Jaw Surgery with MUSCULAR issues....
Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 2:06 pm
I have a very complicated case. Due to a skeletal abnormality and a tremendous amount of destabilizing dental work throughout the years my bite finally collapsed. The first indication of this was pain and muscular swelling on one side of my face. It was a very long and difficult diagnosis as you can imagine but my docs have recreated the chain of events. The first step to correct this was to find a "stable bite". This was successfully done with a splint. It also corrected my forward head posture and allowed me to stand straighter. This new position has caused the muscles to go into total spasms in the head/neck region since they're not used to this new position. I also have difficulty breathing as my chin has retruded. The splint has caused my entire body to "tip" to one side. One hip takes the load when I walk and the muscles are quite enlarged on that side. I was told I will need ortho to close a large open bite followed by some type of jaw surgery. In my present state of muscular dysfunction both outcomes are unpredictable and I was told to focus on therapy before discussing anything further. Has anyone had to deal with orthognathic surgery with severe muscular issues? TMD, cranio mandubular dysfunction, dental distress syndrome? This is a tough one.