Looks like I am finally having my second surgery :)

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Location: Prague, Europe

Looks like I am finally having my second surgery :)

#1 Post by DotCat »

After ages of delaying (relapse, hidden defects, nerve damage and other fun), my dentist finally gave up her tries to give me a perfect pre-surgery bite and decided that I am to have surgery and they will finish correcting the bite after (ouchie?).

I should have Le Fort I advancement and BSSO, but in the end, my surgeon evaluated the x-rays and my face and claims that the lower jaw surgery is not necessary and they will do only multi-pieced Le Fort I (segmented because half of my upper jaw relapsed and midline shifted heavily and they need to rotate the pieces in the right position). What seems really strange to me is that he says my long chin is not long and will be ok... well, I suppose I have to trust him?

What was much less fun ist that my ortho says I will need a Le Fort II as a next step when I am healed. Honestly, I am scared - Le Fort I is ok, but Le Fort II happens too close to the base of skull and the eyes and I red many very disturbing reports of occular problems as a complication. :(

Well, looks like I might be under the knife in May/early June.
Crouzon syndrome with midface hypoplasia and class III

SARPE, 7mm expansion - 14th September 2007
Lower braces on from 15th November 2007
Upper braces on from 17th January 2008
Hyrax RPE removed - 20th March 2008
Le Fort I advancement - 1st June 2009 (with major surgical complications)
Braces off from 25th March 2010, retainers on from 29th March 2010.


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Location: in a house that has 4 walls, with lots of rooms!!! in Canada!

#2 Post by blindboarder2008 »

oh wow sounds like you have been through quite the ordeal! Hopefully everything will work out for you, best of luck with your second surgery. Les us know when you have an official date! I am scheduled to have a Lefort 1 with a mandable advancement June 2nd of this year! So we may be getting it done around the same time (depending when your surgery is)

best of luck and keep us updated!
Braced: March 19th 2008
Impacted wisdom teeth extraction surgery: June 20th 2008 1pm (13 hours of fasting)
Jaw surgery (upper and lower)Lefort 1 with Madable Advancement: June 2nd 2009 @8am!!!! 1 surgery down 2 surgeries to go!!
debrace day: jan 18th 2010!!!! *has 2 fixed retainers and an essix retainer for night time now!

Posts: 834
Joined: Sat Mar 25, 2006 4:46 pm

#3 Post by Delag »

Hi Dot! Yikes - Lefort II? When did they start talking about that? Is there a chance you can avoid it, or is it set in stone? What functional improvements will you gain with the II?.....and why the heck can't they get it over for you with one surgery? 'Nuff questions?

Posts: 137
Joined: Sun Sep 30, 2007 5:39 am
Location: Prague, Europe

#4 Post by DotCat »

Delag: They suddenly changed their mind on the last consultation I had at the ortho's office (with my surgery crew) and it really freaked me out, but I called my chief surgeon and he explained, that they are not doing an actual le fort II, but will just mimick it with medpor implants in my last surgery (my ortho wanted advancement, but they will just do augmentation).

So I think it is ok this way, my surgeon says that this should be my last surgery that involves osteotomies. The rest should be just augmentation where they work with the existing bone structure and add layers where there is some missing bone mass.

The benefit of le forte II should be better breathing through my nose, but since the Le Fort I should help this as well, I think I can live with not so perfect function-wise, but better and much safer surgery-wise option.
Crouzon syndrome with midface hypoplasia and class III

SARPE, 7mm expansion - 14th September 2007
Lower braces on from 15th November 2007
Upper braces on from 17th January 2008
Hyrax RPE removed - 20th March 2008
Le Fort I advancement - 1st June 2009 (with major surgical complications)
Braces off from 25th March 2010, retainers on from 29th March 2010.


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