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Here i go again, plate removal surgery tomorrow morning :(

Posted: Tue May 13, 2008 7:53 am
by loulou123
So yet again im preparing for surgery. By this time tomorrow itll all be over and ill be plateless (on one side anyway)

After all the complications with anesethic last time im pretty worried about it all, tho not sure its sunk in completely its tomorrow!

Partly want it over and partly want to run very fast in opposite direction to the hospital lol.

Well, wish me luck and ill see you on the other side (again :roll: ) !!

Posted: Tue May 13, 2008 7:55 am
by jmrut22
God loulou I am so sorry you are having to go through this. I'll be praying that this will all work out.

Good luck tomorrow.

Posted: Tue May 13, 2008 9:29 am
by Happysmiler
Good Luck LouLou - sorry you have to do this again, but it will all be behind you very soon. Try not to worry too much, they will take care of you.

Best Wishes

Posted: Tue May 13, 2008 5:53 pm
by Delag
I have a really good feeling about this one! I predict you will sail through and all your problems will be behind you by this time next week. Best of luck tomorrow!

Posted: Tue May 13, 2008 6:07 pm
by Andantae
After tomorrow you will finally be done with this infection and can begin to feel better again. You will be fine---you know what to expect this time, so not as much 'unknown' to be afraid of and not nearly so much to do this time.

I will be thinking about you tomorrow. Let us hear from you soon, OK?

Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 7:25 am
by Rach
Hey Loulou, hope it all went well today! Its good now you can finally concentrate on getting better :D

Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 11:48 am
by clairet707
hope things went ok today loulou and you are doing ok :flowerbloom:

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 3:38 am
by loulou123
Im back :D Thank you for all the well wishes :D

Heres what happened: (sorry for inevitable spelling mistakes am still groggy)

after my problems with the anesethic and freaking out during it being administered last time round, i spoke to the anaeatist who was a lovely guy and said that he would give me an injection of sedative before going to theatre. I walked down to theatre and then hopped onto the bed. All the theatre staff were lovely as they knew i was anxious. I had my injection of sedative and then i rememeber chatting to one of the nurses, about something and the next thing i knew i was waking up in recovery. So a completely better experiance so far :D

When i woke up i was very very out of it, (not helped by the sedative app) and surprised to find that i had left for theatre at midday and was now waking up at 3.45. When i asked about this they said that there had been slight complications in theatre and then i hadnt wanted to wake up!!

Within half hour i was sitting up and the drip and oxygen were removed. The pain wasnt as bad as last time, but they had administered local aneasthethic to dull it, at the end of surgery. I got my recovery and care instructions and was discharged at about 6pm to my boyfriends care. All in all it went very very well compared to 1st time.

Woke up this morning after a 13 hour sleep! and boy is it swollen, id say its as bad as the days immediately after main op, which i wasnt expecting. There is also alot of pain, as this time no numbness to hide it. Im hoping this will not last too long this time. Oh and i cant open my mouth at all again either. :roll: Still its not even 24 hours yet.

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 9:47 am
by Happysmiler
Hi Loulou,

Glad that this is all over for you and that you are now in your boyfriends care!
Hopefully now you can start the road to recovery that you should have had a few weeks ago!

Good luck and keep well

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 7:41 pm
by Andantae
I am so glad that it went so much better this time for you Loulou. :D I'm a bit surprised about the swelling, too. Did they tell you what the slight complications were in the theatre?

What did they send you home with for pain meds this time? I don't like hearing that there is alot of pain---no reason for that! Might be worth a phone call if it doesn't improve quickly.

Glad that you are getting you much needed sleep.


Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 8:04 pm
by jmrut22
So glad to hear things went well. I had no numbness either.
Remember the next 2-4 days will be rough. You can do it.

Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 2:41 am
by ema27
Hi louise welcome back...
i have been away for a few months so only just catching up on your events after your first gosh you have been through the mill !!

so very pleased that your surgery this time went so much better-and heres keeping our fingers( and toes)crossed that your ordeal is now over and you can heal and recover smoothly
All the best-your a trooper!!!

Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 4:20 pm
by Delag
I guess the swelling is to be expected - after all they were digging around an already tender area. I bet it will go down more quickly than with the first op though as there was less trauma. I am glad you are DONE and will really be able to recover 100% now. Keep sleeping as much as you can and take advantage of the superb care a boyfriend gives....once you get married you are lucky if they don't hit you in the head when they toss you the bottle of Advil over their shoulder :lol: (just kidding....kind of :wink: ).

Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 2:50 am
by loulou123
Thanks again everyone your support has been great :D

I unfortanetly hit a small problem yesterday morning when i woke up with a very high temperature :roll: so called the hospital and they said to come straight back. There was talk of admiting me on a drip of intervenous antibiotics, but in the end they gave me an injection of something and more pills to take at home.

They think that a teeny tiny bit of the infection was left behind (guess that would be quite easy to do) and that the antibiotics will clear it this time.

Am feeling slightly better today than yesterday, so heres hoping itll only be a little bump in my recovery.

Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 12:35 pm
by Rach
Hey Lou
Sorry only just managed to read your post op post and everything. Glad everything went much better this time, hoping the swelling will go down quick and the pain will ease off soon.
I'm sure the antibiotics will take care of that little bit of infection (how long do you have to take them for?)

Take care, :D
Rach xxx