OS said this was my muscles that were hurting.

Well we are flying this weekend and I am afraid it is going to hurt again. Anytips, I am already planning to get earplugs, but I am not sure they will press hard enough on the muscle to prevent it from hurting.

Do you think it will hurt?

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#2 Post by crazybeautiful »

Mine always hurt or pop whenever I fly (and I am flying tomorrow :D ) due to the pressure. What I do is sucks hard sweets like pear drops or whatever, as the swallowing seems to help. I also breathe in, then breathe out gently with my mouth closed and pinching my nose closed too (so you're not really breathing out)- it helps the pressure within your ears. I believe the it's called the 'Eustachian tube', and when opened, once you swallow, or yawn even- if you can make yourself yawn- (this activates your muscles to open the tube), and makes your ears pop.... Try it anyway, it works for me :)

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#3 Post by massey1873 »

Did your ears popping start after surgery? I have never had problems with it before. The OS seemed to think it has something to do with the pressure on the ears placing pressure on the jaw muscles.

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#4 Post by HighandLo »


I would think it would be the other way around! That your jaw muscles place pressure on your ears. Anyway, I'm 10 days post-op and I have had on and off pressure on my ears that almost feels like an earache. My OS told me last week that was normal after my surgery.

By the way, I had an experience like yours once driving up in the mountains. We changed height elavations rather quickly and, oh my, my ears and head hurt so much I thought I'd cry. My husband bought some nasal spray and that helped to open my sinuses. He is retired Air Force and said that's what the fliers did.

I was scared to death the same thing would happen again, but I flew to Denver after that and didn't have any trouble in the moutnains and never had it again. My advice is to use a decongestant and like crazybeautiful said, chew on something that will helps your ears equalize. It's either sinus pressure or ear pressure that is out of whack.


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#5 Post by massey1873 »

I have never heard of the sinus thing before but I will definately do it and the sucking on hard candy.

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#6 Post by HighandLo »

I should have said a decongestant nasal spray, like Afrin, then you can use as needed. Works for me! I do have asthma and allergies, so I guess that's part of the congestion problem sometimes.


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