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1 week post op and beyond - what was your experience?

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 5:33 am
by annafaith

I'm 8 days post op, and feeling a bit less motivated today :? . My swelling has gone down loads, but obviously I have a lot left still, and it doesn't feel good to look in the mirror yet... I also have my second surgery to refix my failed genio coming up in the next week. I was wandering what other people's experiences were at this point after surgery? I feel like now the major swelling and tiredness have gone, it's a slow waiting game to start seeing results. Am I being impatient? Does everyone have down days with how they look post-op? It would be good to hear other peoples experiences of the immediate weeks following surgery.

Re: 1 week post op and beyond - what was your experience?

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 9:29 am
by danoobsminion
I have posted my experience in the July buddies thread, but I'll post a little more detail here.

Today is day 10 for me post-surgery. I still wake up a little swollen and a little sore, but for the most part it isn't too bad. I am eating soft foods and graduating from my liquid diet. I feel totally comfortable going out in public, and my results are quite apparent. Hell, I probably feel better about how I look 10 days post-op than I did pre-surgery. I still have a lisp when I talk with my retainers, mostly due to the fact I can't open my mouth very wide. I feel like my swelling is at a point where only I would notice. When I go out in public no one is going to look at me and think that I had surgery of any type. I always feel that you are your own hardest judge. The days go by slow, but the end result is worth it :).

Re: 1 week post op and beyond - what was your experience?

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 9:47 am
by Bullfighter
Eight days is far too early to start judging results. I would say give it 3 months or so after your "re-surgery" on your chin.

Step 1 is getting your bones healed...

Re: 1 week post op and beyond - what was your experience?

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 7:21 pm
by gettingbraces44
Are you guys talking about the SARPE surgery?