Before or After?

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Before or After?

#1 Post by OzzysMom »

I need to schedule my surgical date a month ahead of time(lefort 1, bsso, sliding genio). I was thinking of scheduling it around the 1st of October. The possible problem is that I have a class reunion on November 8. I don't mind if I can't eat the food but I want to be somewhat "normal." It's my 30 year reunion and I don't want to miss it. If I'm only 4 or 5 weeks out of surgery will I be ok to attend?

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#2 Post by phil »


I agree with Meryaten. In most cases, a person after 4-5 weeks should have enough energy for an outing. However, the best rule of thumb (I think) is to always listen to your body! So, on that day, you might just relax beforehand if you can.

One thing that is not often discussed on the forum is the effects of general anesthesia. It can take quite a while to get that all out of your system, and until it is gone, life must be a little slower, which can be a gift!


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#3 Post by Andantae »


I just went to my 30 year 2 weeks ago at 8 weeks post op. You should be good to go at 4-5 weeks, but probably won't have your usual stammina. I find that on days when I do alot without much sleep, that I get a little swollen by the end of the night or wake up a little swollen the next morning.

However, perhaps if I did not feel compelled to stay out with friends until 4:30 in the morning the first night and then roll in at 6:30 am after the 2nd night, things might have not gotten swollen the second morning :roll: . When will I grow up??? Did I mention I had a blast? Have fun----don't miss it for anything!
Braced 5-30-07 for 18-24 months
In-Ovation Uppers, Metal Lowers, TPA upper arch, Lower Lingual arch, no elastics.
100% Deep Bite, Crowding, Over Extrusion
BSSO & Genio surgery June 4th '08!


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#4 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

In terms of being able to go I would say yes, however, you will still be significantly swollen. By that I mean, not a much as post surgery, but still will have several months of healing and swelling reductions. I personally did not think I looked that bad/different at 5 weeks, however, when I compared it to my pics 7 -10 months later, the difference was huge. I blogged all of my journey and took very regular pics if you want to check them out you can see them at

Also here is my blog page at 5-6 weeks post op (scroll down to the bottom) it shows pics of how I looked at 6 weeks, and 5 weeks. ... chive.html

Healing depends on a lot of things, and actually my swelling came down pretty rapidly due to a combination of vitamin supplements, and natural remedies. If you are young you will probably heal faster, but swelling is very individual. took a good 6 weeks before my stamina started to improve. Up until that point I had to take a couple of naps a day just to make it through. This surgery takes a lot out of you...

Plan for that and don't overdo it if you go. Good luck to you, may you be as happy with your results as I have been.


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#5 Post by OzzysMom »

Thanks everyone for your advice/experiences! You've convinced me that I'll be ok and I'm going to try to get it done before my reunion.
October 8, 2008 Lefort1(6mm impaction), BSSO, Genioplasty, Turbinectomies, Partial septoplasty, gum recontoring



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#6 Post by jmrut22 »

I had to fly out of town exactly 4 weeks post op.
I was not wired at that time but had very little mouth opening ROM to eat with. That was bothersome but everyone knew that I had just had jaw surgery and never thought I looked funny eating or anything. I had to wear box elastics then too, that was a pain. I could maybe get one finger width in at that point.

I was still off from work so I had gotten plenty of rest. I didnt find myself unusually tired but eating was still a challenge.
Brace Date 6/2006
BSSO 5/2008
Debanded 10/8/08 YAY!!
Hawleys top and bottom 24/7

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