I'm back! With pictures!

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I'm back! With pictures!

#1 Post by Rach »

Well I actually got back thursday evening but ive been so wiped out and it took me ages to write the entry to my blog.
For those who don't know, I had my lower jaw moved back and my wisdom teeth removed. I was in three nights (was only told one) and had my actual op at about 2.15 on monday afternoon. All went well (for more in-depth you can visit my blog :D ) The only problem was that on wednesday I fainted twice :shock: so thats part of the reason I was in longer.
Started getting my bruising up especially on the neck, pains not bad and swelling is gradually gone down (worst day for that was one to two days post-op). As far as diet has gone Ive had wheetabix (soaked in milk), smoothies, icecream, soup, yoghurts, 'fortisips' (high in pretty much everything) and general drinks (water, full fat milk). Zip-n-squeeze bags have been a lifesaver, as when I was in the hospital I was using syringes and that took ages! So I would definately recommend them!

I think thats it, any questions you can ask :) oh and thanks for those people who gave me well-wishes before my surgery.

Will post pictures soon once ive sorted them!

Rach :D
Last edited by Rach on Sun Feb 03, 2008 5:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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#2 Post by ThinK »

Hey there. I'm on day 3 post op and was wondering how easily you are able to get liquids down? It was easy for me in the beginning but I think my gums have have gotten swollen as it's much harder now. The only things I've been able to get down are gatorade, chicken broth, ensure and some fruit smoothies. I'm trying to avoid dairy as I think it causes me to breakout, so that complicates the diet some more.

When do you get your bands removed so you can start eating solids?

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#3 Post by Andantae »

Hey Rach~

Congrats on making it to the other side! You sound pretty chipper, considering a rough few days you just had. Too bad about the fainting at the hospital, that had to be a little spooky, but way to keep 'em on their toes, Rach!!!

Thank you, too, for taking the time to make your surgery blog. It's really helpful to get an idea of what to expect. Can't wait to see the photos...
Braced 5-30-07 for 18-24 months
In-Ovation Uppers, Metal Lowers, TPA upper arch, Lower Lingual arch, no elastics.
100% Deep Bite, Crowding, Over Extrusion
BSSO & Genio surgery June 4th '08!


"Truth is a bully we all pretend to like." Gregory David Roberts -SHANTARAM

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#4 Post by Rach »

Thanks all for your replies!

seriously-I think the fainting was due to me not eating enough at the hospital, but that was partly their fault, they tried to give me crackers and cheese for lunch one day! :roll: but also my apetite was so low, I found it difficult to eat, drinking water was fine though. Im not fainting now though as im getting enough nutrician

ThinK-did you have the same as me? as it would be interesting to compare our progress if we had the op a few days apart. I don't know if to qualify as being banded you have to have more than two? as thats all ive got :lol: then again I am getting more soon. Im finding it easier and easier day by day to get food down me. I think its important not to have too many sweet foods (like I was in the hospital). I had mashed potato and cheese last night (all blended) which was nice but if you want to avoid dairy you could try it with gravy instead. Only dont put it in a zip-n-squeeze like I did as it burst and went all over me! :lol: You could try different soups aswell. Oh and Im having wheetabix every morning, it really is easy to eat all soaked in milk with a baby spoon, or can you really not eat any dairy at all?, as most of my foods contain dairy of some sort. That must be tough :(

Meyaten-Yeh my apetite is growing now and im starting to find new foods that I can eat

Andantae- :lol: was that a hint with the photos? Will post them today. I suppose the fainting did keep them on their toes a bit, although it wasn't a pleasant experience I must say.

I really want to go outside as I hate being stuck in the house but I'm worried about people's reaction to me. At the moment I can't decide whether I look more like I have put on weight and its all gone to my face or if I've had an allergic reaction to peanuts...

Rach xx
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#5 Post by Rach »

Well here are the pics!

This is me the day before surgery (Sunday):
Few hours after surgery (Monday):
Day after surgery (Tuesday):
Two days post-op (Wednesday):
Three days post-op (Thursday):
Four days post-op (Friday):
Five days post-op (Saturday):
Six days post-op (Sunday)

Sorry some of them are blurry

Rach xx
Last edited by Rach on Sun Feb 03, 2008 9:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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#6 Post by loulou123 »

Hi rach

just wanted to say the difference in your profile is amazing after surgery-in a good way! :D even with the swelling it looks great to me. (Obviously i saw you at the hospital on thursday, but never having seen you before, had nothing to compare it to)

I cant believe they gave you cheese and crackers, if they try that with me, ill properly throw them, at them! lol :?

Take care


ps have posted you PM too. :lol:

Braces on 11th June 2006,~ BSSO and Wisdom tooth removal 11th February 2008,~ Plate Removal 14th May 2008,~ Braces off 28th August 2008.


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#7 Post by HighandLo »


You're looking good! It always looks like less swelling to someone other than the patient! To me, your face doesn't look unusual at all, but your profile does look great.

Take care,


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#8 Post by phil »


I only have one thing to say--WOW! What an amazing change.

Take care and be kind to yourself. You've been through a lot!

Happy Healing,

There are no ordinary moments.
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#9 Post by skintz »

Hey rach, i'm due to have lower jaw surgery too, but brought forward instead of back. I've been reading your blog and that so its good to see you're out the other side!! Your pics look great, i can't believe what a difference it has made, and your swelling doesn't look too bad either :)
I fainted a few hours after i'd come around from having my wisdom teeth out, it was so horrible, so i know how you feel. Lucky i didn't have to stay in though-i ended up crying for them to let me go home(!) Bad times....! :lol:
Anyway, best wishes for a speeeedy recovery :D looking forward to reading more about your post-op experiences




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#10 Post by Andantae »

Another WOW! Your results look fantastic Rach! Aren't you thrilled? Truly dramatic and stunning :D

It isn't fair, however, that you get to look that good at 4 days post op :wink: . I can see the swelling and the bruising, but really not so bad.

Thanks for putting up the photos, (yes, I was hinting, but you did say you were planning to....
Braced 5-30-07 for 18-24 months
In-Ovation Uppers, Metal Lowers, TPA upper arch, Lower Lingual arch, no elastics.
100% Deep Bite, Crowding, Over Extrusion
BSSO & Genio surgery June 4th '08!


"Truth is a bully we all pretend to like." Gregory David Roberts -SHANTARAM

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#11 Post by Kerry »

what a difference you look fantastic ! i bet your over the moon !

well done and glad your ok, wont be long before your up and running
Imagewisdom teeth removed under GA nov07 * Braced 8/2/08 * 2 premolars removed Apr08 * Adjustment 4 rebonding, 4 molar bands & new wire 4/7/08 * 31Jul wire change * 28 Aug last wire fitted and lower powerchain put on. 29th May moulds and x rays. 31st July Surgery date :-)

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#12 Post by Rach »

Firstly, thanks everyone for your kind words, your support and seeing my progress really does help me when I'm feeling a bit down.
I really HATE that before pic, I always did not like people taking pictures of me from my side, but I knew you guys needed to see it to compare and of course you all understand how I feel about that sort of thing.

One Week Post-op
Cannot beleve it has been a week, it has gone so quick yet I have come so far!
My swelling is worse on my right side than my left, same with the bruising but it has always been that way. Possibly because my surgeon probably did my left and his registra (sp?) did my right side.
Yesterday I had craving for egg for some reason so I had mushed-up scrambled eggs, mmm that was a nice change! :). Then in the evening I had melted chocolate with teent-weeny bits of marshmallows in it. Yum! I also had mashed potato with gravy. Every Tuesday my mum also makes this delicious home-made lasagne, which she says she will blend/mash up for me this week, no idea if thats gonna work or taste the same, but Im willing to try out any different tastes!
I'm getting a lot of tingling in my chin at the moment especialy if I touch it or if something rubs against it. The swelling in my bottom lip has gone down A LOT compared to how it was. I am able to brush to my back teeth also! but I have to be careful not to knock the bands. I have an ortho appointment on friday to which he said was just to 'take a look at my bite' but I figure my two bands are going to have some company aswell :?

Rach xx
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#13 Post by Happysmiler »

Hi Rach,

Congratulations on getting through your surgery!

Your results are amazing - I cannot believe you look so well, so soon after your operation! - You must be delighted with your new profile.

I understand how you feel about profile shots, I am the same, so thanks for sharing with us.

All the best for a continued speedy recovery.

Happysmiler :D



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#14 Post by ThinK »

Your pics look great.

I too hated profile pics of myself before. My chin is tingly too and feels weird when things touch it. Did you get your bands cut so you can start eating soft foods? Sounds like it.

Have you noticed not being able to move your neck very much, especially upwards? I feel like my head is always facing down slightly.

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#15 Post by freerideuk »

hey rach i must say you look amazing soo soon post opp hows the swelling feeling ???

i was able to start going out with my friends and such about 2 and a half weeks out with no strange looks soo the swelling will start going down soon

also i love your new profile


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