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Day 13 post-op...back at work

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 6:51 am
by spartanfan72
Just a quick update...

Day 13 after having LeFort I 3-piece upper jaw surgery. Feeling pretty good, I just get tired quickly.

I'm back at work, nothing too hard, sitting at a computer most of the time.

I've got an appointment with the OS today.

One thing that concerns me (I plan on asking the OS today) is my upper lip. It's still swelled pretty good and sticks out from the lower one. I've got this "Daffy Duck" look going on right now.

I try and smile, but the muscles won't work..I can't see my upper teeth at all, they are completely hidden by my lip. I do have a lot of "tingling" sensations in the numb area, so I hoping that means it's getting better.

I'm still not to the point where I feel like this was worth it yet, but hopefully that changes down the road at some point.

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 12:14 pm
by Arvensis
My upper lip was definitely puffy like that for at least the first three weeks, so yes, I think thats rather normal;) it was a pain in the ass for me, as I am a woman and hypothetically wear lipstick. Which I didn't.. for a good 4-5 weeks probably. I went out and bought new lipsticks in celebration after week 6.

I was going to say, now my upper lip is developing new muscles/tone - I am starting to have that little dip in the middle (whereas before it was flat all the way across) so you'll see continued changes in your upper lip structure for a while to come probably.

Is your upper lip numb completely or is it just swollen so that smiling/moving is restricted? mine was never numb, just swollen/unmoving b/c swelling

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 12:34 pm
by clairet707
My lips are still a bit puffy, makes eating a bit tricky

Also the right hand side of my bottom lip is still very numb, all the way down to my chin in fact, and it keeps itching which is driving me crazy as I cant scratch it :-+

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 1:26 pm
by spartanfan72
Arvensis wrote:My upper lip was definitely puffy like that for at least the first three weeks, so yes, I think thats rather normal;) it was a pain in the ass for me, as I am a woman and hypothetically wear lipstick. Which I didn't.. for a good 4-5 weeks probably. I went out and bought new lipsticks in celebration after week 6.

I was going to say, now my upper lip is developing new muscles/tone - I am starting to have that little dip in the middle (whereas before it was flat all the way across) so you'll see continued changes in your upper lip structure for a while to come probably.

Is your upper lip numb completely or is it just swollen so that smiling/moving is restricted? mine was never numb, just swollen/unmoving b/c swelling
My upper lip is swollen, but just the LH side is numb....RH side feels normal. My nose is still completely numb.

The biggest pain is all the wires on my top teeth are ripping the heck out of my inside upper lip. In the morning my lip is literally stuck to the wires and I have to pry it off them.

Just got back from my 2-week post op appointment. Doc put some massive bands on and I'm pretty much wired shut now. They didn't have them on before because of my nose bleed problem and having to have my nose packed. Now that i'm passed that, doc said the vacation of opening my mouth as wide as I had is over.

This feels so bite where they have it banded, doesn't feel right at all. I guess that's normal...he called the bands "training wheels" for my bite.

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 2:15 pm
by Rach
I had BSSO 5 weeks ago and my bottom lip is still a bit puffy and so it also feels wierd. I find that its quite hard to 'move' like Arvensis said. It must be pretty normal then, I'm just hoping my lip will return back to normal. :?

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 6:21 am
by loulou123
Congratulations on getting back to work so quickly jayc, hope its all gone ok for you :D

Spartanfan: i sympathise for the nearly wired shut feeling, i had the same 10 days after op (only had little elastics on after surgery, then there was concerns over my bite and ive been tightly banded for 10 days now) and to me it felt like a step in the wrong direction, as suddenly i could do less :roll: but it gets better, and your bite will soon feel right again :D