Question: After anesthesia - what was your experience?

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Question: After anesthesia - what was your experience?

#1 Post by ssspidermom »

Hi all! My surgery date is getting close (1 week!) I've never had anesthesia before. Can anyone share what the experience was like going under, coming out, and for the next few days? I hear it takes a while to get it out of your system. Was anyone nauseous?(did I spell that right?) Did anything help you feel better afterward?

Thanks for any sharing!
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#2 Post by Arvensis »

I was soooooo out of it. But my surgery was 5 and a half hours! I've heard that one should expect one week of recovery for every hour of anesthesia. Dunno if this is true, but I do think it corresponded for me - about week five, close to week six I started not to be as tired all the time. Could just be me:)

As for waking up, they gave me some drug right before so my memories of being rolled into the operating room were very fuzzy afterwards. apparently I waived to and talked to two of the Dr's assistants from his office that were in the op. I don't recall this at all. I remember being on one bed in pre-op, kissing husband bye, then was in op room, seeing room (no idea where the memories of getting from pre-op to op went), then waking up and someone telling me they were giving me ice chips. That's it.

I wasn't nauseous or anything, except when they were giving me some steroid type thing to keep swelling down and I had a bad reaction (I tried to take everything off - face wraps, bandages, breathing mask, my hospital gown - everything) because I was feeling claustrophobic. So be aware that you can have reactions (why it's a good idea to have someone there with you at all times after op) that the nurses won't necessarily think anything of - they would have injected the same steroid into my iv a 2nd time had my medical power of attorney not stopped them and had them dilute it with 10 ccs of saline. Diluted - no problems!

Good luck!!! I think you're very prepared and have really gotten a good amount of information, and I understand how far this goes into calming the nerves. Just remember that it is what it is, and it will be over soon, and you'll be fine - don't think too much about it! The drugs are GOOD :D :D :D
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#3 Post by Emaciated »

I remember everything in detail despite the drugs they gave me, up to the point of going under. Its an interesting experience, the whole thing I mean. I describe it in full detail on my surgery website if you're curious. Click on "details" and "A Perspective on Surgery." (Its a long read. Don't click on anything "red" until after your op.)

To sum it up, going under was fine. Effortless really, you just sit in a prep bed the whole time and all the nurses and doctors run around you getting you all set up. The most cumbersome part of the whole prep is getting the IV needle stuck in your arm which is the equivilent of getting a shot. Maybe a little worse if they can't find the vein but its easy. They get it eventually. Going under is as easy as taking a deep breath and watching everything go black.

Waking up was more difficult, for me at least. It took a good 3 hours to officially "wake up" enough that they could move me to my hospital room. I wasn't nauseated at all,.

My surgery was 8.5 hours. I felt back to myself (not tired) after 2 or 3 weeks if I recall. I wasn't ready to go rock-climbing or anything but I was well rested and back to feeling alert. I think the post-op fatigue is more a result of the pain meds you take after surgery as opposed to the anesthesia. I may be wrong of course, but I felt great once I stopped taking the codein and vicotin.

Good luck with the surgery next week. You'll be fine.

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#4 Post by loulou123 »

Hey :D

Going under for me was the worst part as i freaked out, but although i was pretty scared it lasted only seconds (tho they didnt give me any sort of calming medication)-so if your nervous ask them for some!

Coming out was a weird experiance but not in a bad way. Everything was just abit muddled and confused. (if you read my blog it sounds really aweful, but it didnt feel bad at the time.) it wasnt scary, just abit odd, like being really really drunk :wink:
Personally tho, i was sort of in and out of consiousness for the 1st few hours, so the passing of time etc meant nothing.

Its completely understandable to be nervous, i know i was, but im sure itll all be fine. Good luck.

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#5 Post by phil »

I will share my three experiences with General Anesthesia.

#1: SARPE, July 2006. Don't remember anything once the Versed went in. Remember waking up in recovery; nausea and vomiting was my first memory.

#2: LeFort I, BSSO, June 2007. Remember everything, up to entering the OR. Don't remember recovery at all, woke up in my hospital bed in my room. Nausea was less of an issue because they left the suction tube to my stomach in, and changed my anti-nausea meds from the last time (I had the same anesthesiologist).

#3: Lefort I, December 2007. Remember everything up to literally climbing onto the operating table. Again, did not remember recovery at all. Nausea was a problem because NEW anesthesiologist decided to try new med for nausea (didn't work as well on me). Every time I was given Dilauded (sp?), I got sick.

All three times, anesthesia in my system slowed me down, I'm sure, for a couple of weeks. It takes time to get all of that out of your system.

I hope that I never have general anesthesia again. My body really doesn't like it! Oh, and some of the meds associated with it made urination very difficult for about 18 hours.
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#6 Post by Delag »

I know it is hard, but try not to worry about that part. My doctor gave me some pills to take the morning before surgery. I was told no driving after I took the pills :D . I thought they might make me loopy, but I just felt relaxed (as in not stressed). Perhaps you could ask if that is an option for you.

I had my surgery out patient and it only lasted one hour. I was surprised that they sent me home pretty much as soon as I woke up, but my perception of time might be off. My DH told me that I was pretty b***hy all day and he is sure it was down to the meds because I am always so sweet :wink: I had no queasy tummy, but I did feel a bit dizzy and weak. One week later I still don't feel quite right, but I don't feel bad either.

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#7 Post by ssspidermom »

Thanks everyone for such great info! For the most part, the more info. I get the better. It is good to know what to expect.

I feel much better hearing others experiences with this. Thanks again for taking the time to respond. I'll let you know how it goes!
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#8 Post by Andantae »


A couple more things I thought of:

Bed/breakfast tray.

Also, I bought a thermophore electric heating pad specifically designed to wear around the jaws (after the first few days of icing of course!) It is definitely a splurge, but I don't have one and will do doubt find another use it in the future. :? Here is the website if you are interested, might not be quite as useful with upper jaw?

Good luck, Sspidermom!!!! Definitely let us know how it goes!
Braced 5-30-07 for 18-24 months
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#9 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

Ok, here is my bit about anethesia.

#1 SARPE. Had local anethesia, remember being put out, and started to come out of it near the end of the surgery. Woke up, felt fine, and left with my husband to go get a smoothie. So, pretty uneventful.

#2 Upper Lefort 1, Lower BSSO, and Genioplasty - I remember entering the surgery room, having to take two really huge sniffs of Afrin and wanting to puke. I remember not being able to talk I was so scared, and almost crying. Then I got the medicine put into the I.V. I was out in like 3 second flat and don't remember anything. My surgery was 6 hours long. I don't remember waking up in recovery at all, only waking in my room with my husband, son and mom there. I slept a bit longer, and when I did wake up I was very nauseous from the Morphine I was given during surgery. They gave me some phenergan in my I.V and the nausea abated pretty quickly. I was awake for several hours after that and even blogged from the hospital within 6 hours after surgery. I do remember that the anethesia affected my vision though. I had a really hard time seeing my laptop and had to wear reading glasses to view it. I also agree with Arvensis in that it took a good 6 weeks to really feel like my energy was back to normal and just feel like myself again.

My doctor said that some people (many women) experience an anethesia let down up to 3-4 weeks post surgery and sometimes get very weepy or down. I did not have that, but was physically very tired for a number of weeks. By 6 I was starting to really shake it all off.

#3 Sinus Surgery - less then 6 months later. 45 minute surgery. I don't remember being knocked out at all. I woke up in recovery feeling pretty ok, just tired. Within an hour I was released to go home and things were fine when I got home. The surgery was 45 minutes long, and it took about a week to recover from the anethesia this time. It affected me much less then my jaw surgery, however, I was very tired for that one week, and again had issues with my vision for a few days.

#4 Implant surgery - local anethesia. Don't remember anything once knocked out. Woke up groggy, and a bit like I was drunk, but was fine by the time I got home.

So that is my experience with Anethesia. Hope this helps some!


Sidney Malkin
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#10 Post by Sidney Malkin »

Everyone is different I suppose?
For my surgery which was yesterday I remember everything... I remember the Anesthesiologist telling me he was gonna give me some 'anti-nervous' medicine through my IV, and then I remember being really happy as I entered the room where my surgery was done (only to be knocked out seconds later). I remember waking up to the nurse telling me the surgery was over. Yet I was barely awake/kinda groggy/drowsy. Every time that I opened my eyes after closing them I thought my surgery was going to be shortly (even though I was told it was over!) I thought the recovery room looked an awful lot like the holding room.

Thanks for posting on my thread btw, you're actually having the same procedure as I had minus the tooth extraction I believe, as on my release paper it says lefort I, and the work was done on my upper jaw.

Anyway I should relax right now... my jaw is really sore and my upper lip is still numb. You still feel so good mentally when the surgery is over though! Good luck to you

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#11 Post by ssspidermom »

Thanks, Sidney.

Another question for you when you are up to posting again: is your throat sore from the breathing tube? And are your lips sore and swollen? I heard that can be the most annoying part of this procedure.

I hope you are resting well. I heard it is really important to sleep propped up to reduce swelling. Remember: Resting = Healing!
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#12 Post by loulou123 »

I had the sore throat too, think its a pretty common side effect and remember my surgeon seemed to think it was funny i was moaning more about that then my jaw! I was told its due to the breathing tube being put up your nose and down the back of your throat. They also said they had "packed" the back of my throat due to bleeding, but dont know if thats common or not.

My lips were very very sore and split in places, the best thing for this i found, was simple old vasoline, put on ALOT! I put it on everytime i remembered right from the 1st night. I also found very gently, rubbing a warm flannel over them helped once they were a little less sore.

Braces on 11th June 2006,~ BSSO and Wisdom tooth removal 11th February 2008,~ Plate Removal 14th May 2008,~ Braces off 28th August 2008.

Alex Kelly
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Re: Question: After anesthesia - what was your experience?

#13 Post by Alex Kelly »

ssspidermom wrote:Hi all! My surgery date is getting close (1 week!) I've never had anesthesia before. Can anyone share what the experience was like going under, coming out, and for the next few days? I hear it takes a while to get it out of your system. Was anyone nauseous?(did I spell that right?) Did anything help you feel better afterward?

Thanks for any sharing!
Iunno. I didn't really feel anything, as I was fairly doped up.

Sidney Malkin
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#14 Post by Sidney Malkin »

No problem

It's funny that you should mention that now, because my throat juuuust started to feel a little sore not too long ago... and my lips, numb, kinda sore. My ice packs are like thawing out on me too, and it seems like my face is getting more swollen.

I wouldn't mind resting, and i'm probably gonna take my pain killer (oxycodone) soon... but I really wanna watch this I AM A SPAMMER!!!!! playoff game in an hour lol... my team can move on to the 2nd round

A little miserable but that was to be expected. I don't think this feeling will last any longer than a few days though...

Alex Kelly
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#15 Post by Alex Kelly »

Sidney Malkin wrote:No problem

It's funny that you should mention that now, because my throat juuuust started to feel a little sore not too long ago... and my lips, numb, kinda sore. My ice packs are like thawing out on me too, and it seems like my face is getting more swollen.

I wouldn't mind resting, and i'm probably gonna take my pain killer (oxycodone) soon... but I really wanna watch this I AM A SPAMMER!!!!! playoff game in an hour lol... my team can move on to the 2nd round

A little miserable but that was to be expected. I don't think this feeling will last any longer than a few days though...
The swelling is a love hate relationship. Up-down, up-down. Especially when you lie on one side for too long and one side of your face looks like a tomato has covertly snug under your cheek skin.
It's wonderful a week afterwards, when the true results slightly start to show. Wonderful.

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