little question

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little question

#1 Post by Naranja »

hi all

I've been braced 1,5 years now and having serious doubts about my orthodoncist's skills. Meaning from the beggining I knew I had to have surgery (every profesional I saw said the same thing) but my actual treatment isn't doing any progress so far.

So I took other consult with another orthodontics-professional, and this other doc told me that preparation with orthodontics treatments to go for a surgery are completely diferent than compensatory orthodontics treatments

does anyone know anything about this?
i'll really like to learn about this subject. I'm feeling kinda down, and thinking of changing ortho.

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#2 Post by Naranja »

maryaten, could it be that my writing sounded provocative... because my english isnt very good and i have some troubles trying to explain things. anyway is not my intention to make acusations or something like that. i'm sorry for that.

As you said in my particular case, i saw several orthos when the time came, I found one that I like... but my mom chosed anotherone and as she pays i had to go with it. The thing is that i've been braced 1,5 years now uppers only. Comunications with my current ortho are dificult because doesnt matter how many times I ask, or the way I ask, I never get a clear answer. The same goes to my mom and dad, whenever they ask something related to my treatment they only get a smile as a response. (for example, every now and then I ask when my bottoms will be braced, and the answer I get is "patience"). More than one time I've think that my ortho doesnt have a clue about what to do with me, or he's trying stuff to see what happens. The fact that he doesnt give me a clear answer irritates me. That in addition to hygienic facts...

anyway, a few days ago y went to other ortho (the one I had chosed in first place), just to talk... and she said the thing I posted earlier: "That orthodontics preparation for surgery were A LOT diferent than the orthodontics made to compensate a bad bite." She saw my records and said I need surgery, and she has no clue about what my current ortho is trying to acomplish. We talked freely and she answered to all my questions even if there were little or stupid.

And now I'm really confused.
At this time I only wanted to know if somebody had information about this, i mean the fact that preparation for surgery is completely diferent... I imagine, that this means aligning teeth in both arches and then the surgeon makes the best possible bite. in comparison with the compensatory that tries to compensate the bite in some other way

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Location: Chile

#3 Post by Naranja »

thanks maryaten

actually i've done many "reunions" with my current ortho, and my parents arent happy with him either.
a few days ago i <kind of forced> my mom to go with me to this other ortho and she liked her as much as me.
i feel like i'm brainwashing my parents :roll: but i guess i have to do it, because i dont see any other way out of this, and every time i'm getting more and more worried about my future bite.

when i talk to this other ortho again, i'll ask some more about the treatment preparing for surgery and i'll post it here. :)

Class III Blues
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#4 Post by Class III Blues »

I believe it is important for you to be able to communicate with your orthodontist and for him to spend the time to answer your questions, especially since you are on the surgery route! It will only more uncomfortable for you to assert yourself later. You do not want to prolong your braces wear any longer than you have to, and suggest you have the adequate relationship with your ortho to let him know when you don't feel like you are progressing. You are paying several thousands of dollars for your braces I imagine -- you deserve every single one of your questions answered in detail and in a way that you understand. I encourage you to get all the answers to your questions from your ortho and surgeon, and not worry or made to feel like you are annoying. You are undergoing a very serious procedure that will affect how your face looks and how your bite functions.
Good luck!

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#5 Post by monarch »

Have you had a chance to talk with your surgeon? If you could get in to see him (I think you'll have to pay a consult fee, which may or may not be applied to your surgery fee), it would be well worth it right now to find out if he thinks your teeth are being prepared for surgery. You'd have to see the surgeon sometime in the near future anyway, so why not now, before you make a major change that you may or may not regret?

I recall that with one of my daughters (who did not need surgery, she only needed teeth straightened) the orthodontist we had at the time (now retired) only put braces on her top teeth for quite a while. We finally did ask him why, and he explained that if he had put braces on the bottom teeth at first, the way her bite was, she would have "bitten" the braces right off every time she closed her mouth. There needs to be space, as in the top teeth have to be high enough, and far enough ahead of the bottom teeth, before the bottom braces can go on. Because of a situation with her bite, etc. we did have to wait a while before she got those bottom braces, but it has been too many years ago now for me to remember exactly how long she had to wait. In the end, though, her teeth and bite came out beautifully, and have stayed beautiful for over ten years so far!

Good luck with whatever you decide! :D

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