Had upper/lower yesterday - Questions!!!

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Had upper/lower yesterday - Questions!!!

#1 Post by eveningninja »

My surgeon said:

-No blowing of the nose
-No coughing
-No sneezing

While I can manage to avoid nose blowing (as much as that sucks), I am finding it nearly impossible to avoid coughing from time to time. Also, I haven't sneezed yet, but if I have to sneeze it seems like there won't be much I can do to stop it. Any advice with that?

Also, I don't mean to discourage anyone but I had a pretty miserable time last night and this morning, and I'm still not feeling too great. I can barely breathe, not to mention I had a catheter inserted into my urethra which did NOT feel good, hurt at the time and also has hurt every time I've urinated up until now (24 hours later) where it's finally starting to feel a bit better. Maybe it's just my attitude or something, but I really am trying my best and am just feeling like crap right now.

On the upside my surgeon said he was very pleased with the results and says everything turned out the way he expected them to. Good luck to those of you who's dates are coming up, I had both upper and lower done, and had to have my upper jaw sliced in half in order to fit my teeth together properly, so perhaps your guys' operations won't feel as crappy. Anyway... peace out. I'll post some pics up later.

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#2 Post by PJ »

Sorry you're feeling so crappy, but be glad it's over and you're now on the other side. It's great that the surgeon was happy with the result. I wouldn't worry too much about coughing and sneezing, just be careful. I asked my surgeon early on if there was anything I could do to mess up his work--as in coughing or sneezing or yawning--he said no. The nose blowing is probably the only thing you really can't do. Good luck!

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#3 Post by OzzysMom »

Bless your heart and congrats on making it to the other side!
As you probably already know, the first few days are the worst but days 2 and 3 were the worst for me. I could not even get online because it hurt to much for me to hold my head up.

As for the nose, I was told to use a q-tip to clean it. For sneezing, I was told to let it come out through my mouth. For some lucky reason, I didn't even sneeze for many days afterwards.

Hang in there, all will be better soon!
October 8, 2008 Lefort1(6mm impaction), BSSO, Genioplasty, Turbinectomies, Partial septoplasty, gum recontoring



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#4 Post by chicago29 »

Congratulations eveningninja!! I am sorry you are feeling bad but honestly that is to be expected. I wish you well in your recovery, and please know that in a few days you will be feeling much better.

As to your questions, try to avoid your nose altogether. After my SARPE mine was clogged with blood and my surgeon cleaned it out 1 week post-op (gross, I know). After that I was able to wipe, etc, but he suggested 2 weeks before blowing the nose lightly.

As for the sneezing, I am pretty sure I'm quite odd here...but I didn't sneeze until a FULL MONTH after surgery!!! I think that's nuts I went that long, but I did. If you have to though, follow your surgeon's advice and sneeze through your mouth.

Just do things carefully and lightly...You don't have to worry about general bodily functions "messing up" your surgeon's work. They suggest being careful so that you don't dislodge any blood clots or anything or cause any further bleeding.

Good Luck!





Lacrosse Mom
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#5 Post by Lacrosse Mom »

Congratulations!! You did it!! I'm sorry you're not feeling well. The first few days are the worst. I promise it gets better! :-)

I had a Lefort 1 (upper jaw surgery) on July 1st. As far as sneezing and coughing goes, just be careful like the other people mentioned. I was so worried the first time I sneezed but I just concentrated and sneezed through my mouth.

I had an issue with breathing as well. I would talk to your OS. My OS mentioned that I could use saline to help. After the second day, I still couldn't breathe and my OS said I could use Afrin. However, he said to be very careful and only use it when it was necessary and no longer than 1 week. It's worth it to ask. I would say this was the worst part of the surgery. Eventually my nose started to drain (have lotsa tissues ready) and now it's not a problem.

I'm glad to hear that your surgeon is pleased. Just remember to take care of yourself. Here's to a healthy recovery.

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#6 Post by AF104 »

The catheter removal doesn't feel good. That was the most intense moment of pain that I experienced. You can diminish the likelihood of sneezing by taking an OTC antihistamine. Feeling "miserable" is normal for the first week or two.

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#7 Post by AFLeadDog »

My OS gave me the same instructions...strangely enough i idnt sneeze for about a month and a half after surgery!!

Welcome to the otherside...it will get better!!



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#8 Post by pvnguyen1 »

The same strange thing happenned to me. I didn't sneeze untill I was fine to sneeze. I used to sneeze everyday.

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#9 Post by chicago29 »

OK...this proves that there is a "mind over matter" component to sneezing! I honestly thought it was insane that I didn't sneeze for a month. When I told my OS that, he looked at me funny and said "I don't believe you" :-)

So, eveningninja...I guess the thing to do is tell yourself you cannot sneeze, and you won't!!




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#10 Post by Winter2009 »

Are we not supposed to blow nose, cough and sneezing at all. I've been doing all of that ever since surgery. I have a cold so I've been blowing my nose, coughing and sneezing a lot of times. I only had BSSO surgery though. I am scared that I am messing things up now. :(

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#11 Post by Tribal »

You're supposed to avoid blowing your nose so you don't disturb any of the blood clots in it and cause a nose bleed. Where you only had BSSO, you shouldn't have to worry about your nose and you should be fine. If you're surgeon didn't warn you then it's not an issue.

As far as sneezing goes, I've always found that I can avoid it by pinching the top of my nose (up by the tear ducts) when I feel one coming on. Haven't had to try that out since surgery though.

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#12 Post by eveningninja »

Thanks for the responses everyone.

Another question I have is how am I supposed to brush my teeth? I mean I can really carefully brush the outside of my teeth, but how am I supposed to brush the inside of my teeth when my teeth are banded shut? I really don't want cavities.

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#13 Post by Lacrosse Mom »

You asked about brushing your teeth. I used a baby toothbrush. I only brushed the outside of my teeth. I did rinse quite frequently to keep the inside somewhat clean. I was really worried because I had my wisdom teeth taken out at the same time. I was worried about infection. I have had not one problem.

I slowly started to brush my teeth when my OS gave me permission to take off my bands and eat. I very very carefully brushed the inside. I am still working on it. I don't want to push it. Also, I think drinking a lot of water helped as well.

Just hang in there - it gets so much better day by day. My only "weird thing is trying to smile or laugh. It looks like I had an extra dose of botox. My smile is really goofy. Karl Clay said his looked like the joker. I can totally relate!

I am so thankful for this site. I think we can all help reassure each other that what we are experiencing is common.

Take Care :lol:

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#14 Post by AF104 »

Even with tight bands you should be able to open your mouth enough to get a child sized tooth brush behind your teeth. Using a strong fluoride rinse such as PhosFlur will also help prevent cavities. It should be available at most stores but costs about $12.00 per bottle.

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#15 Post by Tribal »

I can't fit a baby toothbrush in there quite yet, but I can get the toungue cleaner and toothbrush attachments from my water pick in there. The toungue-cleaner is especially useful, although it was pretty gross the first time. My surgeon's instructions said that a waterpick could be used after day 3/4 as long as the setting was low and incisions are avoided. Makes things so much more clean and pleasant... and means I can be a little more adventurous with what foods I shove in there and not need to be worried about some bits gettings stuck. 8)

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