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NO SURGERY for me :(.

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 11:42 am
by IWantNewSmile
So I went in today to talk to my orthodontic because he said he was going to talk with the oral surgeon to discuss my excess maxilla issue. He said that the oral surgeon doesn't think it would be a good idea for me to get the surgery because it would be too "evasive". He also said that I would look like a completely different person and they just don't think is a good idea.

Instead they will take out 3 molars and my wisdom teeth. I will get braces to straighten my teeth and then they will somehow do a procedure that will cut out the amount of gum that shows when I smile. Then they will do a reconstruction of my gums.

Now I guess since they are the doctors that they should know what's good or bad for me. But I really hate how my profile is horrible because my upper jaw STICKS OUT a lot. My upper gum is huge and I have a receding chin and is hard to keep my mouth close.

I guess I am a little disappointed but I also thought my surgery would be a lot of work because upper jaw is really messed up.

My whole life has revolved around my huge gum, being teased because of is the one thing that makes me feel ashamed of myself.

Re: NO SURGERY for me :(.

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 12:22 pm
by sarz
Honestly, don't be upset - it sounds like you will be having a lot of work done without this jaw surgery.
I am sure that you will feel better once your treatment is in full swing and you can feel and see a difference in your appearance. I was bullied for years too - but lets face it, it makes us better people as we do not judge others on their own appearances.
Best Wishes and I hope that you feel a little more positive soon. :rose:

Re: NO SURGERY for me :(.

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 12:49 pm
by Laundraholic
Have you gotten a second (or third opinion)?

Not to say you should be shopping around until you find someone who is willing to do surgery. The oral surgeon and orthodontist may very well be on the right track as to what corrections are required.
But sometimes getting that second opinion will at least ease your mind about the route that you are taking and what can and cannot work for you.

Re: NO SURGERY for me :(.

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 1:48 pm
by Marisama
I went to 6 surgeons who told me that surgery wasn't a good idea, then I did some research and found more experienced doctors and they both told that I needed surgery. They more experienced surgeons both told me the exact same thing. I would get a few more opionons before I went ahead with a different treatement plan if I were you.

Re: NO SURGERY for me :(.

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 6:52 pm
by chicago29

Please go get a couple of opinions before you move forward with the extraction approach...extractions are irreversible and sometimes they are not the right approach and can make things worse (on the flip side sometimes they are the right approach). It sounds like that treatment plan you have could be classified as "camouflage orthodontics", and I don't buy that this approach will correct a very evident gummy smile/excess maxilla. FYI, I believe they call this "gum re-contouring" or something like that.

I wouldn't go out there trying to find somebody to do surgery - Trust me you'll find one if you keep trying. You can always find a doctor to do anything if you try hard enough. But in your case, it sounds like you have several issues that surgery might be able to help. You owe it to yourself to get 2 to 3 opinions and then make a decision you feel is best.

Keep a positive attitude and be patient...


Re: NO SURGERY for me :(.

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 10:08 am
by sarz
You don't say where you are from Iwantnewsmile.
Yes I would also recommend shopping around for quotes and options available to you when it comes to your treatment.
Don't be too hasty on the extractions either, especially if they are healthy teeth. A second opinion is always a good thing. Research is also good but do it before your treatment starts :rose:

Re: NO SURGERY for me :(.

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 4:39 pm
by IWantNewSmile
Hi guys thank you so much for commenting.

The sad thing about all of this is that I can't even afford it so I was hoping that my insurance would pay for it. I really do not like how my orthodontic is just rushing through everything. I am going to post my pictures of my profile and my excess maxilla so that you guys can see that is pretty bad.

I will be going to a consultation on March 22 with the oral surgeon and in there I will just tell them that I am going to look for other opinions. I do want straighter teeth, I had braces before when I was younger but that orthodontic that I had(which is not the same person that I am talking to now) did the process all over the place. My teeth placement was HORRIBLE and in two years they removed my braces yet I still had teeth that were crooked and that were not in a good place.

I honestly thought that I should had braces for like 3 to 4 years.

Here are the pics so that you guys can be the judge of horrible my profile and my upper jaws looks. I also have a receding chin.

@chicago29 yes that is the name gum re-countering. I will agree with you the "camouflage" orthodontics that's exactly how I is that going to fix the major issues here? I have no idea as to how they are going to manage to do all of that. I remember when I first told my dentist about my gummy smile she called the other dentist in that department they were all male. My female dentist said that there is something they could do that required no surgery but then one of the ones who came in said that I would need jaw surgery because the other procedure my dentist recommended...would not help. She called all of them to get their opinion and the orthodontic that is "treating" me now was also in the room and I believe he agreed. So I don't understand as to why they are saying this now, I really don't feel comfortable with him.





See how I have two lines around my mouth area that shows how my gum sticks out.

See how it sticks out in my profile. No one's upper jaw is suppose to stick out like that, it is suppose to be flat. Notice my receding chin.


From a different angle my atrocious maxilla excess


Re: NO SURGERY for me :(.

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 1:09 pm
by bracedfaced
Get a couple more opinions... I too have a gummy smile and you look to me like a surgical case. I am no doctor though so what do I know. Shop around so you can make an informed decision. It sounds like your oral surgeon doesn't care for orthognathic surgery in general...

Re: NO SURGERY for me :(.

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 10:19 pm
by trossi
IWantNewSmile wrote:So I went in today to talk to my orthodontic because he said he was going to talk with the oral surgeon to discuss my excess maxilla issue. He said that the oral surgeon doesn't think it would be a good idea for me to get the surgery because it would be too "evasive". He also said that I would look like a completely different person and they just don't think is a good idea.
Please get some other surgeons opinions before you pull out healthy teeth. I had 4 teeth removed instead of choosing a surgical route about 9 years ago, and this actually has made it worse for me. I now have to have braces again and jaw surgery. Unfortunately those healthy teeth are gone now.

Re: NO SURGERY for me :(.

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 11:30 pm
by iBorg
Couple of comments from someone on the other side. Get the second or third or fourth opinion. Before you start treatment find an ortho you're comfortable with. You don't seem to be happy with this treatment plan. Ask about TMJ issues as well as long term stability. Pulling teeth sometimes is the right thing to do but at other times it can cause all sorts of problems. As for insurance, orthodontics is rarely covered for an adult. If it is, consult your dental policy. Orthognathic would be covered under your medical. I would find a ortho you like. If they believe you're a surgical candidate ask their office to review your policy to see if they think they can help you be covered. If your current policy doesn't cover it, postpone treatment until you can get a new one that does. It is a very expensive surgery. Finally, don't settle. You have a long life ahead of you to regret settling for a result you don't desire.

Class of June 2009

Re: NO SURGERY for me :(.

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 9:17 pm
by IWantNewSmile
Thank you guys for the suggestion. I will definitely get opinions from other doctors.

Re: NO SURGERY for me :(.

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 1:12 pm
by Bullfighter
trossi wrote:Please get some other surgeons opinions before you pull out healthy teeth. I had 4 teeth removed instead of choosing a surgical route about 9 years ago, and this actually has made it worse for me. I now have to have braces again and jaw surgery. Unfortunately those healthy teeth are gone now.
I agree.

You can re-do orthodontia any time, but tooth extraction is forever.

Looks to me (I'm not a doctor...) that you should have surgery on your maxilla. Unfortunately that is cosmetic so, while I don't know what country you're in, in the US you wouldn't get health insurance to cover it because it's cosmetic.

Good luck.

Re: NO SURGERY for me :(.

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 10:06 am
by IWantNewSmile
Bullfighter thank you for replying.

I am in the USA and I found out that sadly my insurance will not cover this and that the money will come out of my pocket. For me it is too expensive in the USA, so I have already started doing research to get this procedure done in the Dominican Republic. I went to another forum and people gave me a few recommendation.

I was not too happy with this ortho's plan and I agree with all of you, so I just decided to do my own thing.

Now, I will just have to figure out also if I am getting my braces done in the Dominican Republic or if I should get them done in the USA.

Re: NO SURGERY for me :(.

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 11:36 am
by DRG
Now, I will just have to figure out also if I am getting my braces done in the Dominican Republic or if I should get them done in the USA.
Wait, really? Braces in the DR? Do you plan to spend a year or more down there? Flying in for Ortho appointments every five weeks? How would that work?


Re: NO SURGERY for me :(.

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 12:01 pm
by IWantNewSmile
:lol: Of course not I am not going to travel every 5 weeks lol. I was just thinking the price would be more affordable but then I know that I need to go to the ortho every month.

I am just so overwhelm with the cost of the surgery and the braces., :|