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SAPRE survivors - can you bite with your front teeth yet?

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2010 10:06 pm
by avy
I still have alot of sensitivity 1 year on. I can definitely bite alot better than I used to post op but its no where near back to normal. Has anyone who had SARPE a while ago been able to bite using their front teeth without any (or only a tiny bit) of sensitivity? I know it might take years but I'm just curious how others have recovered.

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 3:20 am
by Hyrule
I cannot tell at 1 year since i'm only at 2 months post op. My front teeth are still sensible when i eat and brush them but i cannot bite into an apple yet. Though I can eat thru a hamburger without pulling too much.

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 12:59 pm
by crazybeautiful
It's difficult to say, because the braces themselves often make it feel hard to bite with your front teeth. I don't really think my front teeth felt right at all until recently, and that is 5 months after my second surgery, after having SARME in 2007!

Are you having trouble with biting into soft things too, or just harder- or thicke/denser, things?

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 3:01 pm
by avy
crazybeautiful wrote:Are you having trouble with biting into soft things too, or just harder- or thicke/denser, things?
Its only harder things like tough bread or something like that - I think its more the ripping of food than the biting of it if that makes sense. The braces do make it harder to bite into things as well and because they are still on they are probably keeping them sensitive because they are still manipulating my teeth.

Re: SAPRE survivors - can you bite with your front teeth yet

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 8:27 am
by zeira
avy wrote:I still have alot of sensitivity 1 year on. I can definitely bite alot better than I used to post op but its no where near back to normal. Has anyone who had SARPE a while ago been able to bite using their front teeth without any (or only a tiny bit) of sensitivity? I know it might take years but I'm just curious how others have recovered.
I've had SARPE a year ago, I think you were about 1-2 months ahead of me with the scheduling last year :). My top front teeth feel quite normal now, I don't have any sensitivity. I don't bite into hard things, because I'm afraid some brackets would come off. But I can bite into a burger for example. The only area that feels a bit numb is the gum around my premolars, not quite sure why.

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 6:12 pm
by chicago29
Ah, the thought of biting with your front teeth!

I'm almost 18 months post SARPE and wouldn't even think of tearing into anything except a soft sandwich or a hamburger. And even then, I usually don't even do that.

It doesn't "hurt", but it just doesn't feel right. To be honest, I don't ever expect I'll be able to bite like I used to. My orthodontist says once the braces are off for a year and things are fully stabilized that I'll be able to bite again, but I just don't believe him :-)

I'm not happy that others are experiencing this, but at least I know it just isn't me...

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 7:37 pm
by zeira
I lied, my front teeth feel loose right now. I guess it will be impossible to figure out what normal feels like until the braces come off and things settle in. That won't be for a while at least. But I definitely have numbness in my gums around the premolars. The only way I can tell is if I touch the gum, and compare it to how it feels on the bottom. It feels strange but I never notice it otherwise.

Here's hoping many apples and pizza crusts in the future!

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 5:28 am
by sauerkraut
Don't worry, folks, I'm sure you'll get there!

My SARPE was in 2007; I still have brackets, and my top front teeth feel back to normal. No sensitivity or anything.

Now if only I could say the same for my bottom teeth...

front teeth and dip in between front teeth on the gums

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 5:50 pm
by rizomona
It has been 3 months and I feel sensitivity, but something else is I have a little dip in between my 2 front teeth, is this where bone is goning to grow and fill out eventually. When I touch along my gums it feels weird. Does normal feeling ever come back to the gums?