Worst night since surgery

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Worst night since surgery

#1 Post by elliew »

Okay...so yesterday was my two week post op, and all of a sudden last
night I had a tremendous amount of pain on the right side of my face.
It was unbelivably painful...like a 8 or 9. Brought me to tears and to my
knees (figuratively) I took some of my pain med, but had to double up because pain would not go away. It felt as if my jaw was dislocated....terrible. I tried ice and finally fell asleep around 3 am.
Woke up with soreness....but nothing like the pain. Question....
WTF????????? Seriously.... I have my first post op with OS tomorrow and
I am so frustrated.....I can see myself freaking out on him!!!!!
I am a very subdued, quiet, polite first grade teacher.......but seriously
I can see myself losing it on him!!!!! He actually told me I wouldn't
have much pain!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARGGH!!!! ok ....sorry....had to vent....
question is.....anyone 2 weeks out have incredible pain at intervals????
Are there questions I should be asking my os, besides the obvious.....Why am I still hurting so damn much!!!!!!

thanks for any input!

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Location: Janesville, WI

#2 Post by Esoteric »

Almost sounds like you have a muscle cramp or something when your jaw went out of it's new position. Besides this episode, would you say that you have not had much pain though?
SARPE survivor 9-3-08
Braced 10-15-08
Evil expander removed 3-21-09
Surgery Survivor Sept 09
Braces off July 13, 10

Posts: 381
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#3 Post by OzzysMom »

It happened to me at 1 month post-op. I cancelled the trip for my high school reunion because of it. Mine happened I believe because I had been pulling on my jaw while I was sleeping. Which was actually a relief because I was afraid of infection.
I've heard similar stories here and it seems to have something to do w/the tm joint adjusting.
Things like this happen and are usually nothing serious.
October 8, 2008 Lefort1(6mm impaction), BSSO, Genioplasty, Turbinectomies, Partial septoplasty, gum recontoring



Posts: 381
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#4 Post by OzzysMom »

forgot to mention......at this point I believe it's better to use moist heat. Ice may just exacerbate the pain.
October 8, 2008 Lefort1(6mm impaction), BSSO, Genioplasty, Turbinectomies, Partial septoplasty, gum recontoring



Posts: 211
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#5 Post by mp921 »

Sorry this happened to you, ellie. It started for me 1 week after surgery and continues off and on now at 8 weeks post-op. My surgeon changed my muscle relaxer yesterday & I'm having to go to physical therapy.

The problem is that the muscles tense and spasm, which pulls on the TM joint. Double whammy!

I hope it feels better soon. Heat helps me more than ice at this stage SPAM SPAM SPAMMING. The people at physical therapy also told me to drink lots of water and continue taking Ibuprofen.
Braced 2nd Time: May 2008
Lower Jaw Advancement Surgery (BSSO): August 2009
One Miniplate & Four Screws Removed: October 2009

Lacrosse Mom
Posts: 63
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#6 Post by Lacrosse Mom »

Hi there,

Yes, this happened to me as well. After I went to my orthodontist I woke up in extreme pain. (felt like someone was stabbing into my right side - near my ear) He had changed my rubberband configuration. My OS mentioned that it might be pulling on my TM joint.

I went to see my OS the next day. He prescribed muscle relaxers and within 2 or 3 days. Things were much better!

Be sure and discuss this with your OS.

Hope it gets better soon.

Posts: 48
Joined: Wed Dec 17, 2008 8:41 am

#7 Post by elliew »

Hey Everybody.....thanks for all the replies! You are all great!
So I saw my OS for my first post op visit yesterday.
He told me that he did more "work" on my right side....had to move it
up some???? He extended both sides 1 1/2 cm....3 screws on each side.
He was not really that concerened with the "spasm" I explained (he isn't the one having them :( ) He said it was probably my TMJ joint and that it was
quite broken down due to having such a bad bite for so long! He said to take
motrin in the am and pm. He thinks I might have an infection on the right side.....gave me another round of antibiotics. He was thrilled with the
results....said midlines (?) were perfect.....He didn't seem overly concerned about anything. He refilled my pain meds and said it was "okay" to still be needing them. Then he okayed me getting my top hooks off. YEAH!!!!
Went straight over to od...they took me right in and an hour later....they were off. OD is thrilled with the results.."roots look perfect" OK so this am woke up in some kick ass pain...probably from everybody poking around in there..... This stuff is exhausting! I am so ready for this to be over!!!!!!!! Got to keep my eye on the prize. OK.....off to see the wizard.......ok...to do some laundry!

hope everyone is well/


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