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My Chin Reduction Surgery (genioplasty)

Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 5:19 pm
by annamarie
My first post, but I've been reading for ages! While I didn't have major orthognathic surgery as many of you have, the information that you've shared has been infinitely helpful. THANK YOU for being a part of this forum! I would like to share my story because it was difficult to find chin reduction information on the web. Maybe I can help others the way you have helped me.

On April 10, I had reverse sliding genioplasty... Set-back genioplasty... Chin reduction surgery... Please chop off this pointy chin surgery!! I found a wonderful maxillofacial surgeon in my hometown of Portland, Oregon. The consult was around $600 which included a 360 degree xray, CT scan and some other xray. Expensive, but I liked that the surgeon was thorough in his analysis of my chin before agreeing to work on it. The surgery itself was around $6000. For the record, I'm a 37 year-old female.

First week: Pain was pretty intense. I stayed on top of my meds, every 4 hours. Could barely open my mouth. Mostly drank Ensure and blended soups. I swished with saltwater and brushed my teeth with a baby brush and baby toothpaste. Worst part was the hunger. The feeling in my bottom lip was back by day 3 so I knew there wasn't nerve damage. phew.
Second week: I was able to open my mouth a bit more and was able to eat mashed potatoes and eggs, soft-types of foods. I found that putting the food on a knife and then sliding it into my mouth worked well. Dr confirmed that I have lopsided swelling (left side worse). Dr also said that I don't need to worry about ripping open my incision anymore.
Third week: Starting to freak out about my chin. Constant worry if it was going to look good after the swelling has gone down. Major drama and sleepless nights.
Fourth week: Can move lips pretty good, but I lisp. I have a lopsided smile from the swelling. Am really working on lip movement by sounding out vowels, smiling and doing goofy things with my lips.
Fifth week: Meet up with friends who didn't know I had surgery. No one noticed! It was a huge relief that my changes were subtle and not disfiguring (see week three).
Sixth week: I am starting to like my chin. Boyfriend thinks the surgery has "softened" the appearance of my face. Yay, good man! Bottom teeth are still numb, they feel "tight". I still lisp a bit.
Seventh week: See pictures below (still a bit swollen). Tomorrow I will see a friend who's known me for 10 years. I can't wait to see what she thinks.
Image Image

Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 4:57 am
by Elspeth

Thanks for posting your experience! I will be undergoing the same procedure next year. My bottom jaw is too tall, and out of proportion with the rest of my face. I too have tried to find information on this surgery, but most of the results online are about augmentation, not reduction.

How long did you take off work? I'm going to get mine done in the holidays just before returning to university, I thought I'd be ready to go back within 3 weeks but by the sounds of your experience, it takes much longer before you sound/can talk normal again.

You look great by the way! Much softer and harmonious. Are you happy with it?

Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 4:58 am
by Elspeth
Elspeth wrote:Hello!

Thanks for posting your experience! I will be undergoing the same procedure next year. My bottom jaw is too tall, and out of proportion with the rest of my face. I too have tried to find information on this surgery, but most of the results online are about augmentation, not reduction.

How long did you take off work? I'm going to get mine done in the holidays just before returning to university, I thought I'd be ready to go back within 3 weeks but by the sounds of your experience, it takes much longer before you sound/can talk normal again.

You look great by the way! Much softer and harmonious. Doesn't look "done" at all. Are you happy with it?

Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 2:28 pm
by annamarie
Elspeth, I am happy with my surgery! I just got back from spending the weekend with a friend who's known me for over 10 years and she said that it looks great. I plan to get my nose tweaked in September.

I returned to work 1.5 weeks after my surgery. I have a very busy, interactive, computer job from home. I had the energy to work, but was glad none of my co-workers could see me. I think you should be able to return to university at 3 weeks. You may want to say that you just had your wisdom teeth removed to make an excuse for swelling or talking slightly funny.

Good luck!

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 9:32 pm
by brendan
looks great!!!!!

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 5:32 am
by Elspeth
I'm glad to hear you're happy! How is the sensation in your teeth/lips going? I think that's what I'm most worried about! Also, in the pictures you posted, you don't look swollen at all (at least to me), so hopefully my own swelling will be as subtle!

And hey, that's a great excuse! I never thought of telling people I had got my wisdom teeth out as an excuse... haha.

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 10:29 am
by annamarie
[quote="Elspeth"]How is the sensation in your teeth/lips going? quote]

I'm at 9 weeks now and my lisp is completely gone. And actually my friend that I met up with at 7 weeks never even heard a lisp. The numbness in my bottom teeth is almost gone. I really only notice it when I'm brushing my teeth.

I wish I was able to edit my original post. There were a couple of thing I forgot to mention like how tiring it was talk or eat for the first few weeks. Eating a small meal would require a nap. The other thing I forgot was that I slept with my head propped up for the first 10 days to help reduce swelling. Lots of icing for the first few days (frozen peas). I would ice for a few weeks more just when my chin felt sore or I talked too much.

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 10:35 am
by Esoteric
looks much softer now

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 8:57 am
by 409wood

I see by your posting that you were going to have a rhinoplasty this month. Hope everything is okay. I had a reverse sliding genioplasty with plates one week ago today. There is still a lot of swelling and also a had knot under my chin. I asked my doctor, and he said part of it was the genioplasty and part of it was swelling. It seems odd to me so I was wondering if you experienced the same thing?

By the way, your profile is so feminine now. It looks very nice!

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 3:33 pm
by Kimber7
I am also from Oregon and I am looking for a surgeon to do a sliding genioplasty can you send me in the right direction? Thanks!

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 5:18 pm
by James0099
They want to get genio plasty also with my orthognathic surgery, I'm not sure about it though. I have never been bothered with my chin, I always thought that it was a normal one but they say that with the way I'll look after the surgery it may fit my face better.

Re: My Chin Reduction Surgery (genioplasty)

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 11:20 am
by Rockhead
Imbalance looking for a good max fax to perform a genioplasty here in oregon. Pls help w any recommendations

Re: My Chin Reduction Surgery (genioplasty)

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 11:38 pm
by Rockhead
I'm a new member and can't read private messages yet, so a Rey back on this post would be greatly appreciated!
