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nerve damage

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 8:57 pm
by pinkdiamond
Hi All,
I had lower jaw surgery about 16 months ago and I still have no feeling to my lip and chin on the left side . Do you think there is hope it will still come back or am I pretty much healed and am left with numbness?
Thanks everyone

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 9:39 pm
by ohmyjaw
My surgeon said it can take up to 18 months to get feeling back, so you still have a chance I suppose. Have you been exactly like this since the surgery, or have you regained even a bit of feeling? Have you had any tingling, prickliness, or throbbing?

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 8:17 am
by jjames
I also just want to mention regarding this post, and if someone can chime in here and fill in the blanks, there are nerve damage specialists out there who claim they "perhaps" can help with damage to the IAN.

I know because I am 5 and half months out from my BSSO and I'm still, probably 40% to 50% numb and I contacted one in Atlanta and discussed our options. I think they might do the surgery if you wanted it being 16 months out, but they did tell me their BEST results come from six months out so you would want to talk to them right now if you were interested in that. The procedure is highly invasive of course, and involves either them A) opening those outside scars back up and taking out your screws, which they may potentially press down on your nerve, or B) separating/breaking the jaw AGAIN so they can go in there and remove any neuroma (scar tissue) that may have developed around the nerve and could be constricting it.

All of this is expensive - I think they quoted me $30,000. After all you've been through, I know that sounds outrageous, and they were VERY clear with me on the phone that the whole operation is a big 'ehhh, maybe it wil work or maybe it won't.' I should also mention that they said it can take up to 6 months to a year to know if the operation was successful.

For me, personally, that's a lot of doing and expense and time and money to burn through when I still have the option of waiting and seeing if more feeling comes back with the coming months since I have gotten at least some sensation to return. But I realize at 16 months - you must be feeling rather out there, and I am so sorry. I can't imagine what you must be going through.

I did find this link on the net where they are discussing surgery on the IAN nerve, I don't know how helpful any of this will be, but at least you know there might be SOME hope out there, however slight.

Also, I've read several people online and talked to them in person that swear their nerves take years to come back, so I don't think you should lose all hope yet at 16 months, but it is rare.

I hope you have the best of luck with this and my fingers are crossed for you. Let us know what you discover.

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 11:03 am
by clairet707
Admittedly Im only 2 weeks post op, but I have feeling on half my lip and not the other half

I can feel the right side of my top lip and the left side of my bottom lip, my right side of my bottom lip and chin are completely numb


Makes drinking interesting :lol: