It's not the overbite that bothers me really, I actually find it's hardly noticeable. I did have braces to treat an open bite when I was 11, but that hasn't recurred since and my teeth are generally straight now without any major bite problems. My main features that really bother me now are:
- From the side, my profile looks...large and flat. It's difficult to explain; perhaps the best way of putting it is that it looks as of the mandibular plane has been vertically dragged down compared to where it ought to be, and the whole side of the face has no real "depth" to it, like a square/rectangular plane with a harsh-looking 90 degree angle at the chin. From the side, the lower jaw seems to protrude from lower down the neck than it should, making my neck look short.
- Viewed from the front, my cheeks seem to recede in the lower third of my face (which is noticeably longer than the middle third) because of my narrow lower jaw, which gives the appearance of an elongated U-shape from one cheekbone to the other, with no discernible corners, jawline definition, or width around the lower face. The length from the base of my nose to the tip of my chin is about 1 and a half times the distance from that same point to the side of my face (they should be equal).
- My smile, or rather the narrowness and general unnatural-ness of it.
What are the treatments that would help to minimize or eliminate these issues? I'd like to give my face more fullness and make it look less long and narrow, with the lower third more balanced with the other two. My symptoms are fairly minor compared to some pictures I've seen, but I feel they're fairly noticeable...

Until a few weeks ago I'd been uneasy at the idea of suggesting surgery for purely cosmetic purposes, but finding out that it is in face a recognized deformity for which reconstructive orthognathic surgery is the accepted treatment has made me feel somewhat more confident with the thought...and I suppose it's also a functional improvement if it ends up improving my breathing. I've yet to approach my orthodontist about this, and would prefer to enter into that kind of discussion with him only once I have a little more information on the treatments that exist. At the same time I'm terrified at the thought of undergoing surgery, since I've read quite a few horror stories about the results not being as expected and the slew of horrible side-effects that can occur.

Please believe me when I say I wouldn't even be considering this if I didn't feel it was something that had utterly destroyed my life up until now.