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Thinner upper lip

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 11:27 am
by Carly58
I am 4 weeks now from upper and lower surgery. My upper lip is considerably more thin than it use to be. I know, I still have some swelling, but was wondering if anyone knows if it will eventually go back to the normal way it was before the surgery. Or am I going to have to live with a thinner upper lip?

It is really bothering me. I don’t like it at all. If it doesn’t go back to normal I am going to be so disappointed. I never asked about that before the surgery and he never said anything. He just said I would be happy with the results. Yes, I am happy with my smile, but not my lip. When I smile you don’t really notice it. When I’m not smiling my mouth is turned down like a big frown. My upper lip and gums are still numb too, so that could be a contributing factor.

Your comments are greatly appreciated :Questions:


Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 11:36 am
by asd
Hi Carly

Please dont worry, i felt exactly the same as you, my top lip also became very thin after surgery and i become really obbsessed and upset with it thinking it would never go back to normal - but it is jsut the swelling. Just give it time it will eventualy go back to normal. Take a look at my blog.

Im 10 weeks post op now and my lip has come down and is back to normal


Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 12:00 pm
by Renden
I'll be honest, i don't know about the upper lip thing, but almost everyone goes through this worrying stage about the changes to your appearance.

If you take a look at the thread i made i was freaking out for a few days due to swelling etc, but once the swelling goes down and your true appearance starts to show, you'll feel better about it soon.

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 1:10 pm
by ohmyjaw
I am curious but I can't seem to visualize what your lip might look like. Do you have any before and after photos? What procedure(s) did you have done?

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 1:35 pm
by Carly58
I had a upper jaw impaction and expansion (2 piece Lefort) and a lower jaw advancement (13mm). Not sure if those are the right terms. I had a Class II overbite with a recessed chin and gummy smile. I am 49 years old. Along with the thinning of the upper lip, my jowls seem to be bigger also. Which not sure if it is swelling or age. I thought my jowls would be less noticeable after surgery for obvious reasons.

Sorry I don't know how to attach a picture.


Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 1:36 pm
by Carly58
I had a upper jaw impaction and expansion (2 piece Lefort) and a lower jaw advancement (13mm). Not sure if those are the right terms. I had a Class II overbite with a recessed chin and gummy smile. I am 49 years old. Along with the thinning of the upper lip, my jowls seem to be bigger also. Which not sure if it is swelling or age. I thought my jowls would be less noticeable after surgery for obvious reasons.

Sorry I don't know how to attach a picture.

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 1:47 pm
by ohmyjaw
Ok, so you had a pretty significant lower jaw advancement. Is it possible that your upper lip just looks thinner in relation to your lower, now that the lower has come forward quite a bit?

I don't know about the jowls, but maybe it's just swelling? I know I was swollen for a good two months, so maybe give it a bit more time.

Re: Thinner upper lip

Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 4:03 pm
by Catiepie
Carly58, do you have an update on this? Did your upper lip return to normal size? I have the same problem. I am 3.5 weeks post op and the swelling has gone way down. I feel like my new face has emerged, but my lips (especially the upper) is much smaller than before. Thanks!

Re: Thinner upper lip

Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 5:44 pm
by jaime
This thread is 8.5 years old so it's unlikely the OP is going to give an update. Not sure if you noticed the date.

3.5 weeks is still pretty early on. I know I thought my swelling was "mostly gone" at that point but every month I look back, I can see it continues to go down bit by bit, and I'm nearly 9 months post-op. Give yourself some time and try not to stress too much.

Re: Thinner upper lip

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 2:03 am
by ivonne
I am only 2 weeks post-op and my lip is also thinner, but the reason is the swelling above the lip and it's surroundings.
Don't worry, and remember than some swelling takes MONTHS to go away! :)

Re: Thinner upper lip

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 12:28 pm
by Catiepie
Thanks everyone! It's good to know I am not the only one. I'll update when it gets better!

Re: Thinner upper lip

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2016 2:05 pm
by Catiepie
So I am 8 weeks post op and my upper lip has definitely been coming back the past couple weeks. I no longer look like Garth from Wayne's World! I think I still have a bit of residual swelling but I am confident now my upper lip will return to its original size.