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Wires/Splint Removed, eating is not as joyous as I thought.

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 11:23 am
by ZmaN277
Just got my wires and splint off, however eating was not the godsend I had been waiting for.

I was barely able to feel any of the food in my mouth, it was coming out anywhere, I couldn't feel my teeth, and barley tasted anything.

Is this a common first eating experience? It seemed like other people loved their first meal in 4/6/etc. weeks, and mine was, well, not so good. I almost would have preferred a milkshake.

Does anyone have any experience with this / know when it gets any easier?


Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 11:51 am
by chicago29
I can only comment from my SARPE/MSDO, which is probably less invasive than the traditional bi-max. I'm sure some others that have had the comparable surgery that you had can also comment so you can compare apples to apples...

I wasn't able to chew for 6 weeks, and I thought my first meal would be great. I had much the same experience you did. I didn't have any "pain", but it just felt super weird. Like my teeth were "wooden"...they lacked feeling and I had to chew very gingerly. I didn't enjoy it at all.

Even coming up on 6 months, things still are not the same, but they are a lot better. When my expanders are removed, I'm hoping things will get even better. I'm getting ever so closer to actually biting into some soft things and not having to cut up everything with a fork. I live for the day I can bite into a sandwich, but that probably won't happen until I'm ready for the second surgery, and I will have to do this all over!

I promise you it will get better, but like everything with this surgery it takes time.

Good Luck

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 5:25 pm
by Lacrosse Mom
Yes, I CAN relate!!!! I had a Lefort 1 (upper jaw) surgery on the 1st of this month.

I was so excited on Thursday when my doctor said "you can take off your bands" and have a soft food diet. I WAS THRILLED!! As they say, be careful what you wish for. Well, the eating is not GOOD!! It takes an hour to eat half a bowl of soup!! YIKES!!

I have enjoyed a smoothie from Tropical Smoothie cafe!

I heard another person blended Wendy's Chilli and it was heavenly! (maybe I'll try that next)

I think what I am truly missing is the texture of food (the bite of an apple, pizza crust, sandwiches, etc.)

So, at this point, I'm in the same boat as you. If I find something that really tickles the taste buds, I'll email.

I guess we'll just have to hang in there.

So here's to a great meal!!! (hopefully we'll find one) LOL! :lol:

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 8:30 pm
by AFLeadDog
I was unable to chew for six weeks!
I did blend some chili up and it was FANTASTIC with some sour cream on top!!
I have been able to "chew" for the last few weeks. I wouldn’t call it chewing though... i cant chew anything that is more solid than a Jo Jo...and those are hard to eat... i have to peel the skin to eat them comfortably!! I went so far as to peel a sausage out of the skin because it was to chewy lol.
I so can’t wait to savor food again. I eat just to fill my stomach at this point it’s not enjoyable at all!

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 10:28 am
by blindboarder2008
I got my splint removed a week or so ago and I can relate to how you are feeling. When i got my splint off I was so excited to chew things but then i had my first meal (pasta and meat sauce) and it felt so weird to actaully be able to chew something and i had alot of pain in the very beginning so you have to be really careful.

my surgeon advice is not to have steak for your first meal rather just work up to it. So that what I've been doing. I'm almost 2 weeks post splint and its getting easier every day. I have to say though its alot easier to chew on my right side then my left right now. I keep getting this weird sensation and pain on my left side and ilts still a bit swollen so I'm going to have to give it a bit more time.

give it a few days and it will get better. just work up to food slowly and becare when you are chewing because your jaw is still going to be pretty tender for quite some time. be good to your jaw and listen to it. if it stsrts getting painful then stop eating what ever your eating. Eating slow is also a good idea as well.

brushing was really weird in the beginning as well. but it feels so good to be able to actually brush your teeth without the darn splint.:)