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bone graft, implants and diet coke

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2011 3:59 am
by authur
I registered on this forum to ask a very specific question. As I would feel like a complete idiot asking it in real life. I have ectodermal dysplasia, as such I will be needing about five dental implants. Two on top, three on bottom, with bone graft on the lower jaw. I am a huge fan of drinking diet coke, everyday, about 6 Liters. I have looked up information on the web, and it has stated after surgery for implants, and bone graft, one is to stick to a liquid diet. Now I know the carbonation would be bad for things, but what is the consensus on flat diet coke. letting the bottle go flat, and drinking it at room temperature. I mean surgery and things are going to be hard enough, but I do not want to give up the only vice that I have.

P.S I am amazed that there is a forum for people who are going through complicated dental procedures, at lest there are people who I can relate to now.


Re: bone graft, implants and diet coke

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2011 6:10 am
by crooked rory
Thats a bit nuts, 6 liters of diet coke. The right way to go is diet Pepsi :tingrin: I drink 4 to 6 liters a day, sometimes substituting in diet Sunkist. I drank somewhat flat diet Pepsi within hours of my wisdom teeth being removed with no problems from it. I also drank it almost immedietly after getting two other teeth pulled, also with no problems. I drank it in the car while being driven home from the oral surgeon. You would have to ask your dentist, but I would not expect any problems. Do not feel like an idiot asking a doctor something. You have to figure, no matter what you ask, someone has probably asked something "wierder".

Re: bone graft, implants and diet coke

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2011 6:33 am
by authur
thanks for the reply, that kind of puts my mind at ease. I may ask the question to the Dr who will be doing the implants and bone graft, have a appointment in about a week. You are probably right with people asking something "wierder".

Re: bone graft, implants and diet coke

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2011 11:21 am
by suzanna
That's funny. I've had a bone graft for a my implant and implant was placed 2 months ago and I'm drinking a diet coke right now. Drinking flat diet coke might be best for the first few days after your surgery and implant procedures, but I would definitely rinse with water and then the medicated mouth wash right afterwards. Good luck with all your procedures!

Re: bone graft, implants and diet coke

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2011 9:03 pm
by belistic10
yep i would ask the surgeon :) cant hurt to ask!

Re: bone graft, implants and diet coke

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2011 10:10 pm
by Rodney008
Good question. I had a Lefort 1, BSSO and Genio in November 2010. I went about 3 days with no caffeine and couldn't take the headaches. I had to have my regular 2-3 diet cokes a day. No problem for me with it.

Re: bone graft, implants and diet coke

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:55 am
by freakyteeth
we are totally alike! I HATED diet coke and did not drink any for a month after my surgery. It tasted bad. Cannot believe it, but it is true. After a month I was back to one a day and then after two months, my twoish cans a day.

Re: bone graft, implants and diet coke

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 3:09 pm
by secondtimemetalmouth
Glad to hear my surgery won't stop my diet coke addiction -- even though I am a bigger fan of the taste of diet pepsi these days, I am so used to asking for and buying diet coke that I am still loyal to the less tasty product!

Re: bone graft, implants and diet coke

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 8:05 pm
by ArchWired28
crooked rory wrote:Thats a bit nuts, 6 liters of diet coke. The right way to go is diet Pepsi :tingrin: I drink 4 to 6 liters a day, .
4 to 6 LITERS a DAY??? A single day? :shock: That's roughly 1 to 1.2 galons of diet soda a day! Wow,. I drink on average 2 cans a day (1 liter or close) and I thought it was too much but Gosh, 6 liters! WoW :lol: All I can say is Wow. Perhaps I am not that bad :-*