Pre Molar Teeth Extractions
Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 12:09 pm
Hello everybody!! I am brand new to this site. I am 23 years young and my name is Miranda. I have been wanting braces for years, but was always scared to approach an orthodontist. I finally grew some balls and went a couple months ago. He took my moldings and told me I need 4 teeth extracted before I get my braces on. Today is exactly a week since I had my extractions and my mouth feels great besides the speech impediment...LOL! I was deathly afraid of the procedure, but the surgeon and his assistant made the surgery pleasant. I sat down in the chair and the assistant put the nitrous oxide on my nose and started to feel a little loopy..LOL! Then the surgeon put numbing gel on my gums and a few minutes later he numbed me with novacain needles until I was fully numb. He then came back about 10mins later and he pulled all 4 of my pre-molars out. It took about 5 seconds for each tooth to come out!! I heard cracking in my bottom right pre molar, so I recommend an I-Pod!! I had no discomfort and no pain afterwards!! After the teeth pulling was over with they packed my mouth with gauze and sent me on my way. I kept drooling blood everywhere because I was so numb and couldn't control my saliva..LOL! I took my NSAID and Vicatin prescription's to Walgreen's to get filled with a bunch of gauze in my mouth and toilet paper covered in bloody saliva over my mouth (I didn't want anyone to see that gross stuff)!! I had to change my gauze every 20 mins that first day and the 2nd day I had very minimal bleeding. Then the next couple days I would wake up with dry drool blood on my cheek...LOL! I don't have any minimal bleeding anymore, just holes and blood clots. No dry socket, thank goodness! I drank water the entire week and ate soups and really soft foods. At first I had to rinse my mouth out every couple hours with salt water to keep my mouth sterile. I still do now, but only after I eat because I get food in my little holes and I don't want those to get infected. You can't smoke(which I don't) or drink out of a straw for a week. I'm still trying to adjust kissing my boyfriend properly, it's still a little hard missing 4 teeth...LOL! Also I can't brush my teeth using perioxide or whitening enhancers in the toothpaste(they "over clean" so it slows the process of healing the wounds) so I went out and bought a dollar Aquafresh bottle. Now I am just anxious to get my braces on Wednesday the 21st of October!!! YAY!