I am finally getting my expander ---today!

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I am finally getting my expander ---today!

#1 Post by badbite »

After six very long months of waiting, I am finally getting my expander -in three hours.

I can't wait to get these spacers out. Ihave had them for three weeks and they still ache all the time. I am scared, excited, worried, nervous, anxious, happy, and sad about getting the expander today.

Need support.

Oh, and I have a sore throat and I have lost my voice (about half way). Do you all think they would cancel surgery because of a cold? Surgery is scheduled for Friday.


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#2 Post by sauerkraut »

All the very best, badbite, hope it goes well. :dance:

Make sure you get over that cold quickly: I can imagine they might hesitate to operate if it's really bad. After all, you want to be able to breathe after your op!! But I could be completely wrong. Let's hope so!

Have fun getting used to the expander and being free of those spacers. :)

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#3 Post by badbite »

Such a relief to have those painful spacers out. The expander is intrusive, but I am feeling better than when the spacers were in. Lots of saliva, and haven't tried to eat yet.

Wondering what have I got myself into........


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#4 Post by crazybeautiful »

I had it in just 1 day before my surgery so I was ok, but the drooling is definately annoying. At first you'll find eating difficult and annoying, and I'd say also that you will probably feel this way for about a week post op with all the swelling making it difficult to eat even more so, but you'll get over it :wink: On the SARPE thread you'll see most of my posts are to complain about the expander, but finally I've moved on and dealt with it :lol:

If you just have a sore throat you should be fine. I was just recovering from a cold and had a nasty cough but thankfully it went the day before surgery.

How much estimated expansion do you need?

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#5 Post by badbite »

I don't know how much expansion I'll need. I was going to ask the ortho that today, but he was really busy. He worked on me for quite a while, however I couldn't speak of course and didn't get to ask him that. The assistants were clueless. I asked the assistants if I start expanding right away (after surgery), and they didn't know that either. I think the Ortho told me in consult, but I don't remember. He explained so much that day.

Does the OS usually tell you when to start expanding or the ortho?

I honestly do not want to eat any solid food.

I do daycare in my home and all the kids are scared of me now. I just had a dad stop in for a second (he has no idea what is going on in my mouth). He probably thinks I am drunk or something.

My throat seems to be doing a little better than yesterday. I am coughing and congested, but the surgery is still four days away, so hopefully i'll get better and not worse.


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#6 Post by badbite »

Hey, I just looked at my expander key. It says 11 mm expansion on the little bag. I am assuming that means a maximum of 11mm -hopefully I won't have to expand that much.


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#7 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

Yep that's what it means! Mine was the same, I expanded 9mm.


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#8 Post by crazybeautiful »

Looks like you're getting the same expansion as me (my gap wasn't that big though! :wink: ). I was supposed to start turning 3 days after the op, but we had a few problems- ie, no one could turn the expander :roll: so I had to instead start turning at 5 days post-op. During surgery your surgeon will probably turn it a few times to activate it, and then you continue a few days later. They'll inform you though, so don't worry about that

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#9 Post by badbite »

It is hard to belive the next week my jaw will be wider.

Okay this thing is hurting my tooth. The front one it is attached to. I don't know all the names of the teeth. I am hoping the expander is not pinching my gum or something. Only that one spot hurts today. I hope that is normal. It was the tightest spot and hard for them to even get the spacers out. Would that make it more likely to get pinched?

Also, I can't floss around this stupid thing.


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#10 Post by DotCat »

Congratulations on getting the horse bit... errr.... expander on. Now, the surprising part - they will never remove it anymore! It's not possible. Not even with a hammer and drill... trust me, I tried it. ;)

No, just joking (I hope, since mine is still on, lol).
Crouzon syndrome with midface hypoplasia and class III

SARPE, 7mm expansion - 14th September 2007
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#11 Post by Twinjoy »

I have a question about the expander. I had my molar bands put in and next visit he is supposed to put this metal wire thing across the roof of my mouth. Is that an expander?

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#12 Post by badbite »

Just a wire is not the same thing. It may be put there to expand your palate/arch a little though. I don't know. Somemone else with more experience will be able to answer better than me.

The expander is an appliance that helps widen a narrow upper jaw. You have surgery and have a key that you turn in the exapander everyday to widen your palate.


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Will I be able to talk?

#13 Post by PastorHeather »

Hey there - I am going in tomorrow for an expander and full braces. As you may guess from my name, I am a pastor and I need to be able to preach by Sunday. Has anyone had trouble talking with all the gear in your mouth?

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#14 Post by phil »


I'm a professional singer, and all I can say is God be with you!

Can you find someone to fill in for you this Sunday? You are going to find it difficult to talk at first.

I (a grown man) sat in the chair and nearly cried after that thing went in my mouth. I learned to speak pretty well after a while, but I worked at it pretty hard! Also, I had my SARPE surgery the day after my expander was put in, and was recovering for a couple of weeks anyway.

When are you having your SARPE done?
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Trouble Talking

#15 Post by PastorHeather »

Phil - I am having my surgery next Tuesday the 19th and then I have two weeks off. Somehow I need to make it through this Sunday - though I may be able to get someone else to read the sermon. We shall see - needless to say I am worried about it!

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