Just starting out

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Just starting out

#1 Post by HelenUK »


I've been to see a private orthodontist (yorkshire, UK) because I was concerned with crowding of my upper teeth, and he told me that I have a deep bite and should consider surgery. He referred me to my local NHS hospital and I had my first appointment there last week. The orthodontist said that I would need braces and then mandibular surgery to bring the bottom jaw forward, and then braces for a few months after to finish.

I wanted to ask what's the usual timeline for this kind of thing. I don't even have braces yet! I have another appointment with the hospital in september, i think that will be for records and maybe xrays (I had these done at the private orthodontist in May).

I know that its all about NHS wiating times now, but I'm impatient already!!

Thanks, Helen

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#2 Post by lfwood »

Sounds like your story is similar to mine.

I will be having braces for about 9-12 months first. Then Lower jaw surgery (to bring jaw forward) and then braces for another 6-12 months.

Considering I am 33 my teeth have moved into line pretty quickly. My orthodontist told me it would be about 24 months of braces.

With regards to your x-rays, your surgeon will need different x-rays than the one that your orthodontist had done originally.

If you are thinking of going down the surgery path, I don't think there would be any reason that you can't get started with the braces as soon as possible.

I got my braces on in January 2009 and have seen my surgeon twice. She has such a good rapport going with the Ortho that she doesn't want to see me again until I am ready for surgery.

Feel free to pm me if you have anymore questions.


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#3 Post by HelenUK »

So I have an update finally..

I've now seen my orthodontist 3 times and met my surgeon last week, all is going well and they're happy to do the treatment with NHS funding. I didn't need any more x-rays, they just used the ones I had initially.

The surgeon said I should just need lower jaw surgery, but won't know for certain until after the orthodontics are done and ready for surgery. My orthodontist has said that I need 4 teeth removing, two upper premolars and two lower premolars. I have 2 appointments with my dentist to have these removed in February, and then I have 2 appointments in March lined up with my Orthodontist, at the first one I'll get spacers between my back teeth, then at the second appointment a week later I get bands. Some time after this I get braces on.

I had teeth taken out when I was younger, and don't remember it being too traumatic; can anyone tell me what to expect in relation to pain, difficulty eating etc. when I have the spacers and then bands? Also, how long after the bands are in should I expect to be getting braces?

After my initial consult with the private ortho, which was nearly a year ago, I'm so pleased to be starting treatment soon!


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#4 Post by charlsie142 »

Hi Helen!

I had four premolars extracted (upper second premolars and lower first premolars) just over a year ago, and one week later, I had my spacers put in. Having the teeth extracted was really not as bad as I thought since you're numbed up really well when it all happens. The pressure you feel is definitely awkward and hearing the tooth loosening was quite strange, to say the least. It was annoying to eat afterward (the first night I got a piece of rice from my soup stuck in one of the extraction sites--not fun!), but after a couple of days, you're used to the gaps being there.

The spacers, on the other hand, I would have to say were the worst part of the whole braces experience for me. They just hurt. It's nearly impossible to eat anything the first couple of days, and by the time you start getting used to them, it's time to get your molar bands put on.
I had my bands and braces put on exactly one week after getting spacers. So, they actually did everything in one visit for me. Actually, I didn't get molar bands put on my very last molars until a couple of months in, which from what I have read on the metal mouth forum, is pretty normal. Some people never get molar bands on their last molar, but I think extraction cases always do (correct me if I'm wrong, anyone..).

Anyway, one year later, I can say it was all totally worth it and really, the anxiety before it all happened was the worst part of the entire process. Now I'm just waiting to have my surgery, and hopefully the anxiety will be the worst part of that process as well.

I tried to be as honest and open as possible about my experience thus far, so hopefully it doesn't scare you. And, it may very well be that I'm just a wimp. :) Either way, I hope it all goes well for you and that you'll keep us updated.

Four premolars extracted 12/29/2008
Braced 1/12/2009
Lefort I (upper jaw moved up 5mm) and BSSO (lower jaw lengthened by 7mm) on May 11, 2010

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#5 Post by HelenUK »

Hi, thanks for your reply!

I am a little scared now about the spacers, but just have to tell myself that itll alll be worth it in the end! My teeth have been aching all week already, before i'v even done anything to them! I think a wisdom tooth is growing some more. I will have to eat lots of yummy, hard food before I go in for treatment, just in case!

I also wanted to know, what are the bands for and what do they do? I don't think I'm having braces on that same appointment, but i may have misunderstood.

Charlsie: What surgery will you need? Which country are you in?

Thanks, Helen

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#6 Post by charlsie142 »

Don't be too scared about the spacers- just be prepared for soft food for a few days. I just meant they were the worst part because, in general, things really weren't that bad with extractions and getting braced. You'll be just fine. :)

Molar bands wrap around your molars...depending on whether you have any dental crowns or fillings on the outer edge of your teeth will determine whether you need bands around all of them. So the spacers literally make space for the bands to fit in between your teeth. Not all of my molars have bands (some have brackets like the non-molars).

I'll be having upper (lefort I) and lower (BSSO) jaw surgery to correct my overbite, overjet, open bite, gummy smile, weak lower jaw, etc. So not quite the same issues as you have, but the lower part sounds like we'll be similar.

Oh, and I'm in the US- North Carolina to be exact. :)

Four premolars extracted 12/29/2008
Braced 1/12/2009
Lefort I (upper jaw moved up 5mm) and BSSO (lower jaw lengthened by 7mm) on May 11, 2010

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#7 Post by crazybeautiful »

Well, since we are seeing the same orthodontist and the same surgeon, I imagine your story will be much the same as mine :wink:

I would have thought that the braces would go on at the same time as the bands. I'm sure mine did (since the bands are integral to the braces, and vice versa). Spacers are annoying, but you will manage.

Also as soon as you get the braces on your appointments will be regular, maybe a every month- or earlier, depending on the situation- and it's just a matter of waiting for your teeth to progress. Then when Nicole gets your teeth surgery-ready, you'll see Mr Smith again and they will decide on the surgery plan. Then you'll get a date, and take it from there

Oh also, extractions aren't that bad. It would be so funny if you had the same dentist as me too, but surely it's not that small of a world! :P The procedure itself is painless, and it's just a matter of coping the few days after with the gaps and making sure it's clean

Good luck, and keep us posted :)
~SARME, Nov 2007. 10mm expansion



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#8 Post by queenofoverbite »

The worst part about spacers is that the acheyness can make you grind your teeth while you're sleeping.

Causing your teeth to saw the lil rubber spacers in half. In which case, the ortho puts all new spacers in. Ouch!

If you are prone to teeth grinding with stress or pain, I would recommend sleeping with a mouth guard in. They make special ones that are braces friendly.
BSSO in Fall 2010!

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#9 Post by bb »

After extractions(bicuspids), it's taken 14 months for the spaces to close and therefore ready for surgery.

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#10 Post by HelenUK »

thanks everyone for your replies! i'm sure ill be fine.
crazybeautiful wrote:I would have thought that the braces would go on at the same time as the bands.
I didnt get that from what nicola said, but with all the info they were throwing at me, i may have misheard. I'll ask at the spacers appt about that, I want a bit of notice before the braces go on to eat all the things i won't be able to after! I'm sure we don't have the same dentist, but just to check, i'm with mr wood at hoyland common :)
queenofoverbite wrote:The worst part about spacers is that the acheyness can make you grind your teeth while you're sleeping.

Causing your teeth to saw the lil rubber spacers in half. In which case, the ortho puts all new spacers in. Ouch!

If you are prone to teeth grinding with stress or pain, I would recommend sleeping with a mouth guard in. They make special ones that are braces friendly.
Thanks for that advice, i think i grind my teeth anyway, or at least catch myself clenching them a lot and have to relax.

I'll keep you posted anyway :)

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Extractions done, spacers tomorrow!

#11 Post by HelenUK »

Hi, Just a bit of an update.

I had my extractions last week, and the first 2 were a lot worse than the second 2. Not that anything went wrong or that there was any pain, but I really wasnt expecting 5 needles for 2 teeth out, and the sensation of pulling the teeth out made me pretty lightheaded. The second time i went in, to remove the other 2 teeth, was no problem at all, because I knew what to expect and managed to keep myself calm.

The extraction sites have pretty much healed now, and i'm eating most things quite normally. I have noticed that my remaining teeth have shifted already, my bottom canines touch the inside of my top canines when i try to bite now, and one of my wisdom teeth is coming through a bit more so the gum is swollen there.

Tomorrow I go to the hospital for the spacers putting in. I'm quite looking forward to that, as the start of tooth movement and therefore being a little bit closer to straight teeth and a functional bite!

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#12 Post by crazybeautiful »

Glad your extractions went ok despite the initial discomfort. Good look with the spacers- they are annoying, but not horrendous :wink: and like you say it's another step to your new bite. Personally, I'm in love with my new bite :D
~SARME, Nov 2007. 10mm expansion



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#13 Post by crazybeautiful »

Oh and forgot to say- no, we don't have the same dentist! Still 2/3 isn't too bad :lol:
~SARME, Nov 2007. 10mm expansion



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#14 Post by boatsink »

Hey Helen! Glad to hear your extractions went well. I just had my wisdom teeth extracted less than a month ago and just had my spacers placed last week. I have one more week to go before placing my braces on. The first few days my teeth were tender and I experienced some mild discomfort. After the 4th day my teeth adjusted to the spacers and I don't feel discomfort, unless I bite down really hard when eating. You'll make it, it's not that bad.

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#15 Post by HelenUK »

Hi! thanks for your replies.

I got the spacers put on 3 days ago, the procedure to put them in only lasted 2 mins, and she warned me that it would start to hurt later on, and that i might want to take paracetamol. Obviously everyone on here has warned me about the pain and aching too, so i was ready for it.

I have to say though, I have had no pain and no aching, at all. There has been a bit of tenderness when i try to chew, but i just carry on chewing and the tenderness goes away. I'm so pleased, i was dreading this and i havent even noticed the spacers at all. I have to keep checking that theyre in! If this is the worst part of treatment, I'm going to be fine!

I go back on wednesday for the bands.

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