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If you had a splint.. how long did you have it for?

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 2:50 pm
by dubnobass
Before my surgery, my surgeon had said that he doesn't usually leave the bite wafer/splint in place post-surgery, which I was very pleased to hear.

When I woke up on Wednesday after having the chop, I had a splint attached to my top teeth. When the surgeon came round a few hours later, he just said "Yes, we had to leave the splint in place, I'm sorry about that, as I know it was something you were concerned about"

What I don't know is -why- the splint had to be left in place, and how long I can expect to have to wear it for. I am having real trouble speaking with this thing in (and the frozen bottom lip), and keeping it clean is also a pain. Am I going to have this thing for several weeks, or only a week or so? If they're used to line up the position of the jaws during surgery, then what purpose do they serve once the jaws have been fixed with plates etc?

I've been pretty upbeat about things post-surgery, but I suspect if anything is going to make me 'hit the wall', it's going to be this blinkin' splint.

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 4:12 pm
by Eeegsy
i had mine in for 6 weeks! Banded shut for 6 whole weeks! This was all planned of course so I knew what the score would be. I was then banded lightly for 2 weeks after, without the splint.

To be honest I didn't find it all that bad, just the fact that no solids were aloud, just liquid. If it has to stay in for a long time then don't worry about it, you will look back and laugh!

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 5:40 pm
by ohmyjaw
I didn't have the splint so I can't help with this one... why not just call up your surgeon and ask?

I looked at your blog - you're looking well, and off painkillers on day 4?? Incredible!

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 9:12 pm
by Spooky
I had my teeth wired shut for 3 weeks, so that was how long my splint was in there for.

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 12:12 am
by dubnobass
I can't really call up anyone - I'm not joking when I say it makes talking difficult. Everything comes out as "sheh beh eh-ah-sheh-beh-lehh" (+ shower of dribble). Speaking face-to-face would be do-able as at least I can gesture (and write if I need to) - but over the phone is not possible at the moment.

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 12:37 am
by ohmyjaw
Is there anyone with you that could make the call for you? When do you see your surgeon for a post-op appointment? (I can sympathise with the difficulty speaking; I was wired shut).