Post SARPE surgery

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Post SARPE surgery

#1 Post by brannongirl88 »

Ok, so I had SARPE done on March 19th @ the age of 21. I do not have upper braces, only the lowers...which I had in advance for about a year..then they proceeded with SARPE. Overall the surgery itself was alright. Waking up was hell though, im sure no one likes waking up from anesthesia! LOL I had a bloody nose for about 2 days....I had a minor black eye, which even the nurses thought was weird? Has Anyone gotten a black eye? I had a circular bruise on each cheek, that showed up about a week later?? The most painfullest thing I went through with SARPE is having chipmunk syndrome haha...I never left the house for about a week..and when I finally did, it was weird. My orthodontist told me to turn 2 times each day. I did however start turning the next day after surgery. It was like I woke up the next morning & my gap was there! it was insane...but hmm I have lost feeling in my upper portion of my mouth..mainly the gums...will i ever get this feeling back? i heard in about 6mo's or so....where I live, my orthodontist flies out to a small town in I rarely get to see him...and I had my surgery in a bigger city than where im from.. so I couldnt get to ask much questions... I am meeting with my orthodontist next monday. Im crossing my fingers! I hope he takes this RPE out, and throws on my upper braces. Im anxious to get this gap closed!!!! :) Does anyone have any solutions for hiding this gap for the time being? LIke a mouth guard or something? IM sure someone is creative enough out there to have thought of something.

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#2 Post by qwertz1 »

I haven't had any surgery yet myself but I've seen photos of black eyes after surgery and this seems to be no problem (she has asked her surgeon about it).

and feeling will return in the upper jaw. it is somewhat likely that it won't when the lower jaw is moved, but I've never heard from persisting numbness in the upper jaw.

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#3 Post by sauerkraut »

Hi brannongirl -- always glad to welcome a new Sarpie!

Check out the mega SARPE thread here:


It answers every question you might have about this surgery and then some.

Briefly, though: yes the bruising, bloody nose, chipmunk look and gap are all normal. Yes, numbness is normal and feeling should come back after around 6 months but could take longer. No, sorry, your ortho is very unlikely to rip the RPE out just yet. It usually has to stay in for around 6 months after you've finished expanding so everything can re-stabilise.

One trick for disguising the gap a bit is to stick dental wax across it. Fix the wax to the back of the front tooth either side. I've also read of someone whose dentist made them a kind of "flipper" (temporary false tooth). But most don't bother.

Hope that helps a bit, and do stay around to let us know how you get on :)
SARPE: Sept 2007
Braced: May 2008
BSSO: Nov 2010
Debraced: March 2011

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#4 Post by cheyeaitsxchelsea »

This is totally off topic but youre a Brannon? Im a Brannon too! :]]]

Braced- March 30th 2010.

Estimated time- 18-21 months with cooperation from impacted canine.

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#5 Post by brannongirl88 »

cheyeaitsxchelsea wrote:This is totally off topic but youre a Brannon? Im a Brannon too! :]]]

awe really? haha...awesome..well my last name is brannon...yours? :)

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Thanks Sauerkraut

#6 Post by brannongirl88 »

Thanks for the you've actually had the whole SARPE & Braces Im guessing? you've already told me that I likely will not be getting my RPE taken out on monday *which is my next appt with my orthodontist* when do you think I am able to get my upper braces?
When did you get your upper braces after your SARPE?

Im a little confused...again my orthodontist lives all the way out in arizona/new mexico...and im from its hard to ask him questions if you might have an idea that would be very helpful :) I dont wanna be bummed out on monday if I THINK ill be getting them but dont lol

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#7 Post by sauerkraut »

You're welcome :)

I didn't get my braces (top and bottom) until after the expander was taken out -- in my case some 8 months after the surgery. I think that's quite a bit longer than most people, though. Have a look on the big SARPE thread for other people's experiences. Often, after the RPE is taken out, you get a TPA instead. It's a lot less bulky than the RPE (a bit like an opened out paper clip fixed to your teeth) and you can have that in at the same time as the braces.

My guess would be that your Monday appointment will just be for your ortho to have a look to see how things are going and whether you've expanded enough, but not much else. But you never know, you might be pleasantly surprised!

As for me, yep, SARPE's all behind me now, but I'm still in braces, getting my teeth lined up for another operation -- to move my lower jaw forward.
SARPE: Sept 2007
Braced: May 2008
BSSO: Nov 2010
Debraced: March 2011

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#8 Post by sauerkraut »

P.S. Just to clarify: you can have the RPE and braces at the same time as well. Plenty of people do. That just wasn't my experience.

(Oh, for an edit function!)
SARPE: Sept 2007
Braced: May 2008
BSSO: Nov 2010
Debraced: March 2011

Posts: 5
Joined: Sun Apr 18, 2010 9:36 pm

#9 Post by brannongirl88 »

K, thanks for all the information! really helpful. Now I sorta know what to expect ;) Yeah I guess I just might be pleasantly surprised...for every orthodontist I notice..does things differently.. Sauerkraut! I loveeee sauerkraut ;) Im half eskimo & Half german ....what a combination ha? lol.....Im new to this like are you a male or female? All you guys have been so helpful, glad i found this place...ill definately keep updates and stuff....can you put pictures on this website or like before and afters??? Just wondering...

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#10 Post by CoastieAsh »

Hello! :)

I just had SARPE surgery on 6APR. My orthodontist says that my RPE will stay in for three months. I don't have braces on the top or bottem at the moment. I get braces on the bottem in two months and then probably by July or August on the Top.

My second appointment after the surgery with my orthodontist (which was this past Monday) was just to stabilize the RPE because I am expanded as much as he wants me to be, so no more turning.

Hope this helps! GOOD LUCK!

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#11 Post by brannongirl88 »

Okay, So When I met with my orthodontist on April 26th, He said Everything looked good! && I was Expanded at a good length *28 turns* He discussed with me that on our next visit *May 24th* He Would Bond the Upper Brackets (YAY!!!) and Possibly Take out My RPE. (CROSS YOUR FINGERS, YAY!!!) haha... I seriously want this RPE's pretty annoying, spitting is a hastle...and so is VERY ready to get this gap closed! altho ill miss it in a way ! haha..kinda weird but whatever. Thats the update!!!!

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