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update from my Surgery

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 12:22 pm
by sahra
I'm out of the hospital and at home. the Doctor said that the OS went very well and she is very much happy. it took everything including the recovery between 5 and 6 hours. the eating is difficult only liquid but trying to drink as much as I can.My face is very swollen and I can't even recognize my face but the doctor said it gradually goes down and I'm hoping for that. I can't sleep without painkiller. I don't know what to do and also my lips is very dry and burning, any suggesion?
I'm going to see my OS on Thursday to see how I'm doing. and keep update to You

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 12:29 pm
by 4beauty4symmetry
Hey, Sahra,

Welcome back. How about vaseline or balm for the lips?

Where did you have your surgery btw?

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 12:41 pm
by sahra
Hi 4beauty4symmetry,

I have my surgery done at UCSF(university california of San Francisco)
I tried vasaline but still my lower lip is burning. how about sleeping any suggesion. thanks

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 3:31 pm
by simplywired
Congratulations on being on the other side. My lips were chapped and burning too and I bought some Carmex (in a tube) rather than a stick, like chapstick that it also comes in. It is medicated (unlike Vaseline) so it really helped with that problem. Now I'm using Carmex in the stick form just because it's easier. Meryaten had suggested Carmex on one of her posts a while back and I really think it is great for healing. I can't feel the bottom of my lower lip so when I tried to put lipstick on the other day, I looked like Bette Davis in "Whatever Happened to Baby Jane." :? So Carmex it is.

My swelling went down tremendously as soon as I started using the rice in a sock in the microwave routine. This was so soothing to me that it helped me sleep and just was comforting. It is a moist heat and depending on how much you use and big of sock, put in the microwave for about 50 seconds. It worked wonders for me and my bruising and discomfort is so much better - in fact almost gone. Good luck and keep us posted.

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 3:39 pm
by pokergirl
I actually peeled a layer of skin off of my lips two days after surgery. They were soooo chapped and sore. For a solid month after my surgery I literally used medicated Blistex (the ointment) 24/7. They weren't chapped anymore but they just felt weird from being numb and the Blistex made them feel better. I kept both lips slathered in it. I've cut down on it in the last couple of weeks since my feeling is coming back.

As far as sleeping goes, use some pillows to prop yourself up with.

Good luck!

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 3:46 pm
by dubnobass
Another vote for Blistex here - I swear that stuff has got magical healing pixie dust in it, or something. It seems to slough off any dry chapped skin and heal up sore patches within a few hours of applying. Plus, as you have to apply it with a finger, it's much easier to use than stick balms if you've got numb lips. Very hard to apply chapstick without a mirror when you've got a numb lip :?

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 5:48 pm
by pokergirl
That's for sure, dubnobass. I made a huge mistake of applying my lipstick without a mirror. I had it all under my lip for several hours before I realized it. I could have passed as Bozo's sister.

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 10:15 am
by smile2006
My lips were a mess after surgery. My OS prescribed vitamin A & D ointment. That worked very well and was soothing. It took a long time to heal things up on and around my lips. That was perhaps one of the worst things about my surgery process. It looked horrible and it hurt!

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 12:41 pm
by sahra
Hi Guys

I'm taking prednison. is it good for the swolle?
Im still having difficult for sleeping any suggesion?

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 3:06 pm
by freerideuk
hey hey how long are you post opp i got my surgery on urmm wednesday soo thats 4 or 5 days now :P

how you holding up av found it hard and have broke down in tears alot but am finding it ok too sleep i have a couple a covers and alot of pillows proping me up and i take my pain killers just before bedtime soo it makes mea little sleepy then again in the middle of the night when i wake up this gives me a good couple of hours sleep =]

i use blistex my self it is amazing my lips were soo sore and swollen but there getting alot alot better i actually peeled of a layer of skin off my lips too i know i shouldn't have but i quite enjoyed it feeling soft lips again instead of rough ones :P

anyway let me no how yer feeling =]


Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 3:30 pm
by sahra
Hi freerideuk,
I had my surgery done last thursday. I don't have much pain but I can't sleep only after I take painkiller. yes, I cried a lot and I don't knoe why. I try ti drink a lot of liquid although I'm not wired only two rubberband. I can open my mouth. I'm swllen around from my nose till my chin. other than that I'm doing fine. so how are you feeling ? you're ahead of me one day only! it is good to hear you guys all of you are wondelful that makes me feel good
I'll keep posting!!

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 3:44 pm
by freerideuk
i have no bands or wires or anything lol but am feeling ok today my best friend came to spend the day with me soo it really cheered me up gave me something to kid on i felt ok for i cried a couple times today but no where near as much as he other days

and yup were pretty close to each other =] what did you get done i had a le fort impaction and geno i think i got way more swelling from my geno than the surgery

how you doing with food ? am doing ok now i got my head round pureied food had mashed potatos and gravy tonight along with carrots and brocolli haha alll purreied haha but seperate soo just tasted like an actual meal =]


Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 8:43 pm
by Brandyleigh35
I think I've heard that being weepy can often come after amesthesia
Hey that a combination of anesthesia, and amnesia? LOL! Cause I'm pretty sure I had both of those post surgery!

Just had to mess with you a bit! :)


Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 8:58 pm
by sahra
I have done LeFort I upper and sagittal split lower jaws plus genio. my upper lip is fine but lower lip is really numb. I heard it'll take for while to get the feeling back. my face looks or feels like swollen and very hard. with you guys help me to go through this difficult time. thank you all