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Weight Loss and Surgery

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 6:07 pm
by nervouschrissy
My ortho told me that I would lose between 10-15 lbs...any truth to this???What did you all lose??


Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 6:14 pm
by mamabracito
So far I've lost 8-10 pounds depending on what scale you use lol. The scale at my ortho says 9 pounds and the one I have here at home says 8 pounds. I'm only 2 weeks post op and my ortho says I will probley lose a couple more.
Now that I got the splint out I can eat a little more not much though because I still can't close my mouth because it's still frozen. :)

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 6:40 pm
by phil
I am 5'11". When I started out, I was about 175 lbs., and now I am 167. I actually did better with stabilizing my weight when I was on completely blended diet--I noticed a downward shift again when I switched to trying to eat more "normal" food. I pretty much eat whatever I want these days (which was not the case before surgery without HUGE consequences), but eating a meal the size I'm used to is a challenge if my food needs any chewing at all. It's a workout!

When I had my SARPE last summer, I lost about the same amount of weight, and never gained it back, which was a good thing. Right now, if I lost much more weight, I would need to try to gain some back. I'm OK as it is.

I'm sure that once my chops are in order, I'll be pretty much back to my usual self!

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 9:27 pm
by Spooky
I am 5'7" and before surgery was 125 lbs. I lost 10 lbs after surgery to 115 lbs, which is on the thin side. Bones started to show. I'm 8 months post op and am eating normally. I've gained back 5 lbs.

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 10:10 pm
by Brandyleigh35
I lost 14 pounds post surgery, and I ate very well. I'm currently down 18 now, but the last four have been by choice and from increased working out at the gym.

I think 10lbs is about average for most people!


Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 7:37 am
by HighandLo

I lost about 7 lbs and have only gained back 2 so far. I think some of it was muscle weight as I haven't jogged for 6 weeks! I hope to gain at least 5 lbs back.


Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 10:52 am
by SandraJones
I didn't lose any weight either even having my jaws totally wired for 6 weeks.

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 11:21 am
by dubnobass
9lbs in a week, and counting...

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 12:00 am
by freakinrican
I've lost about 6-7 lbs in 3 and a half weeks.

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 9:19 pm
by Brandyleigh35
Hey Meryten,
My friend Shelby didn't lose any weight fact she gained weight as she was on a cake diet since it was so easy to eat! LOL...


Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 7:08 pm
by RakudaErin
I'm really, really hoping for some braces/surgery related weight loss, actually.

Right now, I can't really chew because of the spacers, but I'm afraid that I'm using that as an excuse to eat bad food, like rice, potatoes (I don't put any butter on them, but those starches are BAD NEWS), etc.

Since I'm not going to be wired, I think I'm going to go with a lot of slim-fast and scrambled egg whites, and get OFF those evil, evil starches!

Does anyone have any more low-cal suggestions for post-op food? I can't eat vegetables obviously, which is my staple, but has anyone tried (as undignified as this may sound) baby food veggies? If so, would you recommend them?

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 7:29 pm
by phil

You should be able to eat just about any of your favorite foods pureed, with added liquid. Lots of folks use the "Zip-n-Squeeze" products early on to get the food in. I mostly used a syringe from the hospital. It meant that I had to run some things through a sieve, but I survived just fine. Once I could get a spoon in my mouth, things went much better in the food department.

Because of recent complications, I'm back on soft diet, which is just fine with me. I basically blend whatever I would normally have for dinner. Sometimes I add my vegetable right into the casserole, for instance, if I think it might taste funny on its own. Usually I add beef or chicken broth (or sometimes milk) to thin my food a bit. If you are a vegetarian, you could use vegetable stock.

You could experiment with your favorite foods now, and see how they turn out pureed. I use a Kitchenaid immersion blender, and it works like a charm. Some people have also bought the Magic Bullet, and say that it works quite well, too.

At any rate, nutrition should not be an issue if you have jaw surgery, even if you are pretty tightly banded shut.

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 12:45 am
by dubnobass
Or, just buy a bike and use it. I usually cycle 20 miles a day to work and back, and battle to stop myself wasting away to nothing.
"Another piece of cake? Oh woe."