Sorry it's a bit late, but good luck NAJ78!
PastorHeather- the spacers are the worst part, trust me!

I think most people would agree.
The expander won't hurt, but it will feel odd to your mouth to have this big bulk of a thing in there. Eating will be annoying the first few days until you get used to it, but you
can eat (so long a it's not toffee

). When I first got mine in I got home and tried to eat a sandwich but felt I couldn't physically chew it- of course I could, but you need to get used to it, that's all. As for food getting stuck, persevere and you'll soon find a way to unclog it.
Try interdental brushes to poke things out if a lot gets stuck, swill with water, tilt your head back and the clog will dislodge and slide down to the back of your mouth (gross, but necessary

As for the bruising and swelling- I had minimal bruising and maximum swelling, whereas the likes of Brandy had the opposite I believe, so it relly just depends. But it goes- and this is really the only downer, as I was never in any great pain at all. Once you've gotten used to the expander and turning of the expander, it's a doddle (though I still can't wait to have the expander removed, it doesn't irritate me as it did when I wasn't used to it being in my mouth.)
Remember any discomfort or pain is temporary- a healthy, functioning bite (and a gorgeous smile) are not. It's well worth it!