update on tonsils and teeth

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science teacher
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update on tonsils and teeth

#1 Post by science teacher »

Well, the tonsils are out. It was MUCH, MUCH worse than the sarpe. I am just now eating foods that you have to chew.(11days) I ate potato chips a week after sarpe.

On the braces front I am sporting power chains both top and bottom. THis should be the last month for the bottom power chain. They will go into "holding" until the top is finished. This is the first month for a top power chain. It is red because of Christmas but when I go back I will do gray on the top because it is the strongest powerchain at my ortho's. I am ready to be close to finished. I'll put colors on the bottom.

I am also sporting Class II elastics from bottom 6's to top 3's to start pulling my top teeth back. No timeline for how long I'm to wear them. I got off to a slow start though. I think I went about 4 days while the pain was the worst with the tonsils that I never put elastics in. The ortho gave me multicolored elastics so I can match them to my clothes.

Hope you all had happy holidays.
SARPE 11/23/06
Expansion over 12/18/06 8.5mm
Brace day tops 1/15/07
Brace day bottoms 3/19/07
all expansion devices removed 9/19/07

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#2 Post by Beckster »

Hey Science Teacher,

I saw your post and wanted to let you know that I feel your pain in having had your tonsils out as an adult! I had mine out a few years ago, and it was HORRIBLE! It definitely took me a long time to eat any "real" food too. I hope you feel better and congrats on getting your braces off soon!


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