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Lower Jaw/Chin Surgery. Is the numbness risk worth it?

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 2:16 pm
by matty63
Hi there :D

Im planning on getting surgery to move my lower jaw (chin) forward and was told of the numbness risks, and slight possibility of permanent numbness.

So i was wondering of those who've had some form of lower jaw/chin surgery if the numbness is worth it? Does your profile and confidence trump the numbness?

Thanks in advance :)

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 3:04 am
by descantus
Hi Matty63,

I've always felt that jaw surgery is a bit of a pact with the devil - you don't know how much you're going to have to pay until the deal is done! Some people have very little numbness, some have lots, some people get all their feeling back, some loose patches for good, so it's a matter of preparing for the worst but hoping for the best!

It's also a question only you can answer for yourself; would you be willing to live with a numb chin/lip/gums etc to achieve the result you want? From my own perspective I have completely numb upper gums and palete, and a spot on my chin. However my result is already so pleasing that if this numbness were to stay I would consider it a worthwhile tradeoff.

On top of that, getting though surgery is physically and mentally gruelling so you also have to have very strong motivations to get you through. Make sure you're not going into this half heartedly or with unresolved doubts otherwise it will be hellish for you.

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 5:30 am
by ReneG


I can now bite properly. I still have residual numbness between the left chin area and screws but the weird feeling is actually entertaining :P My tongue now has sufficient space. I can feel the screws/plates if I feel around for it. My profile DEFINITELY improved.

My surgeon felt that I didn't need the chin moved and I agree. I don't look much different face on, but oh I FEEL better :)

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 4:16 pm
by bb
My numbness hasn't gone away yet- and I know that it may not ever go away.
I would still go through with the operation because firstly, finally fixing my underbite makes a big difference in how I view myself and secondly, having a numb chin and lower lip is not the worse thing in the world when you look at the big picture.

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 8:16 pm
by revolutionary
I had double jaw surgery for an underbite, and I actually only experienced numbness in my lower jaw for the initial few days, until the swelling started to subside. I had normal feeling in my lower jaw and lips nearly immediately.

It's actually my UPPER cheek and nose area where the numbness still lingers a TINY bit -I'm 2.5 months post-op and pretty much 97% back to normal - but that's probably because that's where my titanium plates and screws (bionic people, represent!) are located.

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 3:49 am
by matty63
Thanks for all your replies! I'm going to go ahead with the surgery but knowing others have suffered/suffering from numbness and are still pleased with the results is putting my mind at ease just that little bit more.

It's gotten to the point where my profile appearance is constantly on my mind and with all the replies given i believe the trade off would be worth it. Suppose with everything it just takes time to get used to it and eventually it'll just become 'normal'.

I've had (unrelated) operations in the past and the pain is still very fresh in my mind, so im expecting the worst. Only thing that helps a little is reminding myself its only going to be real painful for a couple days/weeks.

Thanks again! :D

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 11:48 pm
by pvnguyen1
I had lower jaw only about a year ago. It's still a little bit numb, but I think it will go away. Even if it doesn't go away, I'm still happy with the result.