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Second Jaw Surgery?

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 10:05 am
by shooter75
Ok, so let me first start by saying, I'm new here, but I've been lurking for awhile getting advice from past posts.

I had jaw surgery in August, Lefort 1 I think it was called? not 100%. I had an open bite, lip incompetence, long face, etc due to mouth breathing (i believe). Now the problem I had is, during the surgery the wires that held the bones together, broke. So basically, my upper jaw was all the way below into my lower lip.

My doctor used headgear basically to get it to pull back up, but the whole thing was miserable. It really was.

Now my problem is, my upper jaw didn't go up enough. I wont smile now because my gums show real bad, and I still have lip incompetence. My doctor tells me it's fine, but it's not.. He's sort of been an ass through the whole thing, and I'm basically done going there until I get my braces off.

I really want to get another jaw surgery. The pain, time off, whatever. Doesnt matter. But what do I do? I can't possibly have it done by the same surgeon, he already thinks my mom is crazy. And it was an awful experience. It's going to be really hard for me to tell my orthodontist to that I want to have another surgery. These people will think I'm just crazy. It would be best to just get my braces off, and then start from scratch, but I dont want to then have to pay for another set of braces!

Should I consult a different surgeon, and just not tell my other surgeon? My orthodontist will need to know too.. This is just a complete mess for me. I seriously can not go through the rest of my life living like this, it's sesame. I had this first surgery done and to no avail, it's actually made me look worse. To me, gummy smiles are just not attractive. I really would hate to spend all this money to look worse.

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 11:32 am
by Noam
I don't understand, does your surgeon admit that his fu#$ed up in surgery ?, you can simply sue him and with the money go to another surgeon. I believe that he'll make another operation for free (if you still want him).

Why will people think you're crazy ?, did he make a mistake in surgery that left your face in a non-ideal situation, or not ?

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 3:09 pm
by Jane
It sounds like your surgey definitely did not go according to plan. My advice is to establish from the original team if the outcome you have was what was intended. Put everything in writing to the surgeon - ask what were the planned movements and if these were achieved. Ask for your pre surgery x.rays and post surgery x.rays and all of your notes. Then you need to get a second opinion - go armed with all of the information you have as whoever you see will need this in order to make an informed decision/opinion. Once you get this, and if it turns out that this was not what should have happened, then you can ask to have the surgery repeated - the original team should pay for it to be re-done - and importantly that doesn't mean the original team will have to do it.

I wish you all the best, as I know this is a very distressing time for you. Keep positive as it is possible to get a satisfactory outcome if you are persistent - just make sure you put everything in writing, and DO NOT allow yourself to be fobbed off - the original team may want to get rid of you quickly, but make them realise you are not going anywhere until you are happy that you have been given all of the information you are entitled to
God bless xx

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 3:27 pm
by HokieTay
Sorry to hear your surgery did not turn out the way it should have. It sounds like it went very wrong. You have VERY RIGHT to want to demand a second surgery. If your doctor isn't willing to admit fault though, I'd go somewhere else. Maybe you can get some of the fees/money back from your original surgeon though since he didn't do what you expected him to do.

DON'T get your braces off! You def. do not want to pay for another round of braces. I know you don't want to have to go to another surgeon, but as you said, so much money has already been spent and you should do whatever it takes to correct it.

I had my surgery to correct a gummy smile (among many other things) and understand that you would be unhappy that you now have a gummy smile. Talk to your ortho. Maybe he/she can recommend a new surgeon...

Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2009 9:29 pm
by shooter75
Sorry for not responding (no internet). It's really distressing to me, yea. But if it means another surgery to get it perfect, I have no problem with that. MY surgery was awful, but I could handle it again for great results. The first one was just so terrible because of the head gear and stuff, it sucked. I mean I just don't know how to approach my ortho, my parents, my family, my other surgeon, etc etc that I want another surgery. Everyone will think I'm just an idiot. That's my only problem really.. It's just terrible.

Anyways, thanks for the posts, I'll keep posted.

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 11:31 am
by acrobat
hey shooter

I totally understand how you feel.
I had a relapse a few months ago. My surgeon admits it but says it's all not that bad...but it is, my profile changed terribly in a few months, almost back to the way it was and i can't even recognise my bite anymore.

First i tried to accept it, but it has been months now and more and more i realize i could go through it all again if it would really fix it!!
The pain, the time off, the money...yep!

But it's soooo difficult to talk about that to family, friends and doctors!

I'm lucky to have a very supportive mom and together we decided i will go back to the surgeon and explain this is not ok for me and i want something to be done.
I just hope there are still alternatives...

Do you think you even could have a new surgery? i feel like surgeons are not eager to operate a second time...

Good luck and lots of courage!

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 1:46 pm
by shooter75
Yea, that's pretty much the same boat I'm in. My doctor was very good and he did great with fixing my open bite, but my gums DO show more now then they did. He sort of downplayed it, saying it wasnt bad at all and this and that. But it is.. Even worse is my mom trying to tell me it's not that bad. You cant take others opinions like that, you're the one that knows yourself best, you know.

I could have the surgery again if I had to, but I don't think it'd be with the same surgeon. He doesn't want to do another one, even though he's said he would. But I can just tell he doesn't want to.

At this point, my best scenario would be just to have this surgery again next summer from another guy. I REALLY want to have it then. This is something that really affects me, and gets me depressed.

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 3:58 pm
by chicago29

I typically am not one to tell somebody to investigate legal avenues when it comes to medical issues, but I've read your story probably a dozen times here. I have a very hard time understanding what went wrong. This doesn't sound like relapse or anything like that, but instead it sounds like some "wires broke" DURING the surgery which have caused quite a situation.

If that is the case, I highly encourage you to speak with a medical malpractice attorney. Using wires to hold the jaw in place during the surgery is not something I am familiar with, but it very well may be standard practice. The important thing is that something broke, and in my opinion this warrants investigation to see if malpractice was at play.

I'm not telling you this to "get a bunch of money", but perhaps to get a settlement that will pay for your 2nd surgery.

Anyway, I thought I'd bring it up. I wish you the absolute best and hang in there. I am sure you are disappointed but I'm sure if you find the right surgeon they can fix what bothers you. A "gummy smile" is something that is traditionally very easy to fix, although it is unfortunate you have to have a 2nd surgery to fix it.


Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 4:45 pm
by shooter75
I guess they use small wires (metal, although so small that they would not cause harm during an mri) to hold the upper jaw together with the nasal bone? or whatever that bone is it's connected to). During my first night, the mid night nurses would not let me drink water or anything, even though my doctor said he wrote them for clear liquid. so I stayed up the whole night coughing my brains out and such, was a mess. Could not breathe at all. Apparently, during that time those wires broke. That next morning, my upper jaw was completely into my lower lip. Like if i were to smile, it's literally show maybe a centimeter of teeth. So from then on, with no assistance from anything holding the upper jaw up, I had to wear headgear to keep it in place while the bones grew back together. You can just imagine how rough this would be, having to wear headgear 24/7. It was awful.

I really dont want to cause a fussor any legal sesame, I dont care about the money, I'm a 19 year old kid that doesn't like to cause problems, I just want it right. I mean, that's all Im asking for is this sesame to be right!!! it just upsets me... This stuff seriously gets me in a depressed mood all the time, and it doesn't matter to me anymore what else is happening around me, if this could just be right, Id have a much better life.

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 4:53 pm
by cvn
He sounds ridiculously incompetent. I sent you a pm.

Stay strong

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 5:00 pm
by mjj929
I'm really sorry to hear about your bite issues. Stay strong and be persistent!!

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 12:52 pm
by ORTHO12
All I can suggest at this stage is not to tell your surgeon or any surgeon that you are depressed or you can forget a second operation as no surgeon will operate on a depressed patient even though you are within your right to be. Remember to just state that you are dissatisfied with the results and do not feel the surgical plan has been followed and would like a second opinion. Then take yourself and your notes to another surgeon whether it be private or NHS if u r in the UK and it starts from there. It takes a long time and I know during the waiting time it is not easy and believe me I know EXACTLY how you feel and am not just saying that but once you get things going you will start to see light at the end of the tunnel even though you have to wait six months so February is coming soon...I too am waiting for February I too am still going through the second opinion stage but I do not wish to share my story on here as of yet because I want to put a happy ending on it which has not come yet. If you need any help PM me and I will help as much as I can.

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 4:03 pm
by Cali Girl

I am in a similiar situation and understand your situation. I too had double jaw surgery in Febrary of this year. Initially it was just going to be a BSSO (lower jaw) and the week prior to the surgery they told me they wanted to do both jaws. The reason for the top jaw surgery was because I had a "gummy" smile.

After the surgery, I noticed that my jaws/teeth were at a slant, also known as a kant. They were not slanted before the surgery. The slanting of my jaws are not really obvious, but I KNOW it's there and it bothers me very much. It's off about 3 to 4 mm which makes one side of my face longer than the other. It's funny but the left side of my face looks better than the right.

I feel the same way you do that people are going to think I'm crazy but it BOTHERS ME very much and the reason they did the top jaw was to correct my "gummy" smile and now the right side of my jaw is more gummy than the left side.

Initially when I brought it up to the surgeon, he said the only way to correct it would be double jaw surgery again and that it didn't look obvious to him and he wouldn't recommend doing a second surgery for that.

I was scheduled to get my braces off the 3rd of December. It bothered me so much I ended up talking with the surgeons (the main surgeon was not in that day) and told them I was not satisfied with the outcome and although the thought of a second surgery is not appealing at this point, I would like to talk about my options and would like some time to think about it. The surgeons then talked to my ortho and they will hold off on the braces until my options are discussed and I can make a decision.

My husband is VERY upset that I would even consider a second surgery. I don't even want to bring it up to my dad because he was extremely upset with me with the double jaw surgery!

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 7:31 pm
by HokieTay
Cali Girl,
When you say your teeth/jaw slant does it affect your bite? Like I know you said your smile is more gummy on one side, but do your teeth not touch on one side too?

I'm just wondering b/c I had my surgery in June and my bite is perfect; I am very happy with the results, but my left jaw line is more "defined" compared to the right jaw line. However, as time has gone on the right side has started to come out more too. I feel like it might be because of residual swelling on the right side and that side has been slower to heal too.

Anyhow, maybe it is a case where you are being more critical of yourself. I think we all notice things more than others.

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 7:21 am
by Cali Girl
Hokie Tay,

No, it's not swelling. I'm almost 10 months post-op. The XRAY's show that I have a cant (slanted/uneven jaws) and it was not like that before the surgery. Yes, I do tend to be critical but going through the surgery I was thinking they would even everything out, not make things MORE uneven!

Cali Girl