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extreme muscle spasms

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 9:48 pm
by pricklypear

I today is my 2 day post op and i'm having extreme muscle spasms that's causing pain and discomfort (I can't sleep!). It just goes on and on non stop! Twitching to intense that it hurts more than my bones to right now! Can anyone help please!

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 10:20 pm
by ColoradoGirl
Try some heat, and relax as much as you can (hard when you're having muscle spasms, I know). Lots of deep breaths, seriously. If they gave you anything to relax, like Ativan or Xanax, take a little (not so much to totally whack yourself out). They gave me muscle relaxers after I started having spasms/migraines; can you call your OS in the morning?

Good luck.

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 12:05 am
by pricklypear
I'll try heat packs for now. Thanks

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 7:10 am
by candycin
I had them really bad too after surgery...i used ice and then heat ....
it will pass in time ..take meds and try to sleep when you can i found when i didnt rest as much they were worse

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 9:13 pm
by pricklypear
I was told by the nurse to take Advil liquid but my mouth doesn't open wide enough. Should I dissolve in water or something before taking it?

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 10:21 pm
by jennaaa
I had them too for a few days after surgery, so don't be worried. I was given panadol forte (sp?), which helped tremendously. However, I would definitely recommend a lot of rest. Maybe read a book to get your mind off it, or drink some water. In a weird sort of way, drinking helped relieve it.
If it gets any worse, call up your specialist and ask them what they'd personally recommend. I found that they reassured me the most.
Good Luck.

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 4:49 am
by candycin
Are you taking any meds? I was only given meds in pill form...this proved to be harder to do but i was able to do it....i would have to stand in front of a mirror and put the pill to my teeth,,,,open as much as i could (wasnt barely wide enough) and pop the pill in that took a while but i could do it!!!use a mirror so you can see how far to open...

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 9:28 pm
by pricklypear
candycin wrote:Are you taking any meds? I was only given meds in pill form...this proved to be harder to do but i was able to do it....i would have to stand in front of a mirror and put the pill to my teeth,,,,open as much as i could (wasnt barely wide enough) and pop the pill in that took a while but i could do it!!!use a mirror so you can see how far to open...
Yes I started taking children's advil and feel much teeth wont open even a couple of's just that now when the muscles spasm they completely shut tight my lips which forces me to breathe with my nose which is a labour and a half since they're all congested and i'm not allowed to blow my nose yet! ahh well...hopefully things will get better next week and on. thanks!