feeling down

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feeling down

#1 Post by myp »

I just found this site a couple of nights ago...

I'm now 5-6 weeks post op and feeling really down. I know the post-op blues are quite normal, but most people seem to be somewhat happy with their new bites and have most of their swelling gone by this time.

I had double jaw surgery for an underbite. Pre-braces, my teeth were pretty straight and closed on top of each other. Then braces made my underbite a little more pronounced. By the time I had my surgery, they determined the top would move forward 3mm, and bottom back 3mm. This sounded like a lot to me and in fact right now, I think I have what appears to have an overbite (there's a small gap between my top and bottom teeth when I bite down)! My surgeon says this will be corrected with orthodontics, which will start next week.

I'm feeling down because my nose has changed, the shape of my face has changed, and probably 30-40% of the swelling is still there. I am trying to be patient, but I really thought my face and bite would look better by now.

Just posting to see if any of you have been through the same feelings or have any words of encouragement for me. Thanks...

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Re: feeling down

#2 Post by schwin »

I'm 4 weeks post op with underbite surgery. Had some post-op blues, but that's easily changed with the way of thinking. I also have a 20% overbite and that should be fixed by orthodontics. I just got the stomach flu yesterday from eating something bad or just too many burritos. I love food and that has been the hardest part in this surgery is to not able to eat my asian dishes, burgers, burritos, etc. It will be alright, just keep your head up and time will do its job.

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Re: feeling down

#3 Post by myp »

Thanks, Schwin -- you must have had your surgery a week after I had mine. I know I am probably my own worst critic when I look in the mirror... hopefully in time I'll become more comfortable with the new look. Sigh. :(

I miss my asian food, steak, chips, and burgers too. Surgeon said I could start chewing a little so I tried eating McNuggets and a McD's Hamburger last night. It was not a pretty sight, nor was it pain-less, but it was delicious! Hope you get over the stomach flu soon!

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Re: feeling down

#4 Post by badbite »

I am only 2 weeks post-op, after having underbite surgery. I lots of swelling, but I can see will take me a long time to get used to me new face. I am worried about my bite too. I think most people would be since we all have never had a good bite to begin with. I worry my jaw was moved too far forward, then I worry that it was moved enough, I worry about my nose, I worry that some of the numbness won't go away, I worry that I won't like the way I look, I worry the ortho will say he can't "fix this."

I have already been eating mashed potatoes and cut up pasta (with my surgeon's blessing), but not a lot of it. I mostly have slimfast and veggie juice. I am starving! I want a big slice of greasy pizza so bad!

You aren't alone. My bite has several traumatic mallclusions (sp?). I can't wait to go to the ortho so I can get this all figured out. Next year at this time, we will all be so happy and braceless!!! :)


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Re: feeling down

#5 Post by myp »

Badbite, thanks for your reply, too. It's so helpful to know I'm not alone!! I guess it's easy to wonder and assume the worst sometimes. I am just anxious for the swelling to go down and my bite to be perfected. I see my ortho for the first time post-op on Monday and cannot wait to hear what he'll say.

Thanks again. It helps more than you know. Now I'm craving pizza!

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Re: feeling down

#6 Post by schwin »

I'm going in tomorrow for 4.5 weeks postop....praying he will let me eat hahah i'm craving a steak n shake burger fml

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Re: feeling down

#7 Post by myp »

update: feeling and looking better today. ate salmon and mashed potatoes from the cheesecake factory. of course had some cheesecake, too. :) maybe things are not as bad as i thought... but i'm sure I'll continue to be up and down for some time.

schwin, i hope you got some good news today!!

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Re: feeling down

#8 Post by Mart »

I wish i was this far into my treatment but i wish you all the best regardless!

hope it isn't too long until you can eat solids, man i can't imagine what it's like!


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