On the other side!

This forum is for discussions relating to oral surgery for orthodontics.

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On the other side!

#1 Post by 2bpositive »

Just thought I share some of how my surgery went....
I had my surgery on July 30 at 9:00 am. I had upper & lower jaw surgery plus a sliding genio. I felt like backing out a few times but I did it still can't believe I did it.

Today I had my wires and splint removed this feels wonderful! I was wired shut for 11 days.

Waking up from surgery was a little scary I thought I did it I really did it and is there any complications. The first thing I felt was cold on my face from the ice packs and cold air. I had no complication I was very happy for this. I was in recovery for awhile along with like 6 other people who were waiting for rooms. Was pretty much ignored once I got to my room.

I was home the next day and very, very, happy about it. I really could not drink very much at all that took a few days to do. I did not expect the face pain that I felt. This board was so right about not being about to breath through your nose for me it was the second night that I had a very differcult time breathing through my nose. Very glad I read so much on this board. Those first couple of nights were not fun at all - I know what you mean. I was even scared to fall asleep for the first few nights I would stay away for as long as I could. Lucky my couch has a recliner in it. No way was I even going to try and lay down flat.

I had the zip & squeeze bags but they seem to work out great for rinsing my mouth out. I have this old plastic measuring cup and this was the best to drink out of it worked perfect. I stood with clear liquids for the first few days.

I had no complications but this was a hard thing to do. I just keep thinking I will get through it that every day it gets better and it does. Thought a lot about the people on this board and how some had complications but got through it and were so happy.

Have some brusing on my chin and my face is going down. My doctor said I did great she was very surprise how I was able to feel both my lips right after surgery. My doctor said I had so much anxiety that maybe once it was over I just rolled with it and is why I did so well.

Today after being unwired and the splint gone. Had my husband go by KFC for mashed potatoes and gravy it took a while to eat but so worth it. My husband even suprise me with how well he took care of me he was so on it.

This message board is the BEST! I learned so much and got so much helpful advise.

Lacrosse Mom
Posts: 63
Joined: Mon Mar 09, 2009 7:48 pm

#2 Post by Lacrosse Mom »

EXCELLENT!! Glad to hear everything is going so well! I am also so impressed with this site. I have learned so much. It's nice to know that you are going through the same things. I had a Lefort 1 (upper)

Isn't it nice to eat good food. I am now hooked on ravioli. It's really easy to cut and swallow.

Keep up the positive outlook! :lol:

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