Novemeber surgery buddies

This forum is for discussions relating to oral surgery for orthodontics.

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Novemeber surgery buddies

#1 Post by Cersha »

Sarpe surgery scheduled for nov 22. No thanksgiving for me! I'm currently in spacers until the rpe is placed a week before surgery.

Anyone else getting sawed up in November?

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Re: Novemeber surgery buddies

#2 Post by Minerva »

Thanks for posting. I'm not having surgery in November, but I'll be looking

forward to reading how everyone is doing.

Good luck to you November people :rawk:

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Re: Novemeber surgery buddies

#3 Post by Cersha »

Had my molar bands fitted today. New spacers put back in. Supposed to get my expander on the 16th. I'm kinda upset that the expander is going in a week before surgery, but they said that was the best they could do. Also, my ortho is apparently ordering some type of clear retainer thing for my bottom teeth to wear after my sarpe. I have no idea what the plans are for that. Top and bottom brackets go on six weeks after surgery.

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Re: Novemeber surgery buddies

#4 Post by wutheringheights82 »

Hi! I am scheduled to have my surgery on November 15 at the University Hospital in San Antonio, I'm so glad that my health insurance will pay for it. I will be getting double jaw surgery. I am kinda scared coz I'm not from this country, just came here to work and I don't have anyone to go with me to the surgery (though I prefer it that way as I don't want to other people worry and wait for me specially they are not family). I can have someone to discharge me from the hospital though. Well good luck to all of us and God speed.

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Re: Novemeber surgery buddies

#5 Post by coffeecupcakes »

I did plan to join the november buddies earlier but I was super busy. I just had my surgery on the 2nd of November ( so it's been 3 days now post... recovery...)

About myself:
20 year old, hong kong.

My surgery was:
To fix an open bite by rotating my upper jaw and pushing back my lower jaw (as I wouldve had a new underbite).... It was quite a big open/under bite. 7mm widest point - only my back two teeth were touching/chewing anything.

So far:
I can feel my lower chin! Almost immediately. I was so relieved, cause I heard lower jaw surgery was most risky for losing sensation in the lower lip/chin and I was scared of having to keep checking if I was drooling for the rest of my life. argh!
On the other hand my right hand side cheek, right upper lip and nostril/nose are almost totally numb but I BELIEVE the patch is starting to go down/tingle a bit...

Other stuff:
I'm going to be wired shut for 6 weeks minimum.
He did give me two options... the first one was a more 'complicated' lower jaw cut, which would use screws/plats and allow me to use elastics immediately so I can eat 'soft foods'. The other was a 'simpler' cut and had less chance of nerve damage, but I would have to put up with wires for 6 weeks.

So I picked wires. Very glad i DID THOUgh.

Chinese soups (thank god I love them)
Diluted apple juice
Anti biotics (disgusting)
Mouth wash (difficult)

Worried about my cheek flesh growing on my wires as I've heard from other stories, so trying to 'brush' as soon as possible to keep them seperated or what not.

Okay ramble over. Hope this was the 'right place' to put it.

HOpe everyone elses novembers surgeries goes just as well as mine has (its only uncomfortable, can't say I'm unhappy)

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Re: Novemeber surgery buddies

#6 Post by Cersha »

Had my pretesting with the hospital today. Expander is placed tomorrow. Surgery next Tuesday.

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Re: Novemeber surgery buddies

#7 Post by Cersha »

Expander in. Along with buttons on the lingual furthest back molar on the bottom, and a button on the furthest back molar on the top. The tooth on the top is very flared out, and he wants to keep it in check while I'm expanding.

Oh, and I hate this expander. Drooling like crazy, can't swallow my spit well. Ortho said three to four monts after we stop expanding I can have it out. So, looks like late April, early May.

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Re: Novemeber surgery buddies

#8 Post by Timewaster97 »

cersha.. I also have an expander in... Its been 2 weeks, I havent started turning it yet.. My ortho said I might have it for 9 months even though I will only be turning it for about 2-3months..
Its hard at first but after 2 weeks, I can barely feel it

Plus I am having grafting done on my bottom two incisors on friday the 18th of November! Wish me luck =)

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Re: Novemeber surgery buddies

#9 Post by Cersha »

Glad to hear it will become less cumbersome. It's ok now, as long as I'm not eating or speaking. Sheesh.

Good luck with your graft!

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Re: Novemeber surgery buddies

#10 Post by Cersha »

Surgery was this morning. Have most of my feeling back, except some of my teeth and on cheek and lip.
No nasal congestion so far, very happy about that.

OS expanded my 2mm in surgery. I have another 4-5 more to go, but only turning once a day, so it will take a few weeks.

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Re: Novemeber surgery buddies

#11 Post by Minerva »

Congratulations, Cersha :thumbsup:

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