On the other side - is this normal?? Help!

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On the other side - is this normal?? Help!

#1 Post by bracesat30 »

For those of us who have gone on to the other side of surgery.......can you give me your experiences as to how long you were totally wired/banded shut with or without a splint?

Here's my situation - I am 2 weeks post op. I have absolutely no jaw movement at all; it's completely immobile - splint in there with elastic bands and the splint is wired in to my braces. I went for my first appointment today with the OS post surgery. (Wish it was earlier - torture to wait!) He didn't take anything out, and wants everything to remain as it is until 2 weeks from now - 4 weeks post op. At that time, he'll likely take out the splint and I'll be able to move to elastics only, with jaw movement. Before I went in, I was really anticipating even being able to fully brush my teeth, but nope, absolutely nothing was taken out!

Was anyone else kept this rigid and fixated for this length of time? Any insight here is appreciated!! And how horrible is it going to be after 4 weeks having to move my jaws for the first time?!
I'm also feeling the splint start to dig into my lower gums a bit, and it's driving me crazy!!

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#2 Post by Chefflaco88 »

Sorry to hear the surgeon is keeping you banded that tight for that long. I am 1 week post-op. I never had a splint after the surgery, only rubber bands. I have been able to open my mouth far enough to get the syringe in to eat.I had my post-op appointment today. I only have 2 rubber bands now, 1 on each side and I need to change them 3 times a day so I can brush my teeth. I guess it all depends on the surgeon. Hang in there. I know it must be tough not moving your jaws at all.

Upper & Lower Jaw Advancement Surgery & Genioglossus Advancement June 28, 2010

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#3 Post by link357 »

I don't know if it's normal, but your definitely not alone. I'm 2 1/2 weeks post op, I still have the splint and am completely immobile too. I've had a few appointments with the surgeon already. He's unwiring and putting me in bands next week at the 3 1/2 week mark. I was really hoping it would be shorter too.

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#4 Post by SuperJet »

Just remember, it only gets better from here on out.
Braces since May of 07
Lower Jaw advancement Surgery Oct 1!!



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#5 Post by bracesat30 »

It's true, I have to keep reminding myself of that!! It's hard to stay focused with the constant strain and tension of all my facial muscles aching and pulling; wanting to fight the splint and bands! But hopefully this next week and a half will go by very quickly.

In hindsight, I wish I had prepared myself more, mentally, for this surgery. I wasn't really thinking about the levels of pain and how healing takes several weeks and months to truly feel "normal" or as close to normal once again; actually better than normal with post-surgery functions. I'm still amazed that I can breathe 100% of the time through my nose for the first time in my life! It's those postive changes that I need to stay focused on.

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