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6 Months Post Op- after Upper/Lower Jaw and Genio

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 8:04 am
by kate0310
Hi Everyone!
So it's been exactly 6 months since my Upper/Lower Jaw and Genioplasty surgery and I just wanted to give a little update.

I am still braced, but my surgeon thinks that everything looks wonderful. He said if it were up to him he would just take my braces off, but my orthodontist still sees a few flaws in my bite and she estimated Jan 08 for my debracing. I honestly don't know if I can wait that long, because I just want these things OFF!

The lower right quarter of my face is still numb (lip and chin)- I doubt I will regain full feeling, but theres still a chance a bit more will come back.
Painwise- theres always a slight ache in my chin area, but most days I can ignore it. Certain days definitely hurt more than others, but regardless im glad I've done the surgery.

I can eat anything now, its just a matter of speed. Basically, you just have to learn to laugh off being a messy/slow eater, or having food on your face that you can't feel. I don't really mind it at all. It's a conversation starter for sure :)

If anyone has any questions for me, feel free to email me at, or send me a message here.

(6month post-op pic)

Cheers! :D

P.s. Here is the link to my recovery:

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 9:13 am
by Brandyleigh35
Hey Kate,
Glad to see you are doing so well, I was just thinking of you the other day wondering what happened to you! Your teeth are looking really great! It's funny as everytime I look at others teeth I swear I'm like, "MAN, mine don't look that good!" I have an appointment on Oct 18th and the ortho says if everything looks good we will look at a debracing date, however, I want things to be perfect and it seems like everytime they fix one thing, they create another issue to go with it. So...while I am with you, and totally want these babies off, I'm thinking it may not be for a few months yet! :(

As for your numbness you may still get feeling back, it took me 15 months to get full feeling back in my palate after my SARPE. 6 months really isn't that long. Anyway.....glad you are happy with the results and that you can eat whatever you want now. Your smile is going to be incredible once those brackets come off!


Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 10:24 am
by Hustler
Those are some nice teeth!

I'm worried about the numbness myself. I'm only 3 weeks post op but I didn't even know what was involved with this surgery when I was signed up to it.

The public health system in Ireland isn't great. I was put on the list for braces when I was 11 and didn't get them till I was 18! By then they just said it was too late to just use braces and I was the right age for surgery.

I think I would probably be more prepared for the consequences if it was something I went into fully by my own decision.

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 12:56 pm
by WhiteLurcher
Hi Kate, welcome back!

Lord your teeth look great! "Jan '08", your ortho must be a perfectionist :lol: My ortho plans on taking mines of after November as he doesn't think there's much more he can do. My surgeon had plenty of suggestions at my last app. but the ortho doesn't seem to think it would be worth it! :? I sympathise with both you and Brandy about wanting de-braced but I'd be willing to stay braced for another year+ if I could get results like yours! :roll: :-*

It's a shame about the numbness though as Brandy says there is still time. Do you have any feeling at all, any sign that the nerves are active?
With luck you might get debanded sooner than you think, you never know!! :banana:

Good luck and all the best!


Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 6:58 am
by chipmunkcheeks
hey kate,

i came across your surgery and i was encouraged because i am having the same procedure next summer. this summer i had a SARPE and now im getting settled into braces. i was just wondering how you felt about the whole experience now that you are done. your face looks really hot now, before it was more so cute, like mine. so i am wondering how you feel about yourself afterwards and if you are totally happy with how everything went. i guess im in it for the long haul now because now my jaws are more out of alignment and off than before and i literally must finish the process no matter waht to be functional and get rid of this gap in my teeth. but i was just wondering how it felt from the other side looking back. thanks for all of your insight!


Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 1:32 pm
by phil

Your bite looks fantastic! Congratulations on your magnificent result.