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February 2010 Buddies

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 7:51 pm
by Davide
Hi folks!
I'm starting a thread for the people who are having orthognatic surgery in February.
On February 3rd I'm having bimaxillary surgery:
1-piece Lefort 1 to bring my upper jaw 3mm forward and 3mm down with bone grafts.
BSSO to bring my lower jaw 7mm forward.
I have a deep overbite/overject with moderate sleep apnea.
Hopefully my February buddies will join in this thread.


Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 9:33 pm
by queenofoverbite
I'm looking for fall 2010 buddies, myself.

So vague, I dont even have a specific month :(

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 2:04 pm
by Audra
I just today got my surgery date - which is February 22. I have an appointment with the surgeon on January 19th to go through the pre-op stuff and to get fitted for the splint.

I have been waiting for this day for 18 months now and am so excited!!!!!

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 6:58 pm
by bb
I finally got a date- Feb 24th.
My pre-op is not until Feb 11 so I don't know if I'm getting my upper or lower jaw done.
I'm praying for an earlier appt (cancellation appt) as I'm supposed to go on vacation in'll be cutting it close I know!

It feels good to have a date though- the beginning of the end.

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 7:14 pm
by Audra
Welcome to the February club!

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 5:05 pm
by Audra
Well, I'm no longer in the February club. My date was re-scheduled for April 16 as I will require double jaw surgery, rather than just the upper jaw. He had told me at my first consult (in August 2008) that anything over 4 mm would require both. I didn't have much discrepancy at that point because I had only been in braces for 1 month. As the underbite got worse I told the ortho what the surgeon said, but apparently no one was listening because they didn't convey the large jaw discrepancy to the surgeon for the scheduling process. The surgeon told me that he will need the full day, rather than half day and he also wants a "better" assistant operating with him for my case.

I could have chosen March 4, but I have a busy job with tight deadlines and that date would have piled a bunch of work on other people who already have a heavy load themselves. April 16 works better for me as far as deadlines go, although it means a longer wait now :(

Oh well. All in good time, I guess.

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 11:28 am
by bb
poor you Audra :(
Is the 4mm the gap between the top and bottom teeth or does that take into account the extra movement needed to achieve a slight overbite?

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 11:42 am
by Audra
Thanks ;)

The gap is the actual discrepancy between the top front teeth and the bottom front teeth, while "relaxed" - i.e. he moves your bottom jaw around while asking you to relax to find your "true bite".

My discrepancy is 8mm - the the orthodontist should have known.

Anyway, it'll work out OK as the surgery will be on a Friday so my hubby will be able to spend most of the day there will me the following day and I'll have 17 days off work rather than just 14.

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 3:21 pm
by Zonergem
Do I qualify? I'm having some follow-up on 3 Feb, just been bumped up from 24 Feb. I went through Upper and Lower last March and got debraced in July but the balance of my face hasn't really worked out too well, so I'm having a 7mm chin advancement through a sliding genio, some malar onlays, plates and screws removed and a small facelift to help put things back where they should be.

Sounds vain but I was one swollen patient last spring (surgeon said my bones were "like concrete" and I was about the most swollen patient he'd done... and he's the NHS guy for North London who does 100+ bimax surgeries per year). That swelling has left traces and I feel like I have a band of puffiness through my mid-face, made worse by the smaller chin following lower setback.

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 6:57 pm
by bb
Zonergem - good luck with your surgery. Lucky you for getting it bumped ahead!!
surgeon said my bones were "like concrete
...a wee bit hard-headed are you? :wink:

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 7:26 pm
by Davide
Today I had my pre-op examination and my surgeon said that I'm ready to go.
So I'm really having my surgery on February 3rd, almost 3 full months ahead of the initial expected date.
Surprisingly enough, I'm not scared at all, just excited to have it done and get over with. I just hope everything goes well and there are no complications. With my whole family living overseas, I'm handling this monster surgery all by myself without any help at all. On the up side, my company is allowing me a 6-week medical leave, so I don't have to worry about my job for a while.
I'm getting medical clearance on Wednesday, my teeth cleaned on Friday, and surgical hooks next Monday. Wednesday the 3rd is chopping day.
Wish me luck.


Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 8:21 pm
by bb
Good luck!
Are you sure you'll be ok by yourself? Do you have a friend who'll give you a hand if needed.
6 weeks off is excellent!

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 6:54 pm
by Davide
Thanks bb.
I hope I'll be ok by myself. I don't have the luxury of somebody staying with me while reovering, but I have a couple of friends I feel like I can ask to run to the grocery store for me.

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 4:18 pm
by Davide
The world came crushing on me this morning.
I got faryngitis this past weekend, and today my OS canceled my surgery just one day before it was supposed to take place. It was rescheduled for March 10, five weeks from tomorrow.
I am so bummed out! I've been waiting for so long for this surgery, and when my ticker counter was at -1, it got canceled. I feel like one of those obstacle runners who falls at the last hurdle.
I was so ready for the surgery, and I had to get the damned faryngitis at the last minute. My OS obviously doesn't want to operate on me while my body is already fighting an infection. Also, I'm already heavily congested, and the lefort 1 will make it impossible to breathe, since it affects the sinus area.
My friends keep telling me that there is a reason why this is happening, but honestly I don't see what this reason might be.
I'm so depressed! I feel like crying!

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 4:26 pm
by Audra
Oh no! That's terrible. I feel really bad for you.

I know how you feel about waiting a long time. I've been braced for 19 months and have been surgery ready since July, but our waitlists are crazy long here where I live. I was SO disappointed when I got a date for Feb 22 and then it got changed to April 16 - almost 2 months later.

But I also believe things happen for a reason. So I guess it's meant to be April and not 3 week from now :(

I know you were probably all psyched to do this. I can't imagine being cancelled a day beforehand. But you are still close and it's going to happen.

Hang in there!