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Ear ache

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 11:46 pm
by Supermax
I'm now just over three weeks post op, about 10 days ago I started to wake up every morning with really bad ear ache. It would go away for the day after a pain killer. It gradually became less intense, and now I'm trying to get through the day without a pain killer, sometimes I can, but most days I can't. Will it just gradually get better over time, and is there something I can do to make this better. I must admit I've been managing to sleep vitually horizontally, and although that does mean I wake up more puffed up in the morning, at least I'm getting a comfortable sleep. But I'm wondering if sleeping flat at this stage is causing some pressure build up and that's what's causing the ear ache. Any suggestions or anyone go through this?

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 12:17 am
by dubnobass
I'd agree with your guess - that sleeping flat might be causing a bit of overnight swelling or fluid accumulation, which may be causing the earache. Maybe you could try adding another pillow for a few nights and see if that helps?
Have you tried a decongestant (Sudafed, something like that)? That would help with any fluid build-up in your ear better than an anti-inflammatory would.

At 3 weeks post-op, your jaw muscles will still be re-adjusting to their new position, and your TM joint may be placed under different stresses than usual. Both of these might also be causing some referral pain in your ear. This will get better with time, but a muscle relaxant might help.

I'd try the pillow first, but next time you see your ortho/surgeon, mention the earache and see what they suggest.

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 2:01 am
by Supermax
Thanks dubnobass, I'll try a more vertical position tonight and see if that helps, I only see the ortho again in three weeks time, stupid me forgot to mention it on Monday when i saw her. There is nothing like ear ache to bring you sqarely back down to earth!

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 11:41 pm
by freakinrican
I agree that sleeping more vertically should help. I'm sure you could also call the oral surgeon if it continues to be an issue instead of waiting another 3 weeks. Good luck!