On the other side of BSSO

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On the other side of BSSO

#1 Post by cmeyer115 »

Well, not sure it was what I expected. I ended u in surgery for almost 4 hrs as they tell me they had issues with the screws adhering on one side so they had to add a plate. Recovery was pretty bad, at least on my part. I finally made it to a room at 630 pm, as the surgical ward was completely full I ended up in the mother/baby unit. Aside from being slightly ill equipped to handle me, I at least had a private room (better than double or quad). I have to say the evening was pretty rough tho, the morphine drip made me sick all nite, they finally got some stuff for that but took awhile to get as I was on a diff floor. They then switch me to toridal and I at least held it down. Nite nurse was awesome and was sad to see her go this morning as I got forgot about since I wasn't on right ward. I had discharge orders at 8am but had to get some Xrays, then was awaiting the dietician, who finally showed up at 2pm. Then was figuring calories and said I needed more calories since I was expecting :roll: Got the final paperwork and congrats on new one, then left around 3pm.

Sorry for the rambling but I had to get it out. I just took my pain stuff, liquid oxycodone and have to get some soup down. Let me know if this sounds normal or I am just feeling sorry for myself!

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#2 Post by Andantae »

Oh, I'm so sad to hear about the rough recovery, cmeyer! :( What a shame to have to wait so long for the ani-nausea medicine---that would have made things a little better a little sooner but at least they finally switched the medication since it sounds like that was what was making you so ill for so long.

Unfortunately, having trouble with the screws adhering is not something you or OS could have been prepared for. I guess it just happens sometimes.

Thank goodness for your compassionate nurse-----you are NOT feeling sorry for yourself! Good heavens! I can't imagine having major surgery like that AND giving birth not even knowing that you were expecting! :wink:

Keep posting us on your progress! Yup, Good idea of Meryaten. I think a couple of distracting favorite DVD's sound like just the thing.
Braced 5-30-07 for 18-24 months
In-Ovation Uppers, Metal Lowers, TPA upper arch, Lower Lingual arch, no elastics.
100% Deep Bite, Crowding, Over Extrusion
BSSO & Genio surgery June 4th '08!


"Truth is a bully we all pretend to like." Gregory David Roberts -SHANTARAM

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#3 Post by Rach »

Welcome back cmeyer115!
Hope your recovery will be smoother from here on!
Hows your swelling/bruising? And how are you managing eating?

take care,
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#4 Post by loulou123 »

Welcome back :D your definately not feeling sorry for yourself, its major surgery and you will need time to recover.

Sorry to hear your recovery didnt get off to the best start, hope your feeling much better soon.

Braces on 11th June 2006,~ BSSO and Wisdom tooth removal 11th February 2008,~ Plate Removal 14th May 2008,~ Braces off 28th August 2008.


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#5 Post by hedybleu »

So sorry things didn't go quite as planned but at least your home now and things should be getting better each day. And I don't think you're feeling sorry for yourself, you're just recovering from major surgery and you're expecting!! I have my oral surgery (I'm in NC too) set for July 8th so I can't speak to recovery on it. However I did break my neck in 2005 and was absolutely miserable for about 2 weeks after, so what your describing sounds pretty "normal" in terms of recovery to me. Hope you're feeling better soon.
~ Hedybleu

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#6 Post by cmeyer115 »

Thanks guys! As for day 2 at home, sleep was sporadic trying to find a comfortale position. The front part of my throat was hurting in the hospital and the surgeon says that is where I am likely to bruise but haven't started yet. The swelling is quite painful but seems to be limited to my lower neck but the sores in the corners of my mouth have started. It almost looks like I have a square jaw :lol: I was however surprised to be hungry, just a little frustrating to not be able to get much in at a time. My Mom has been a great help, just think sometimes I am not a good patient/daughter. I get frustrated when she can't understand me. She has hearing aids, so I have resorted to the dry erase board when necessary. I am unable to talk to my husband right now as he is in Iraq and has more access to phone than internet. Well it is medicine time, so I check back in later. Thanks again for all the support.

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#7 Post by Andantae »

Hey cmeyer~

Sorry to hear about the sporadic sleep. That is a very common problem post-op. I have almost never slept sitting up so that is going to be a challenge for me, too, and I don't sleep at that well to being with.

I'm so glad that you have your mother there with you. Don't feel bad; I'm sure she understands and emphathises as well as anyone your frustration in not being able to communicate--afterall, it's likely she experienced much the same feelings/frustrations before she got her hearing aids!

Keep up with your pain meds, and I hope you get some sleep!
Braced 5-30-07 for 18-24 months
In-Ovation Uppers, Metal Lowers, TPA upper arch, Lower Lingual arch, no elastics.
100% Deep Bite, Crowding, Over Extrusion
BSSO & Genio surgery June 4th '08!


"Truth is a bully we all pretend to like." Gregory David Roberts -SHANTARAM

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#8 Post by jmrut22 »

So glad your on the other side. I am about 2 weeks post op from my BSSO and I promise it does get better. That first week really sucked for me. Now my biggest problem still is trying to mush food- cant get my mouth open- and the depression that the OS said I may get- I did. One day is good, one day is bad- emotionally that is -not pain wise.

Hang in there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111

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#9 Post by cmeyer115 »

Jmrut22, Thanks glad to know it gets better! I am having a little trouble with the pain right now. My surgeon didn't give me enough pain meds to make it to my appt on Tues, and I haven't even been using it every 4 hrs, more like 8 hrs but my Mom called for some more anyways. I did manage to take a little walk today but know what mean about the dep! I have had a few times I just have some tears run out for no reason. I did feel a little better today when my husband called (he's in Iraq) but after mumbling a bit it was hurting. I dont have any brusing yet, but the swelling is quite painful even though I am using ice. My lips are the worst, bottom one is triple the size and the corners have sores. Ok sorry I was feeling sorry for myself, but it's nice to have someone to listen. Did you have heavy elastics, when did they come off? Thanks again

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#10 Post by spongeWorthy »

dont feel bad for worrying about yourself. if ever there was a time to be concerned primarily with yourself, it is now. one of your doctors should be able to call in a prescription for your pain meds ASAP. id have your mom call the office and make sure somebody takes care of this for you.

remember to drink lots of liquids, watch some videos or read some books you never had a chance to before. take care of yourself, and I wish you a speedy recovery.

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#11 Post by cmeyer115 »

Ok, so today is a little better. My Mom got more pain meds for me even though it was a ordeal as they spelled my name wrong. This morning I took a bath which was a little to warm so I ended up having to sit down for a few minutes. Then I decided to get out and go to Walmart to get a few things and while we were there a pedicure/manicure for me and my Mom, she has been so good to me :D I think I bit off a little more than I could chew. A few minutes from being done I got hot and needed to lay my head down. My Mom knew I had enough and should cut the trip short. I guess I haven't been able to get enough in my system with all the fuss required. As for my outing I didn't think I looked bad since I hadn't started bruising, but even my Mom got upset. I told her dont worry about it, if it bothered me I'd ask what they were looking at, or mumble at least. Kinda hard to explain what it looks like except an elongated jaw line thats swollen, with two marks on each side were the stitches are. Maybe I'll take some pic's when I go to my follow up on Tues with the surgeon. Well time to slurp down some soup!

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#12 Post by Andantae »

So glad you are finally feeling a bit better :D ! Yup, sounds like you're in good hands that your mom knew it was time to cut the trip short. What a nice idea to treat her! Would love to see your photos!
Braced 5-30-07 for 18-24 months
In-Ovation Uppers, Metal Lowers, TPA upper arch, Lower Lingual arch, no elastics.
100% Deep Bite, Crowding, Over Extrusion
BSSO & Genio surgery June 4th '08!


"Truth is a bully we all pretend to like." Gregory David Roberts -SHANTARAM

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same procedure and same recovery

#13 Post by jackievandam »

Well, just wanted to share with you that my recovery has been about the same..I had a BSSO last Wed. and it hasn't been too easy...It did help my swelling to alternate ice/heat...and really push fluids...I have gone out a few times and due to the swelling and bruising down into my face, neck and chest it does bring about a few looks..I think we are going to start doing better now- I have some pain around my TMJ though and into the ears that I did not expect...Also, do you have this splint in your mouth- I hope that comes out soon!! My braces really cut into my inner checks because my face was so swollen- that hurts more than my jaw?? Don't mean to be a downer- this really is going to work out great...it is just getting through these first few weeks..
GOod luck

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#14 Post by cmeyer115 »

jackievandam Thanks! I do have the aweful splint and the swelling does make the braces cut into my gums. I think the swelling is controlled very well except for in the chin and lip itself. I did have some pain where it almost feels the incisions are and like you said around the joint, so my ears and throat hurt a little. I went for a walk again today, didn't feel like getting irritated so didn't go out in public. I'll save that for tomm when I do my follow up. I was orginally told the splint would be out tomm, so cross your fingers! When is your follow up? Be back tomm with the results! Thanks again

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#15 Post by cmeyer115 »

Back from the check up! I am feeling better. He took the stitches out of my cheeks and after taking the heavy elastics off, decided the splint was not doing its job (due to too much swelling- although the rest of it looks like its gone done, guess left side is worse and causing teeth not to bite it splint pattern) So off comes the splint!!! Then he said no elastics too. I felt like I won the lottery. After brusing my teeth I had to sit down for a few minutes, got hot again. So for now I am on weekly check-ups, can open a tiny bit, but am on liquids~or as the surgeon so nicely put it anything I dont have to chew diet! Guess I have t be careful I'll want to eat just about anything now. As for the ortho, he took a quick peek and said it all looked good, may take a few more months to finsh with braces but overall good. So after last nite (I was dying for something nomal so I slurpped some pudding thru the small holes in my teeth/splint- took me about 20 min) I came home and somewhat normally ate some yogurt, pudding and even took some meds in pill form. Amazing what that feels like when you can't do it!! Well I'm gonna see what else I can stuff down now that it dosent have to be strained and then I'll get Mom to help me take some pics.

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