Hating the results

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Hating the results

#1 Post by LydiaPreece »

Has anyone after the surgery hated how they looked, i'm kinda scared that after I have it that i'm gonna hate it.

so I was just wondering if anyone felt like this before their surgery or if anyone does hate what they look like now???

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#2 Post by eveningninja »

You know, at first I was nitpicking about minor things that I thought possibly made me look "worse" than I did pre-op, but now that I take a step back, watch the swelling go down, and look at my face as a whole, I'm happy with the aesthetic side effects. I had surgery about 4 weeks ago. It's natural to be worried, but I'd say a very large majority of people are satisfied with the results. I wasn't so fortunate to have a digital prediction given to me by my surgeon (for some reason he does not do that with any of his patients), but perhaps ask your surgeon if he can do that for you because I know a bunch of people on this board were able to see that pre-op.

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#3 Post by iBorg »

You'll look different after surgery. There will be periods when you'll think, "My....what have I done." Once the swelling goes down you'll start seeing what your final appearance will be. One thing to remember is the process of swelling going down seems to take forever. I'm a bit over three months post surgery and I can still see and feel the swelling.

Am I happy with my appearance, yes I am. Before I looked haggard. Still I have a hard time recognizing myself.

I wore braces (this time) for 1294 days or 3 years, 6 months and 17 days.
But who's counting?
Jaw Surgery June 1, 2009
Thanks for praying for me and thinking happy thoughts.


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#4 Post by PJ »

I'm about 4 1/2 months post op. It seemed like it took forever for my swelling to go down and I was starting to regret the changes in my face, but now, looking back on my before the surgery appearance, and when the swelling was bad, I realize that I am starting to like my looks. I think I still have a little swelling, but if it's all already gone, I will be fine with how I look. Though surgery should make improvements, I think it can be an adjustment period getting used to not looking like "you." But, if you think about it, our appearances change considerably over time in life--I certainly don't look the same now, at 45, as I did at 25. We have lots of time to adapt to those changes, so we don't get as freaked out. ;)

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#5 Post by iBorg »

PJ: Why didn't I saw it as well as you? I think your response is dead on correct.

I wore braces (this time) for 1294 days or 3 years, 6 months and 17 days.
But who's counting?
Jaw Surgery June 1, 2009
Thanks for praying for me and thinking happy thoughts.


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#6 Post by changes09 »

I am pnly 2.5 weeks out of surgery, but everyday the welling goes down and things start to look better. There will be days when you don't like what you see in the mirror, and then there will be days where you love it. Like this morning after my stitches were taken out I smiled the biggest smile I could and it just lookes so weird not to be seeing my underbite. I'm not sure if I like it.....I mean I like it, but I'm just not use to it.

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#7 Post by braced4secondtime »

I am having this fear right now the closer I get to surgery happening (tomorrow) and in the last week or so I've really been fighting the "what if I hate my new look" thoughts. Its hard since we don't know what the outcome will really look like until its done. I wish there was some program to show "approximate results" in computer form before hand know what I mean? I'm having upper jaw surgery done and my jaw will be moved up approx 1 mm and moved forward approx 3-4 mm. There is a small margin of concern my chin will jut outward afterward which I'm assured is fixable at a later date, but that leaves me with a "OH NO!" urgency feeling. I don't want to come out of surgery, deal with all the swelling and aches to hate my new look and have a chin that sticks out noticably. But I'm going to trust my surgeon he's very good. But you are not the only one, I'm curious too how people felt about their results right after surgery. Everything I've seen up to this point has been short of amazing. I hope my results are similiar.

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#8 Post by teylix »

lol i remember waking up and going... nono i wont look in the mirror.

well i did and i was like OH MY GOD OH MY GOOOOD D:

ok not the best pep talk i know. the swelling is pretty ridiculous for a double jaw surgery i must say.

however now i look in the mirror and smile. sounds cliche but i have a tendency to smile everytime i see myself in the bathroom mirror. i thought swelling goes down within 2 weeks like any other time but i was wrong. my swelling was somewhat noticeable up to 3 months after surgery.

at this point in time my swelling is completely gone, 3+ finger ROM (range of movement), and a great smile. it was worth the mental and physical anguish.
BSSO and Le Fort I surgery + nose straightening done on May 4th.
Current status: Waiting for braces to come off next week! (09/20)

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#9 Post by iBorg »

I'm at three months and I still have noticeable swelling.

As for liking the new look..... You will look different and that will take some time for you to get used to. The thing you'll need to realize is that your change in appearance will be much more noticeable to you than your spouse, your children and your parents.

Do I look different, to me yes. Most others can't tell the difference. Remember you're doing this. Is it for function or appearance. Focus on why having the surgery is important.

I wore braces (this time) for 1294 days or 3 years, 6 months and 17 days.
But who's counting?
Jaw Surgery June 1, 2009
Thanks for praying for me and thinking happy thoughts.


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#10 Post by LydiaPreece »

I know I am going to like it even with all the swelling, i've just got to the point now that I hate the way I look now soo much that anything will do

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