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Three months after surgery and still swollen

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 12:05 pm
by surusuru
Hi everyone. I'm writing this topic cause I'm a bit worried about what my subjetc said, I'm three months after my SARPE surgery and I still fell a bit of swelling below my upper lip. Not only swelling, but a bit of numbness is what I feel and I don't think it's very normal, cause I saw that everyone seems to be perfect three months post-op.

Any oppinions please?

Thanks :) and have a nice 2012.-

Re: Three months after surgery and still swollen

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 1:01 pm
by Cersha
I'm about five weeks since sarpe, and I HOPE I'm still a little swollen. My cheeks and upper lip look puffy to me. I he it isn't just the way my face looks now.

Edited to add, I also had a small amount of numbness on my lip, in the corner. It's gotten progressively better since surgery. Has yours changed at all since surgery?

Re: Three months after surgery and still swollen

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 11:23 am
by surusuru
Thx for your response. My worst days were the first two weeks. I've been really swollen, in particular my cheeks. Then, there were progressive achievements but now, three months after surgery, I still feel some numbness under my nose, where the SARPE cuts was done (and where is the surgery scar). It's not very noticeable and if you look at me you probably don't realize of the swelling, but I can do it. May be is normal to have a little amount of swelling and numbness after thre months, but I don't know. I guess anyone can give another experience to clear up. thanks.