Sharp pain in the jaw post surgery

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Sharp pain in the jaw post surgery

#1 Post by nervouschrissy »

Tomorrow I will be 3 weeks post BSSO, LEfort 1 and Genio...I feel like Im doing well but the last 48 hours or so Ive been getting sharp pains in my right jaw (near my ear) that are almost making me cry...then it goes away for 8 hours or so...then it seems to come back....anyone experience anything like this before???

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#2 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

Yep! muscles spasms are pretty common post surgery. I used heat packs to help with them. If you take a soft sock, fill it with about 1 cup of raw white rice, tie it off loosely, so the rice can move around, then microwave it for about a minute to a minute and a half it works pretty well.

The first time you do this the rice will feel a bit sticky and will have a lot of moisture come out of it. This is normal, but after about 5-6 times of microwaving it will get very dry and more pliable.

I had these type of muscle spasms for about two weeks straight, kindof on and off throughout the day. The heat really helped relax the muscles and make them happen less often. I would have to use them all night in order to sleep well though. Give it a try it might make a big difference!


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#3 Post by pokergirl »

I had the same thing happening to me last week, but mine was on my left side. It's weird because it does feel like it goes up to your ear. My OS told me to use warm moist heat and take 200 mg of Motrin 3 times a day. It's feeling much better now.

I think I'll try the sock-n-rice, Brandy. Also, what vitamins are good for nerve regeneration?

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#4 Post by dubnobass »

Omega 3 oils are supposed to be good for nerve regeneration. I can't find any clinical trial evidence to prove this, but they don't do you any harm, so might be worth taking. I've been taking capsule supplements since my operation, since I don't really eat fish and flaxseed isn't supposed to be as 'good' as fish oil. I've regained all feeling in some areas that were numb.. but then, I've got no idea if I would have regained feeling in those areas anyway! :lol:
Braced May 2005
Bimaxillary surgery Aug 2007
Debraced Jun 2008

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#5 Post by pokergirl »

Thanks, dubnobass! I'll try some.

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